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Everything posted by mako2000

  1. Thanks everyone....I just wish the pics did the fish more justice,....she was so fat and the mouth could have taken a 25cm bream whole....was great to see her swim away strongly too
  2. Heart in the mouth definately.... a sienna 1000, 4 lb braid and 8 lb mono trace....I had to fire the boat up and chase the bloody thing!!
  3. One last pic......cant you tell im still on a buzz..lol
  4. Gabes tackle at Sylvania heights..
  5. Thanks guys..im still on cloud 9...my biggest flatty by a long shot, the pics dont do it justice either, it was real fat and thick....and swam away nicely after was well...How do I enter the catch of the month comp as I made sure there as a shoe in a photo!
  6. Decided to leave work early today and have a fish with my Dad, only managed one keeper flattie of about 38cm.....the one I let go has made my year though!!! Took a live bloodworm and the fight lasted nearly 30 minutes with a 1st run of nearly 80 meteres.....thought winter flatties were supposed to be docile...lol A bit of luck came into play as well....When I first left the ramp headed out and had a fish further downriver ans was planning on fishing that area before I remembered my phone was sitting on the dash of the car. After heading back to get it decided to try a dropoff that I always thought looked fishy...1st drift...38cm...2nd drift lost a 60cm at the boat....3rd drift...bang@!!@
  7. Supposed to be very windy tommorow if that helps you make a decision?
  8. I like your buddys thinking and Cadel has a never say die attitude...but listening to the commentators I tend to agree with you more...Its possibly all over!!
  9. I know this is an old post, but the reason you put the good foot in first is to make sure the water isnt too hot as you wont be able to feel if the water is scalding you on the damaged foot.
  10. I would have thought last nights course would have been a great time for some team tactics (until the tacks on the road). Get the team at the front on the narrow section of road where noone could pass and let Cadel make a break for it to pull back some time. (Cycling newbie here too!! so maybe thats not the done thing)
  11. Went out on Saturday for 2 legal flounder and dropped a decent bream next to the boat using frozen nippers and prawns. Dont know wether fresh bait would have improved things but it was a last minute decision and I just used what was in the freezer.
  12. Hard to tell from the pic, but i would guess a baby port Jackson
  13. Im with everyone else, congratulations...fish of a lifetime there mate.
  14. Make sure the battery is securely mounted in there and the posts and all connections are completely insulated from the tin box, also that the wires have no chance of chafing on the box and shorting out. I would be sticking with a plastic box, no chance of shorting out.
  15. I went out in the boat both Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Live nippers both times, a few salmon on saturday on the nippers but Sunday couldnt barely lose a bait and fished everywhere between Grays Point and Lilli Pilli. I would have been one ofthe boats you seen there drifting around.
  16. Well done, I managed to get out Friday arvo for few hours, missed the low tide at Grays point to had to head to Mainbar to pump some small nippers, tried around mainbar for 1 nice whiting then headed back down toward Grays Point for another 35cm whiting and two 45cm Flathead.
  17. Yes, definately a Mako, and yes very good eating.
  18. One of the cage type traps works a treat, looks like a small possum trap. I had problems after a neighbour cleared out a very overgrown garden a few years ago. Must have caught 10 before i got rid of them. Once in the trap just drop the whole trap into a bucket of water until the rat drowns and tip it into a rubbish bag and in to the bin.
  19. I was just looking at 4 x 50kg Bluefin on the Sydney GFC facebbok page caught wide of Broken Bay yesterday.
  20. Planning on heading out for a fish on the Hacking tommorow morning (Sunday) was anyone out today, how dirty is the water after all the rain during the week?
  21. One thing to keep in mind is that the website says the boat weighs 1200kg...by the time you add fuel, fishing gear, esky etc you can easily add another few hundred kilo in there
  22. Thants just amazing....hopefully I can do a quarter of that at keiths age, let alone paddle a kayak around wallis lake as well Roberta!!
  23. Well done Stan, Im sure there are plenty of us here that wish we had bitten the bullet that early instead off peeing alot of $$$ up against the wall at that age.
  24. Sorry mate...cant help you there, as I said Ive been out of it for a few years.
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