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Posts posted by framedtrash

  1. As huey has said unless u fish the shelf alot the 83/200 is what you need

    I no guya that fish the bottom of browns using the 83/200 with no worries

    Gone are the days of big 1kw sounders

  2. I wouldnt risk it

    Stick with the braid you have used before and that worked for u

    I respooled a reel for my last trip to cairns and used a new braid (power pro) and didnt like it one bit had no trust in the line seem to break very easy

    Should of just stuck with my boat braid

  3. Yeh but did u create that account when u first setup the phone or did u only do it when u went to make the purchase

    Have you downloaded any thing else from the market

  4. Hi Raiders,

    Just a quick rant and here we go, I bought a Garmin Android phone and went to their website in search of a silicone cover, YES they have it and it's in the USA.

    BUT.......they don't mail to Australia so bugga, quick call to Garmin in AUS and they say they don't stock it. Next I email Garmin USA and explain my problem to which they direct me back to Garmin AUS and the AUS Garmin website to buy this cover, can't get it from AUS site so I call Garmin again and they AGAIN direct me back to Garmin USA. So I email Garmin USA AGAIN and reply back from them is "Sorry we can't help you". Yes they link me back to AUS site once more haha.

    All I want is 2 silicone covers for my bloody phone but it seems Garmin has no bloody idea what they're doing, great customer support.......not.

    So only way to get this cover is to find someone that lives in the USA to order it from the Garmin website and then mail it to me when they get it.

    And to think I thought of buying one of their Marine products, that is a mistake I wont make.

    And, tried getting Navionics for my Android phone and 15hrs later it still won't install, sits there verifying, so sent email asking for refund, that'll be another rant :ranting2:

    Have you had any luck installing any other apps from the marketplace??

    When you first setup the phone did you create a gmail account from the setup wizard?

    If not this would be your problem as both things are linked

  5. Thanks Simon. Is that the same DVD that I got with mine? It's basically the Operations Manual on DVD, or is your DVD different?


    i dont think so

    its made by Bennett Marine do a google search for more info on it

    they pretty much go thru every thing on the unit apart from side/down scan

  6. Hey Simon, where you been fella!

    The boat is very similar, just newer and a better fuel injected motor which would probably be a little more fuel efficent. not sure which one ill keep yet. I guess ill wait till it gets here.

    Lets fish soon aye!

    since im such a nice guy if you want ill take one off your hands for a while :)

    love your taste in boats that "little" Seaswirl looks like a sweet little boat and will be right at home throwing sluggos at the markers in the harbour

    i take it your going to rip the bimini off this one as well?

    hope all the import stuff goes nice and smooth for you im sure you have done all your homework

    im always keen for a flick broken bay is starting to fire up and terrigal should be going off as well

  7. yeh thats fine but i wouldnt be sticking a 18000 on a 15kg rod way too heavy

    ive got a little saragosa 5000 on my little 8-12kg tcurve running 30lb

    has caught some nice fish up to around 10kg on it with no worries

    there great little reels

  8. the slower jigging ratio the better in my eyes

    the saragosa is a pimped version of the spheros and is a far better reel

    i jigged with a saragosa 18000 for a while and found it a great jigging reel the gearing is perfect

    i no Dogtooth (john) has caught alot of kings on his gosas

    they have no issues with 1mtr kings

  9. Gday dan

    The torsion would be my pick from there range of reels

    What depths and jig weights are you planning on using

    If u can stretch the budget a little more you can get a great little outfit

  10. if your thinking of getting a Spheros and then upgrading it you might as well just go and buy a saragosa to start with

    the gosa's are a pimped out spheros and there a great reel

    ive got 2 and i love them i have the 5000 and 18000

    no need to upgrade any thing they work strait out of the box (the 5000 might need a drag upgrade) i haven't bothered tho

  11. No the screen size is 4.5in for the bird and 5in for the lowrance, the pixel count is the clarity of the picture in each, so the bird has a clearer picture and picks up more because of the higher pixel count im pretty sure. Have not seen them in the flesh yet, juet reading reviews and looking at pics, will go into a store and have a look before i finally purchase.

    Cant afford it man! Was originally only looking to spend like 300 or so importing a garmin 400c but now upping to 450 for one of the other models iv mentioned. The hds 5 is still about 650 or so...

    mate take my advise

    wait till you can save up the money

    the sounder is the most important thing on your boat

    its worh being without one for a few weeks and getting better quality gear

    im a upgradeaholic i wish some one told me this 3 sounders ago

    i run a hds8 and couldnt be happier i cant see myself upgrading atleast for a few months :)

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