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Everything posted by Trouble

  1. 5:30 - 8 nah they wont as obvious at all, just a few boils here n there then they seemed to go back down deeper again but the popper creates enough interest to bring them back to the surface..i think!!
  2. hey rod, yeah the boat seems to running really smooth and im enjoying every minute of it so yeah preety damn happy with it,besides the fact i allready want a another exrta 20hp on it !! haha yeah i heard about john was quite keeen on it, a wheel lock should keep him at bay for the moment..
  3. yeah im also in bayview, on parklands rd Get the boat out there and get amongst them its a kakoda with a silver bottom and a purply blue on the top half around 10cms long, although i dont think the colour or type of popper will matter to much, its more the way you use it..You have to be really agressive with it and sometimes i put a pause in there if my wrist is hurting ill take a photo of the popper next seshion for you!!
  4. just a small report as im exausted from an early start then a hard day at work, put the boat in for 2 and a bit hrs and pulled 3 kings, worked preety hard to get these 3 fish..Was intending to release all 3 but one was kept as he swallowed the lure way to deep and it was caught in his gills, bugger!! A surface popper did the damage again
  5. Love soccer(but hate watching it ), preety much play throughout the whole year, outdoor in winter,futsal and indoor in the off season and sometimes touch depending on how the body is holding up at the end of the week. lol..Also enjoy surfing,skindiving,photography and chasing girls!!
  6. Back of scotland island, in one of the bays!!
  7. i wish had that setup, ive got white quiny with a 35 on the back, well today the squid did jack all for us, All fish were caught on poppers, i think it was just about being in the right area at the right time.. Preety sure we saw two boats netting near palmy, it made me quite furious but obvisouly you cant do much about it, they were both working the area in tandem on the edge of the weed beds, looked like one boat was spooking fish into a big net or something but not %100.. i got a fairly dirty look from the captain when i motored up close to see what they were doing.. The squid where caught up around the palmy area!!
  8. This morning i finally got my boat in the water for a fish after buying it two weeks ago,i was so eager to get down there i ended up having a shocking start to the day, i wont go into to details but i returned home on 3 occasions to pick up a few things which are neccesary when boating. an yes i remembered to put the bungs in thank god, i only had to drive 5 mins away from the boat ramp to home but it was still a friggin hassle... Anyways on the fishing front, Headed strait to the squiding grounds, picked up 3..Tried a few usualy kings spots but to no avail, so the call was to go for a cruise and sus out a few new spots. Between spots we came across a few birds working what i thought were tailor, I decided to get out a popper and give it a go..Before i knew it i saw the back of a rat king hunt down the popper and i was on, after a good fun tussle he was released..Ended up chasing the boils around for hour or so and boated 6 (all legal), with the biggest going 78cm..Only reason i stoped was because my reel karked it big time on the last fish, funny thing is that it had just been in for a service and it looks like it will be back in there this arvo...Kept two for the table Possibly the funnest form of fishing i have ever done, seeing them take that lure put me in absolute aww at times, good times!! p.s sorry for the shocking pic, not really a photo person,ill try an smile next time !!
  9. That was the kinda report i was after, giving the pittwater a go tommorow(hopefull for the same result as you)..Looks like you have the kings sussed out big time mate, good effort!!
  10. Just bought myself a boat of lately, so plenty of boat fishing in the near future to be had but beach fishing by far is my favourite form and i will still hit the suds once a week at least if conditions are suitable...
  11. Good effort mate, solid little kingy indeed!!
  12. Walked into my favourite bass spot this afternoon, on the way i came across 3 different goannas that all scared the absolute crap out of me, i had one hiss at me for a while and then proceed to to bolt after me as i did the runner , luckily it was the smaller of the 3 as the biggest one i came across would of atleast been 1.5m and he looked hungry ok maybe im a bit of a woos.. Anyway the fishing front was very quite as the water seemed to be way to clear, i droped a good fish but wasnt to bothered..Also came across some real big sized carp which i never knew where there before so i might take some corn up there next time and clean the suckers of out the system, also lots of stud mullet up there, dont know if they all that easy to catch though..
  13. yeah i know the worms you are talking about, they are a gun bait for whiting but they are very delicate and half the time they will fly off your hook when casting..When pumping for nippers the pump should be around 3/4 down into the sand,well that works for me anyway..good luck next time
  14. Good effort mate,would of been a blast on that gear.. We were meant to go on the thursday aswell but i slept half the day thinking the noreaster was going to blast all night long the thus meaning we had no fresh bait for the night, not to worry as we will be down there sunday night to slay a jew or two
  15. Plan was to chase jews again out of the suds with the high tide close to dusk, with a few fresh slimey mackeral and one fresh mullet got set up at around 5pm.. usually like to get down the a little later closer to dusk as the pickers seem to move on but i was quite eager to get amongst a few fish, so dad and I punhced out a butterflied slimey each and waited!! 15 mins later dad thinks he has snagged a piece of solid weed and proceeds to bring it in and when it got to the shore break he realised that he had a stinky scumbo on the end of the line and probably for some time as it had swallowed the big bait so deep it karked it.. Just on dusk i hooked up solid on what felt like a good sambo but it didnt give me to much grief even for its size and was released to fight another day..We both waited will dark and threw out another bait and waited, waited, waited for not even a run but thats fishing!! We will be down there again in a few nights time to give them another shot!! Cheers, Rob
  16. keep at it mate, your doing everything possibly right, its just a matter of time
  17. Solid effort mate,persistence pays off for sure i fished the friday night for a few runs but they didnt stick unfortunatly, and then got sharked and called it a night..if your looking for a new reel , look at the Daiwa - gs9, got one about a month ago and its a very solid reel and fair of the beach jew guru's seem to use them..
  18. More than often it ends in dissapointment if you can see them, the only time i have caught them, that i have sited before casting to are fish on sand flats and never had any luck when they are visible around boats, marinas and jetty's.. Like daniel said i think they are very focused on the muscles, oysters and all that kind of stuff attached onto the structure..a unweighted plastic would be the go but yeah sometimes they just arent interested
  19. Chasing a few bread and butter fish around the suds tommorow arvo, would love to be able chase the jew the same night, as it is a perfect tide but got a must attend relatives party..grrrr Good luck folks!! Rob
  20. hahaha good story, they probably rang the number that was on the collar
  21. 1. 8kg+ kingy 2. A handfull of beach jew 3. 40cm bass an estaury perch 4. Find a boat by jan 5. Go treck Nth QLD for some jungle perch
  22. The 3 main i have been fishing are mona vale, bungan and Newport they all seem to be holding decent fish at the moment, good luck Yeah they have to be in my top 3 list for sure but i allready have some jew in the freezer plus i couldnt of been bothered cleaning it(the stink you place out big time) cook with some butter and a squeeze of lemon or yes beer batter, arrr so simple yet so delicious..
  23. Gday kantong, When bass crack around the 30cm mark they seem to dirty fight alot more, ive started using 1kg line as the fish in the area arent real big but even the tiddles give you a bit of curry on the 1kg line.. good fun
  24. I have been a bit lazy with reports at moment, i thought id put a few up from the past 2 weeks,better late than never i guess...I have had around 6 seshions on the beach with each occasion resulting in atleast 4 fish per seshion which isnt to bad as the has been a lack of surf, which has quitens things down a bit.There have been a heap of stud whiting, big bream, tiny flathead and bronzies about.. I have also caught a few luderick on live worms which is a first for me..Watched one fella bring in a good size jew on a full squid, think it went around 12kg..15 mins after he got his i thought i was onto one but it was just another bronzie Baits have been, squid strips, whole fresh squid,frigate mackeral and live worms.. All fish have been released reason being as i have plenty of jew steaks in the freezer Havent taken that many pics due to not wanting to damage the camera with sand..
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