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Everything posted by mrsswordfisherman

  1. A good report and it sounds like you boys will be posting more about your adventures. P.S. Too bad you tipped the rabbits - you might have tipped the full round Cheers mrsswordie
  2. Gotta love those TT's - the Copper Head and Sunset Gold go well too and Red Nightmare has still to be tested Ray seems to be a bit of an identity now doesn't he and crunch make sure you keep taking your little girl out fishing. We need more female raiders for sure Cheers mrsswordie
  3. WTG Ben you will always have fond memories of her first voyage mrsswordie
  4. Great story Breambucket - Dad won't look back now he has the SP bug mrsswordie
  5. A new member has been awarded the mentor badge and was nominated by Geoff (thanks Geoff) Congrats to jewgaffer - I am sure everyone agrees that Byron is a worthy recipient. Please pm me with any other members you wish to nominate Cheers mrsswordie
  6. to you both and have a great day
  7. Hope you had a great day Kyle
  8. Hope you had a raider sort of bday
  9. thanks I popped that in our FishTube
  10. Well here we go again. There are 45 members in the comp this year. The first game is underway and all tips are in. Below are the percentage of members that tipped these teams EELS 60 % BRONCOS 69% BULLDOGS 98% PANTHERS 93% STORM 88% TITANS 98% RABBITOHS 78% TIGERS 78% There could be a prize at the end of the comp this year so make sure you put your tips in by cutoff time each week mrsswordie
  11. Thanks for posting that Mike. Lots of raiders amongst the results
  12. http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/03/12/2843631.htm?section=justin
  13. http://www.theleader.com.au/news/local/news/environment/mulloway-that-didnt-get-away/1765096.aspx
  14. and a have a raider kind of day
  15. We recently started a new section on our forum called ADOPT A LEARNER Several members have taken up the challenge and helped other members with a session of fishing tuition. A new badge has been applied to the signatures of those members who helped Those members will be identified by the above badge. The first recipients are: Scratchie Hodgey Ray R Swordfisherman Roberta arpie slinkymalinky rickster jewhunter jewgaffer tide'n'knots Bentstik reelmagic Mercer007 Victor Geoff Luderick59 Beaver Onajewagain sydangler Centrepin jdanger PRED-ATOR A.dawg hotbite Ryder The Iceman Witha mii11x rexaway1234 boattart Chappo NaClH2OK9 Robofish Stapo adamski fredflathead mattfinn Blackfish NaClH2OK9 thefisherman6784 Scratchie Blood Knot Catchin Jack nbdshroom fragmeister JonD DerekD Wellzy94 rickmarlin62 antonywardle JA1990 Pickles Green Hornet Rah dirvin21 I am sure there are others who have earned this badge. Please pm me and maybe include a link to your post if you think you or another member meets the criteria. WTG to these raiders who display real raider spirit
  16. Congrats Roberta and every post is worth reading. Thank you sincerely for your contributions. You have earned a new badge for your sig - hope you like it
  17. and hope you had a raider kind of day mrsswordie
  18. You are welcome. Here is a link to the post explaining what each rank is http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=40053
  19. Beautiful stuff Jani and Saija, do let us know how they go Donna
  20. Thanks Andrew for describing the outcome. You are right in saying that this is NOT an area for the inexperienced. mrsswordie
  21. Thanks for the feedback scrubby. This is why this section was started and it shows generousity and real raider spirit. We have the best members and it's why we are THE best fishing site Cheers mrsswordie
  22. Thank god you were there Ray and a fantastic job from the clubbies as always
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