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Posts posted by musty

  1. Seeing all the recent reports of the bass starting to fire up was getting my fishing juices flowing.

    With the hot days coming to end with a southerly change on the way tonight, I decided I needed to hit the local creek for a quick session after work.

    It takes about half an hour to walk to the pool where I found the fish last time.

    Since I last visited the creek about a month ago, the water level had dropped slightly. (It had just rained prior to my previous session and there has been plenty of rain since).

    I was excited to see a school of reasonable size EP's in the same pool I fished last time. I pulled out my pack rod and tied on a 3" Squigly wriggler in bloodworm. I spooked the fish climbing down to the bank, but cast on regardless. On about the fifth cast, the squidgy was nailed by a small EP of about 20cm.

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    After releasing the fish I has a couple more casts and was about to move on when I had another strike. The second fish was a mirror image of the first around 20cm.

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    I moved further up the creek in search of some new territory. I didn't have to walk far for the next pool. I could see a school of fish and proceeded to catch more small EP's (15cm and 20cm).

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    The next pool turned out to be a real honey hole with three small fish in three casts. Again all fish were around the mid 20cm mark.

    The next pool had a large snag, but really poor access. With a small underarm flick, I manage to get the lure near the snag. I saw a nice fish rise and nail the lure. I managed to keep the fish away from the snag, but was bricked on the bank underneath me. Not wanting to lose the fish, I smashed my way through the trees and was able to lead the fish out into clear water. Landing it was interesting with not much room to move. Fortunately the hook stayed put and I pulled about a 35cm EP up onto the bank. A couple of quick photos and she was sent back on her way.

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    Without any torch or headlamp I decided to head back towards home before darkness set in. I was back at the car within half an hour and was cursing I could have fished another half an hour longer.

    Round trip was 2.5 hours including driving, walking and fishing.

    T'is some fine bass me matey but t'is no EP's!


  2. i personally dont think there are jews in chipping norton lake i use to fish there every weekend as a kid catching large mullet,bream,flat head,tailor,black fish those days are gone this was back in the early 90's when i was 13 i was a top fisher boy and caught anything that swam in there i have fished the spot marked on the map back in the 90's there were plenty of fish these days u will get herring,bream,mullet thats about it there try and fish more down steam around lugarno off of the wharf

    There are DEFINETLY jew in Chippo

    It is dependant on water quality, salinity. If its flooded out by large rains they move back downstream but during the warmer months when the lakes are full of prawns and mullet there ARE jews there, big ones too. You need to find the deeper channels and holes.

    Many reports have been posted on this site about jew caught from there.


  3. Well i managed to finish work early today so I went for a quick kayak fish with a mate off the back of his place in Port Hacking. Only an hour or so on the water however i did manage to catch a bream, barely legal with a lure well embedded into the outside of one of its gills! My mate said it was a tiemco surface walker or some crap not sure as i mainly only ever flick plastics and blades.

    I found ti wierd that this bream was still going strong with this lure hanging off the side of it, one of the trebles was gone too. Didnt get a photo as i couldnt be bothered digging the fone out of the dry back but it made me wonder has anyone ever caught a fish which has previously busted off some poor sods lure?



  4. Hi guys,

    Has anybody used the scan function on their VHF marine radio in the past few weeks?

    I find it scans for a second till it hits channel 68 and then its nothing but noise. Channel 68 is ALWAYS busy so the scanning feature never gets past it to give the other ones a shot.

    Anybody know what the G.O is?


  5. ive seen (me personally) guys with 20L water tanks + aerators strapped to their backs, full of livies, navigate the ladders down to ledges at north head.

    maybe not as big as 20Litres but they looked damn heavy.

    Also how do people carry livies to the tubes etc at jarvis bay ? I assume it would be similar.

    once they get there out comes the kiddie pool and their all set

    Thats all fine, but not pelagic fish as live bait such as slimey mackeral or bonito. These species need ALOT of oxygen passing through their gills and need to be moving at high speed, hence why you will never see a tuna or a bontio hanging around a marker or pylon like some sort of wrasse or leatherjacket. Scads such as yellowtail and cowanyoung can be handled and transported in this way no worries.

    When fish from the tuna species or closely related fish such as bonito are caught their fine scales go all over the place, the fish vibrates and goes spastic and dies quite suddenly, this is why tuna tubes and slimey tubes on game boats are the only real way to keep them alive as they force fresh saltwater through the gills continuously and even then, they dont always survive.


  6. winge winge winge to all the liberal supporters and gloria fans get over it you could'nt form govenment and thats why your in oposition you lost

    Gloria Fans!

    LOL :074: that made me crack up! I only listen to him on my way to work because the knobs on FM breakfast radio are worse! At least he gets me fired up so when I walk on site im ready to crack heads!

    Nice one Gazz :1prop:


  7. If im going to have to pay a carbon tax, im going to make sure that as much as i can im going to fart, burp, accelerate really hard in my car, have bonfires in my backyard every other winters night and bbq everything i eat outside from now on.

    If I'm going to be forced to pay for something stupid then im going to get my money's worth!

    Oh, and no more visits to the tip to assist in the daylight robbery that goes on over there, I will have a weekly burn off of all my crap just like the good old days.

    end rant.


    Musty :thumbup:

  8. G'Day Musty! Yep I remember, hahaha. How are the combo's going?

    I still have a shimano 1-3kg rod and was thinking of either the 1000 biomaster or 2500 biomaster. The biomaster fb feels like a nice reel.

    I am hoping to do a LOT MORE fishing this year. Havent caught up with anyone on here or in the flesh for ages. All my gear has been stored ready for summer. Was actually thinking of selling everything including the boat, but I know if I do, will miss it.

    Thank you for all the replies, food for thought.

    I must say my other reel is a 2500.



    Hey Rob, keep in mind Daiwa reels are slightly larger in size than an equivalent in the Shimano brand. Both have good reels, but for mine im used to the slightly larger 2500 sized Daiwa's but being light estuary fishing your never going to need the last 150m of line on your spool and if you ever got that low you would have a hard time casting light weights anyway, so as Anti-Carp said, 2506 reels are a good alternative being a 2500 size with a much shallower spool. I do use my gear for kings and jews too however so i prefer the 2508 which is in between the 2506 and the 2508.

    Dont forget Rob if your selling your boat let me know!

    Good to see you around again :thumbup:


  9. G'Day Crew,

    Just wondering if it is worth getting a 1000 size reel and rod to chase bream, bass and flatties? Finesse fishing if you like. 1-3kg 6'6" or 7' rod to match. Any benefits over 2500 reels and 7'+ rods when casting plastics, hb's or blades?

    I look forward to your replies.



    Hey Rob, long time no see! You had that outfit remember? You sold it to me because you had too many outfits you said. The loomis 1-3kg with the shimano, I spooled the spare spool up with 2lb fire line. How much more "finesse" were u after? :074:


  10. not wearing a lifejacket LIFE-jacket

    you can thank maritime for that. In there infinite wisdom people like you and I in a boat under 4.8m in a flat glassed out river 30m wide have to wear a life jacket if we are alone, yet 5 people who may or may not have offshore experience arnt required by law to have their life jackets on at all times while offshore.

    Go figure.


  11. Nothing worse than a cold, rainy long weekend......oh yes there is! When the damn weatherman gets it wrong!!!!

    Had every intention of heading out early today, but after looking at the doomy gloomy forecast through the week, decided best not too.

    After waking at 7 this morning, looking out at the blue sky at home, not a breath of wind. Oh damn you Tim Bailey! Not a happy fisho!

    So instead of taking some time out to wind down, relax and grab a feed, the minister for war and finance gave me a list of choirs, accompanied with a dead line to do today.

    So finally I'm done, the minister is happy, and I'm still hanging for a fish!


    U actually believe what the weather forecasts say and change ur life accordingly??? :thumbdown:

    Mate if ur fair dinkum for a fish forget what anyone says, including the weather man. Just get out there "FOR A LOOK", see what its like, in time u will find its a very good theory with more great conditions rather than dodgey ones.


  12. Just wondering if anyone ever has troubles with tangles in their anchor rope?

    I.e. I reach my destination, drop the anchor and as I let more rope out I notice tangles

    After an outing, at home I'd undo the entire anchor rope, and loop it up again so its nice and neat.

    I do this by wrapping it between my elbow and palm. It's nice and neat but it still keeps tangling on the next outing!

    Anyone else experience this?

    When you wrap anything up in that way it will twist and tangle. Tradies would know this as wrapping up extentsion cords in this way will result in a severe pain in the clacker next time you go to use it.


  13. Well been a while on for reports finally a good session first on sunday night gone one 52cm jewie, then last night with my son of 5years 2 jewies 2 bream and a trevally. Top night fishing the boys had fun whipped around winding in rods when required while i was bringing in jewies and almost got pulled in from the trevally 52cm.

    Nothin like a nice "fridge shot" :074:

    Only one thing wrong with that pic..

    Where are all the beers???


  14. hi people last thursday 8-9-11 6am in the morning i was woken by a huge bang, a car travelling along henry lawson drive in east hills lost control viered off the road and strait through my fence and slammed my boat that hard it jumped it 3 feet off the trailer and into our loungeroom wall, the impact was so great it shifted the house 2 inches off its foundations, the boat came crashing back down to bend the trailer and land strait again,my bedroom being 5 metres behing the boat im thinking myself really lucky, they said if it werent for the boat being there the car would have been in our kitchen on the other side of the house, just goes to show the strength of a good old bertram,luckily all of our family are safe and still walking and there was no casualities from the car, i have attached a link from channel 10 news of the event, if you take notice the concrete slab of veranda has been moved a foot of the house and its hard to see but on the front of the house where the cladding has a hole there is a blue mark from the blue gunnel rubber of the boat,,, all i can say is we are all lucky no one was injured in our family and a new boat mad mullet 2 is on the way

    cheers andy

    Well thats shet!

    And right after you finished all the improvements on the old gamefisher.

    I'd hate to see such a great boat gone from my local waterway I hope you manage to get the mess sorted out and fix her up to better than previously with a bit of luck.



  15. Headed out early tried for some yakkas and squid no luck

    so moved up to moli point nibbles here and there and got some decent size trevally on prawns then ... My mates rods bends he called kingie didn't get to see it it broke off

    moved around a bit with no luck except for a few yakkas so went back to moli with the live bait rods.

    My mates rod goes off was probably about a 80 cm kingie on pilchard unfortunately our yakkas decided to explore a bit and go under the boat getting tangled with the kingie got with in a metre of the boat and line snapped. Caught a eel then racked off home

    Not a bad day though in the sun

    Oh yeah saw a seal sunbakin on the rocks at moli point havnt seen that before.

    Cheers dirty "sucio" Sanchez

    Hey chiche thanks for the report! I might head out there on sunday!


  16. there is a boat getting around pittwater with a merc 300 with a tiller steer.

    Yeah I know of a guy that races using a 300hp Tiller!!!

    Thats just nuts- By "big" i meant larger than the usual 15-40hp outboards commonly seen on tinny's.

    Anyway, still weighing up my options.



  17. I really enjoy the challanges that come with chansing jewfish.

    But i have not been able to sort through the many myths.

    Ive caught Jewfish in the middle of the day which goes against those who only chase them on an evening waxing moon.

    Some of the drop off in Port Hacking favour incoming tides,, but against those who only favour outgoing tides.

    So when is the best time to go Jewie fishing?


    The best piece of advice i can give you about catching jewfish is "FORGET EVERYTHING YOU KNOW ABOUT JEWFISH". There is alot of information about them on every kind of medium possible. I have found that none of that is gospel and many different variables come into play. In short, given the time and dedication, you will nut out certain areas and be able to narrow down your likely days to within an hour either side of a specific time. Keep track of the tide cycle, moon phase which will obviously affect the tide size, the barometer and also the water temps. Presence of bait and structure, albeit under water will also have an impact. Certain places will produce fish on a run out, others on a run in, then again maybe only on the first or last part of that tide change. Some spots wont produce a fish for love or money even though they are exactly as the magazines describe...

    Then there is Como Bridge! :thumbup: Regardless of where you catch a jewfish, it was caught under Como Bridge!!!! Or so it has become apparent to me in recent years ! :074:

    Good luck mate I wish you well in your jewfish catching adventures.


  18. Hi Raiders,

    Well after 6 solid years, a full trailer overhaul, an outboard repower and hundreds of solid fish flapping about on board, it is with a bittersweet feeling that I say goodbye to my modest yet beloved little skiff. Goodbye Se-al 395 Saratoga. Goodbye 25hp Merc. Good Ridance motorguide bowmount!!! :074:

    Anyway, the new custom built 4.8m plate alloy tinnie will require a new engine and I am thinking of a big tiller steer model. I like the idea of extra space. Consoles arnt really my thing. They look great and all, especially side on but for fishability and functionality I prefer a fully open platform, with ample storage in side pockets and under floor compartments.

    Im thinking of a 60HP EFI big foot- 4 stroke Mercury. Has anyone had any experience with mid to large sized tiller steer engines? Does anyone know the comparison between standard models and bigfoot models? I know the big foot models comes with larger gear boxes and thus can turn larger props to push bigger loads but any experience or feedback will be greatly appreciated. :thumbup:


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