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Posts posted by framedtrash

  1. Nice one.

    I fished jbay for kings on saturday with live squid and live slimeys for bugger all except for a few pinched by seals and one squid taken by a pup mako of about 90 cm which turned out to be a welcome distraction in an otherwise slow day!

    Gotta love some action to get the heart rate up over nothing!!!

    you didn't drop any jigs ???

    heard of a few taken on the weekend on the jigs

  2. ive got turf in my boat

    no issues what so ever

    its not like carpet if you drop a hook its not going to get stuck

    dropped pillys/bait is no problem either it all just washes off at the end of the day

  3. you need to get your action right

    watch some jigging dvds

    i recommended checking out heavy metal at the ranfurly and any of the jigging master dvds

    then just start booking up jigging charters

  4. the cheap jigs from online markets work fine

    but i would change the assist hooks on them as most of them will fail on a decent fish

    ive seen some that the assist cord is not even tied up its just glued

    one of my fav jigs is the river2sea turkey slider which are pretty good on the pocket too

  5. Hey Simon, hows tricks. its a little Haines Sea Wasp with a 40 Yammy on the back... does 32 knots, hence im wearing a jacket! Hope your well

    doing well mate

    that boat is a little weapon

    i think huey has to watch out your going to have more boats then him soon haha

    we will have to get out for a jig again this season i think its going to be a great one :1fishing1:

  6. Just pin em through the jaw dude, should keep em alive for a while. I dont bother trolling live fish, coz you swim them when your trolling anyway hows the fish guna know the difference?

    Haha thanks Max, i tried my best LOL

    dont pin them thru the jaw

    you will block there mouth and they will die

    pin them thru the nose

    best way is to go and buy a bait needle and thread a elastic band there the eye socket then attach to a hook

  7. nice outfit

    the reel does seem a little out of place tho

    its rated to 15kg of drag but in reality its more like 10kg

    so you wont be using the rod or braids full potential

    some thing like the okuma salina II would of been a better match

    dont get me wrong its still a good outfit and will stop most fish that happen to jump onto one of your jigs :1fishing1:

  8. i couldnt help myself and i picked up a new JM three kings 200gm last night

    whilst instore i had a look at the JM amberjack sniper which is one of JM's new rods

    looks like a great rod similar looks to the three kings just a little shorter and stockier

    the 45B looks the goods PE5-10 jigs from 300-600gm max lift of 37kg doggies wouldn't stand a chance

  9. JM PE8 reel

    JM 500gm Powerspell

    you could jig up whales using a outfit like this

    there are videos of pony (JM) catching 20kg doggies on the 100gm powerspell so a 500gm should give you a pretty good chance at a monster

    not sure if its up to hi end requirements tho

    you could always switch the reel to a Blue Heaven that would sure put a dent in your bank account

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