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Posts posted by framedtrash

  1. iphone 3g has built in A-GPS (Assisted GPS) which means it uses GPS and triangulation

    which means its just as accurate as the one in your car the "assisted" part means it uses triangulation where gps cant be used ie indoors so when your on the boat you will have no problems

    BillyD there is something wrong with your phone

    make sure you have the "link to gps" option selected in the main setup

    this works flawless for me and tracks my every move when on the water

    make sure u select the option for "FIND GPS" in the settings to get to these settings just tap on the map key shown in the picture below

    as for power i installed a ciggy adapter into my dash so i can keep my phone charged

    also good for spot lights too

    BTW im currently at work thats why my marker is soo far off the water :)




  2. im looking into getting a downrigger

    got my eye on scotty 1050 just got a few questions

    i plan on getting 2 release clips so i can stack 2 onto the one downrigger line

    now what do i do about rod holder placement for 2 rods

    i plan on putting the down rigger at the back of the boat on the drivers side

    would i be right to have a rod holder on either side of the motor or should they be right next to each other

    thanks in advance

  3. HAHA funny u should mention about making the same mistake with the bolt

    its actually the 2nd time its happened

    lost a big pike the same way a few weeks back but i thought the problem was fixed

    the real problem is that i dont keep a net in the boat at all times

    that problem has now been fixed tho along with the bolt

    frigates fight rather well for there size they like a 2yr old on a sugar high

    cant wait to get out again this weekend

    might have to get out there after work some time too

  4. G'day

    Yeh I live and work on the northern beaches of Sydney

    And due to a hectic work routine I never really have time to get to tackle shops

    I prefer to do all my shopping online

    I've been looking around the net and can get a scotty 1050 for around $200 not Inc shipping but that's from a OS shop I much rather give the money to a Aussie shop or a fellow raider

    I couldn't find any downs on the go fish website

  5. looking for a downrigger

    can only find a few places in OZ that sells them

    looking at the Scotty 1050 Depthmaster which i can get from the states for around $310 shipped

    or can get one off ebay for around $320

    just wondering is there any where else in oz that sells them

    i dont really care if its a scotty i just want a good quality one with a rod holder

    so would be great if some one could put me onto a shop that sells them at a good price

    or if some one has one they no longer use that would also do fine :)


  6. yeh after getting the squid and other baits

    alll of the fish we caught we off soft plastics

    even the guys catching the kingies on other boats where all caught using small SP's

    they just didn't want any thing to do with fresh bait

    i had a good size squid floating on the nose of a good 70cm kingie and he just looked at it went to the surface and ate like a fly off the surface then just kept swimming around the boat

    if i had a spear i could of got him

    or if i had a few more beers i could of jumped on him

    well there's always next weekend :)

    might even take a trip into the harbor and try my luck there

  7. set off around 10am from bayview ran into some fisherman at the boat ramp and they told us it was not worth going out nothing was biting and there was no squid around

    so without taking there advice we headed strait to our secret squid spot and loaded a nice squid on first cast

    which was followed by a even larger squid a few min later my mate lands him and gets a good inking

    we stuck around for another 30min but didn't have any more luck

    we then went around to Portuguese beach and i dropped out my squid and starting having a few flicks with some SP's

    all of a sudden the water comes alive with thousands of little bait fish getting smashed by something

    so we switched to our smallest SP and start flicking into the bait balls and start pulling in frigets ( i think thats what there called)

    few min later my mate is onto some thing big line is peeling off his reel like there's no tomorrow after a good 10min fight we finally see whats doing the pulling and its a good 65cm kingie

    but this is where it gets sad as we where pulling the fish in the braid got caught on this little bolt at the back of my boat and cut the braid loosing the fish

    after a few tears we start flicking back into the bait ball

    then all of a sudden the bait fish decide to hide behind my prop as i look down i can see this 70+cm kingie just swimming around my boat without a care in the world

    i quickly rig up a whole squid and drop it in front of him and he doesn’t even care he just looked at it and went on doing his thing

    he was swimming around the boat for about 4min wasn’t even going after the bait fish was just slowly swimming around the boat picking little things off the surface

    there were a few other boats fishing around us now all pulling in frigets and 2 boats we saw pulled in nice size kingies

    so at the end of the day we went home with some frigets and a good feed of squid

    sadly only got the one photo my phone was dead and mate only took 1 photo

    BTW whats a good way to cook these frigets


  8. another iphone app that you must download is called Koredoko

    its great

    for you that dont no when you take a photo using the iphone it injects the GPS location into the photo

    this program will show you the exact location of the photo taken

    its great when your out fishing new spots

    you catch a nice fish you take a photo of it and you no have the exact location of the fish you caught

    like shown below


    Would love to see some screenshots (Can you do that on the iphone?)


    to take screenshots press the home button and the lock button at the same time

    and incase your wondering why my phone looks diffrent to yours its coz mine is highly modified

    allows me to do lots of neat little tricks which i wont get into on a fishing forum

    feel free to PM if you have any questions

  9. make sure the sounder doesnt have a demo mode

    ive been out fishing on my mates boat before and thought we were in a great spot finder was showing millions of fish thought we had hit gold

    ended up the finder has in a demo mode and we where in a shit spot


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