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Posts posted by musty

  1. Hey all I've decided to try down the coast has anyone had any luck at bass pt or hill 60 thinking of try tomorrow morning herd there nothing there ATM is this true cheers

    I'll be taking the yak off Hill 60 and the islands tomorrow so will let you know then.

    There's always a chance at bonito, tailor and kings early in the morning around all the south coast rocks mate I would have a crack if your not doing much else.


  2. Hey guys

    I have been out a few times, but having Great difficulties with bait, No problem catching yakkas but they Are huge, like I can't imagine a kingfish eating it, any tips in catching smaller yakkas ? Don't want to use squid, too delicious to give to kings hehe

    A big kingfish can swallow a bonito, dont you worry about a kingy not being able to eat one of those yakkas if the kingies are feeding they will have a crack! I used to think like you too but never under estimate the capabilities of animals. If you want kings u may have to somteimes eat a salami sanga instead as more often than not kings will prefer the squid over yakkas, even tiny yakkas.


  3. Rid yourself of it and chuck a stainless on.

    Huey marine is an Evi dealer so can probably help.

    I tried straitening a prop years ago and broke it. Put the stainless on and haven't looked back.

    Some metal workers will have a crack, but props need to be as balanced as a tailshaft on a car, if not you will get shudders, bearing wear and blown seals.

    Talk to a marine tech first, but you might/probably have problems if you get a bodge repair done.

    And with a stainless prop, if you ever hit a rock again instead of damaging your prop u will damage your gearbox. Stainless prop is like getting a stainless steel sacrificial anode IMO, the piece of metal in the direct firing line is no longer the weakest point.


  4. Raiders,

    The marketing works. Sort of. I think I’ve been subconsciously affected by the catch-cries, by-lines and sales pitches of the manufacturers and distributors in the industry. I’m sure I’m not alone.

    “Catch More Fish” says Pure Fishing to me. I gently nod and find myself muttering the phrase under my breath. Then sometimes I wonder what it would take to “Fish Like a Champion”, I’m still only partially convinced that using Starlo & Bushy’s creations is the answer. Maybe I just need a thick moustache. But the one that really got me thinking was Z-Man when he implies that it is “The Science & Art of Fishing” that brings results.

    The “Art” can wait. I think it’s like most things, it takes time and skill and an innate comfort and efficiency in specific movement. I don’t think it’s taught or learnt?

    The “Science” I’m ready for. One day I’ll “Catch More Fish”, like a “Champion”.

    So I need a diary. And I need a bit of help. I’ve started collecting all the variables when I go out fishing but I’m not sure how it’s best organised? How do you more experienced fishos/anglers/artists lay it down. It’d be easy if I always fished the same spot for the same species, but I don’t, and I doubt you do either.

    Any recommendations on layout? Most important variables to consider? Other? In order to start seeing patterns and one day catch as many fish as a champion might.



    The way you lay it out is this..

    You go fishing, and u go fishing, and u go fishing and u go fishing and after years of going fishing u will be experienced enough in a particular species, a variety of species or a particular area or type of water way or any combination of them.

    Its that simple.

    Along the way you will notice times, tides, techniques, etc, usually not all at once, but in time u will (without even trying) piece it all together and be fishing like a "champion" whatever that is.

    So forget the books, forget the arm chair angling, get out and have a go! Its not if but WHEN u improve.

    Go get 'em digger! :074:

    Musty :thumbup:

  5. Hey raiders,

    just a quick question. Is it safe to eat a fish caught in upper middle harbour around Roseville? Mainly for Bream, Flathead, Jewfish and mullet.

    Alot of people wouldnt know this but under the harbour bridge, in that exact line north to south there are stop signs under the water, These were put in place so the fish would see them, stop and turn back, thereby fish with high dioxins stay west and the clean stuff stays east. So we are told to restrict what we eat from the west.

    Arnt we lucky to have intelligent people in government looking after us...

    EAT THE FISH MATE, EAST AND WEST! u will be fine, still healthier than fast food chains.

    What WILL make you sick however is driving down parramatta road or any of the sydney roads for that matter with your windows down, especially on a day with little or no wind and during peak hour!



  6. I need to stop buying lures! Haha, it is getting to the point where I am buying them cause I want to buy them/collect them and not for catching fish (well that is the excuse anyway).

    And I have just gotten into poppers and surface lures, which is not good.

    Any tips from the raiders on how to stop?

    Everyone buy lures! They are awesome, buy as many as you can all sizes and types.

    I love going onto classifieds sections and buying huge batches of near new lures for next to nothing from you poor sods! LoL, the last batch of bream, bass, trout lures i bought for $200 would have retailed for well over $650.

    So buy up boys and girls!

    Should be some bargains on the forums in the next 12-24 months :yahoo:


  7. Salt Water immersion of that depth = instant write off.

    Shame it was not Diesel as he may have had a chance of driving it out?

    No doubt the car will be auctioned of as a write off, transported to a state that does not have a computer connection to the state it was declared a write of, dolled up and sold to some poor unsuspecting fella.

    That thing will be sorted out in Greenacre or Bankstown and then sold off to some unsuspecting buyer. it wont need to go interstate rest assured! :074:


  8. Went down to clifton with a mate and his two kayak (viking Kayak) beautiful day... didn't realised how expensive the parking was at clifton....

    Anywazzz got everything ready and went down the water (first time going on a kayak).

    Went out and omg.... didnlt realise how strong the water was and in no time we were like 400m out near the middle of the harbour...... had to paddle all the way back in

    omg my arms and my back are killing me so badly and on top of that thunder.... and started to drop buckets of water on us and on top of that my friend fell of his kayak.

    Took us like 2 hours to get back in........ when i got back near the wharf i end up falling off my kayak as well..... lost my rod and my tackle box.... worth few hundred dollars.

    And the best thing we caught nothing fishing for like 30mins? paddled for like 4 hours total.... LOL wanna go crazy..... got told off by the naval base dude because we were

    fishing to close to their wharf....

    Never will i get a kayak..... or go on one again.... arms are killing me so badly....

    HA HA HA that is weak mate! WEAK!!!! :lol:

    C 'mon dude your 31 yrs old- in your prime! You can do better than that. We paddle 15km some sessions!

    Sorry to hear about losing your gear though that sux :thumbdown:

    Thanks for the post I was about to wack up a post about yakkers launching at Clifton, the parking is expensive but if u wanna get into the Kings it needs to be done!


  9. Skillion -

    VERY slippery. Cleats only.

    Low ledge that's often washed out with anything over 1m (especially southerly)

    Almost dedicated spin ledge - get in the locals way and they'll let you know about it.

    Beware of raining bottles, stones and anything else that can be thrown from the lookout, especially Saturday/Sunday Mornings.

    Not much in the way of bait - and hard to catch.

    But does produce on spin.

    Avoca is a better option if you can beat the crowds.

    Ah ha ha what a top reply, and that about sums it up!

    The good Old Skillion

    ahhh fun times :thumbup:


  10. was thinking of going down to the skilton to try our luck off the stones tomorrow.

    having never been there before, thought it would be a good idea to ask a few questions first.

    we have been fishing the rocks for a while.

    does anyone go there often?

    any reports and advise would be great

    hoping for a pelegic

    live baiting and dead baiting maybe some lures if conditions permit.

    i have heard mixed reports with regards to safety and the fishing.

    thanks in advance

    Where abouts is the Skilton???

    I know of the Skillion but sorry cant give you any useful tips for Skilton


  11. I worked at Taronga Park zoo when I first left school and there was a hand raised fox there that I used to play with and yes they do tame pretty well and play just like any other dog.

    The downfall is they won't stay with you if not confined and dosn't matter what you do the smell they have is not crash hot.

    Regards Jeff

    Ha ha I would keep one and name him Jackall!

    Musty :thumbup:

  12. I have been to flint and steel and few times and caught nothing. Hawkesbury is weird like that. Seems to be the same with Jerusalem Bay, always hear people talking about catching jews there. But i went 2 nights in a row last weekend armed with live yellow tail and live squid and got a big fat doughnut. Conditions were so called "perfect".

    Must be the hawkesbury river or something. The jews must have left and went else where.

    C'mon mate i've told you about the Hawkesbury plenty of times! Why make life harder for yourself by trying to raise fish out of the the only system in the Sydney region which is still commercially trawled on a nightly basis??? Not alot gets past the area between the heads and Brooklyn. If you are to have consistent results it will be well upstream toward Wisemans in my opinion.


  13. We had a fox hanging around our place up here, he was so game he started sleeping on our verandah, he had to go for a long sleep, our toilet is outside and the wife used to walk out on the verandah and see him running off it.

    Thats mad (apart from it killing all your chooks) i would try to tame one and keep it as a pet they look unreal!

    Musty :thumbup:

  14. Hi everyone, has anybody been rock fishing at Big Beecroft (mermaids Inlet)Jervis Bay. If so how good is the fishing in mid January and what do you catch. I would also like to know what baits, times and rigs are the best. Thanks


    Havnt fished it for a couple of years but from about Jan- April we used to catch some BIG kings off there, also plenty of bonito and salmon. I used to hear stories from the locals about big tuna being caught from there but never seen one myself. Marlin is always a possibility in all those areas down south. I recommend getting there before sunrise and stocking up on whatever live bait you can get, slimeys preferably and if u can keep them live and drift a couple out under a balloon ur cooking with gas! Apart from that i used to pretty much spin large poppers on sunrise and metal lures throughout the day which accounted for some decent kings and enough pelagics to keep me occupied.

    Good luck mate let us know how you go!

    Musty :thumbup:

  15. Yes sad for the families n friends involved.

    That is the problem, it's to easy to pass and if you had that attitude with your drivers licence you'd be stuffed. It's just to easy to get a boat licence, I reckon a lot of people IF retested would fail.

    I'm not going to get any more off topic than I already have here.

    Condolences to family and friends of those involved in this tragic accident.

    We dont know that they were inexperienced or forgot what they knew and were not following correct rules/procedures. The fact remains two people are missing, One of which has 3 kids at home and yes i have spoken to his family. An accident is exactly that, an ACCIDENT, and they happen from time to time. No point in looking for reasons and blames. As a matter of fact I was at the beach yesterday and by 7.30 pm all the markers within sight were blinking except for the one in question. Weather it came on as it got darker i dont know.

    My condolences go out to the families of those involved.


  16. Hi Raiders

    A mate and I have decided we would like to camp out on a beach, do some fishing, have a fire going etc etc

    Any suggestions on locations would be appreciated...

    Might be an idea to give them your location otherwise they might suggest a nice sandy beach near Broome W.A.


  17. Please tell me you know that yakkas and kingies are totally different fish :074: :074: :074: :074: :074:

    Yellowtailer grows up to be a kingfish. A "yellowtailer" is a baby kingfish!!! Well thats what my old man always told me when i was young! Lucky for me I researched further and soon realised he knew didley squat!



  18. Just reading the fisheries, and was surprised to see that Mangrove Jack have been caught in southern NSW, see extract from fisheries website:

    Distribution - Mangrove jack inhabit coastal waters and rivers from Shark Bay in Western Australia through Torres Straight and Queensland, south to Lake Illawarra in NSW. They are occasionally found in more southern estuaries of NSW.

    Anyone ever caught one near Sydney? I've been smoked in tight against structure in Chippo Lakes but that was probably a really big Bass.


    A geography teacher who was a keen fisho back in my highschool days and who knew the georges river system better than he knew himself told me back then that mangrove jack did exist in the system. I was very doubtful back then obviously not having seen such things i was very dubious. When i asked him he told me that he had caught one once and been busted off quite a few times. I still thought he was having me on. I asked him if it was worthwhile targetting and he said "no, they arnt common enough to target but they are there".... Which still sounded like a fairytail to me coz i havnt seen or caught one, but then again so did jewfish in the georges at one point, let alone 15kg plus jews which i HAVE since caught. Another person told me about salmon at chippo and i made fun of him for YEARS!!! only to catch TWO near the M5 bridge last year, which isnt very far from chippo at all. Not to mention watching some bloke pull in a spangled emperor off Balmoral warf one day only to read a no no no article that confirmed such rare catches as that and sweetlip in the lower harbour...

    I guess after all my years of not seeing such things and being skeptical, nature has suprised me time and time again with what is possible. Does anyone remember a report years ago of a huge tailor around the 6kg mark caught in a land locked lagoon down south? Or the reports in the early 90's of big yellowfin being caught in south west arm Port Hacking? How about the big dolly between Sydney Heads last season?

    I think anything is possible.

    Maybe not often enough for it to become a consistency of any sort but i think we can never know what nature wants or doesnt want to permit IMO.



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