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Posts posted by musty

  1. thanks Musty,

    Where abouts is the middle harbour breakwall?

    Inner harbour breakwall is near the coal loader, outter harbour is at the boat ramp and port control tower/new maritime headquarters.

    In a southerly its INNER harbour breakwall you want to fish, on the ocean side. Find some nice comfortable rocks from 2/3 down towards the point, be carefull of holes and gaps between the rocks and concrete blocks, watch out you dont snag up on the lobster trap floats/ropes and get stuck into whatever fish is there on the day!. Tailor is a good option before sunrise. Just please be careful and take your rubbish away with you.

    Good luck!


  2. Hey Mate, how far south are you going? further than Kiama?

    Cheers, Stan

    Coalcliff, Hill 60, Port Kembla kind of south?

    Mate inner harbour breakwall is good on the ocean side in a southerly as the wind hits it from behind so the water on the ocean side will be calm and if you get a little lower down you will be out of the wind too, good spot for salmon, frigates, bonito and kings but they tend to be closer to the point. Hill 60 will be blowing straight inyo your face. Coalcliff i cant help you with unfortunatley.

    Goodluck and stay safe on those rocks!


  3. Dam this link is dead.. anyone remember what it said ?? good or bad :unsure:

    Yeah mate all that it said was the same stuff still available on signs local to the river. Basically "do not eat fish out of the Georges River upstream of of Rabaul Rd boat ramp. Do not eat fish or crusteceans form Chipping Norton Lake or its tributaires, or Salt pan creek and its tribuatires including little salt pan creek."

    That about somes it up.

    The link is probably dead since that information is out dated. The river is in a much better state these days however storm water run off is still a problem after heavy rain so be careful. If in doubt, have an extra beer. Having said that Ive eaten fish from the entire system including the places it reccomends not to and i tell ya, its still healthier than some fast food chains! :074:


  4. Any lure/jew fishos wanna team up and target some jewies particularly on the Georges?

    Losing my PB beside the boat was the last straw!!!

    If you have your own gear and enjoy donging big jews over the head as much as I do let me know!


  5. this question is extremely specific to the place you fish. every spot fires at different times. sometimes even spots 50m away fire at opposing tides.

    Spot on mate.

    Also, certain species respond better at different stages of the tide. I often fish for jew as the tides running in then change over to flicking for bream as it runs out. Other waterways though could be opposite who knows


  6. Hi all,

    I love how so many have contributed to this, its cool.

    A few things have come to light on the subject for myself and good fishing buddies and I was wondering if any of you had something to add to these:

    1. I catch jewies semi-regularly form the boat in my usual waterways, doing more or less the same thing I have done for a while now. Fish with squid just caught, maybe a yakka, tailor or mullet just for variety; Always around moorings, drop offs, reefs in sheltered deepish water (between 6m and 22m depending on the area, but usually the deepest part of the the immediate area.

    Now this is all fine and it works..for school jew. I am still rather keen for BIG jew, but haven't cracked the meter yet.

    I have heard some interesting theories on fishing shallow areas of tidal creeks and sandflats etc in expectation of big jew, but I have been reluctant to give it much of a go.

    Anyone have any experience with getting Big jew on any particular method or type of location?

    2. I have just about completely thrown the tide change theory out the window, having caught many more jew on sunset/sunrise, usually hours away from any tide change.

    On the beach it seems the general action heats up on the rising tide about half way up and then dies off completely about an hour to half hour before the tide change where we fish, and quite consistently too. Mind you only a smattering of jew have ever graced our presence on the beach, so its hard to say if they also fit the category. Most captures are salmon, sharks, flatties, tailor and occasional suicidal bream who eat live poddies on 10/0 hooks! It does happen.

    What do you guys reckon?


    Dave long time no see mate! I'll have a chat to Brett and tee up a session for the three of us- we'll see if we can dong a few bigguns on the head this winter!



  7. Hi there

    I know its a few years book now , but do you have anymore info on the Redfin ( English Perch ) ? I have caught loads of small Bass and was wondering if you could use them as live bait for the Perch ? If not is there any other small bait fish in Manly dam i could use for them ? Thanks.

    I dont see the sense in using a great native sportfish as live baits to catch an introduced pest. That wouldnt even be legal would it, surley not.

    its got me baffled :wacko:


  8. I remember you telling me about that Salmon.... I caught a little Tailor near the Liverpool weir yesterday, couldn't believe my eyes.


    Its very common. Ive got a little creek behind my place which normally has mullet and carp and at the moment its infested with black fish and bream, huge schools and big sizes too. I think the salinity levels are high we havnt had a decent dump of rain for a while.


  9. For you guys that read my post "sick of losing bearing buddies" I have a result for you.


    I was lucky enough to save my bearing budy cover with holes in it, the bearing budy is gone and this time because of the cap having some grease in it I have a great mess to clean up from my wheel & tyre :ranting2:

    I am now convinced that I am losing then due to wear in the center of the hub from repeatedly removing & replacing both bearing buddies and bearing cone and have now tried a slight burr on the bearing budy.


    I would say so mate.

    Why are u removing and reinstalling the bearing buddies so often though for it all to be so worn?

    I reckon mine would get removed once a year at most. The whole point of having bearing buddies is to avoid frequent changes of bearings due to corrosion from the saltwater. Why not try cleaning the area thoroughly then drying it, and installing them with a bead of silicone. Its still removable albeit with a lot more elbow grease.


  10. Its funny u say that..

    When i was with me ex gf she would rarely fish. When she did she would do very well and i'd be having an off day.. Its bizzare! for all the times i came home with stacks loads of quality fish i struggled to produce that in her presence and she would do ok! LOL

    Ironically my most enjoyable sessions were with her albeit not so productive on the fishing front.

    Its great to see more women getting into it well done, and men sharing it with their partner thats awesome.

    BTW IMO bonito are one of the most under rated tablefish they go alright!


  11. hey guys, i want a site to check the barometer for near lake macquarie. i had a site that jewgaffer told me about on my old computer but its gone.

    Was it the sutherland shire weather station with live info and updates?


  12. Thats alarming.. :o

    Go back and have a watch of the video where Bloopin caught the 90cm jew on the Georges, I was with him that morning and seen the red marks on it. Initially i thought it was from the keeper net being towed behind the yak, he thought it was attacked by a larger fish but upon closer inspection no scales were missing.

    I wonder if this fish came from the hacking or is the problem more widespread?

    That was the 1st and last fish i saw from the Geroges with the problem.


  13. Im moving down to Canberra for 7 weeks to do a job. Will be visiting Sydney once a week but will have plenty of free time while down there. Does anybody live or fish in and around Canberra?

    I wouldnt mind catching up for a few fishing sessions and maybe a beer afterwoods if anybody is interested. I will have all my own gear and lures and can bring my yak if its preffered.


  14. "Sound" has very unusual behaviors. I remember freaking out the 1st time i was anchored up night fishing at port kembla breakwall as the tug boats worked to push a cargo ship into port approximatley 100m away. The rattlings and banging vibration on the bottom of my aluminium hull had me concerned- i was checking the tinny for cracks, leaks, and generally freaking out, only for it to cut out once the tugs got further away and cut their engines. Sound and vibrations really do behave very differently depending on their environment.

    Interesting post mate


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