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Posts posted by framedtrash

  1. yes the pill boxes

    just sound out the bait before you set anchor

    bait can be found balled up all around that area

    burley up with some bread and tuna oil and you will stock up pretty quick

  2. ive had a iphone since they first came out in 2007 and have been using smart phones since day dot and i have switched to android and couldn't be happier.

    with android phones your not limited to 3 identical looking phones there are a number of different company's making different spec phones.

    at the moment the HTC and samsung are my pick im currently using the samsung galaxy s and its great

    as for the app markets give them time the app store has been around for alot longer then the android market place but its growing fast

    and lets face it a good 98% of the apps on the appstore are rubbish how many flash light apps does it really need

  3. as Jeff has mentioned the shape of your hull and the size of your motor are some of the most important things

    my boat is small but has a nice deep v and a good reliable motor

    i take mine 20kms offshore quite abit and feel very safe but i have all the safety gear and always keep a eye on the weather

    you really need to head out with some one that knows what they are doing and have done it plenty of times

    just because some one has a boat license doesn't mean they should be taking a boat offshore esp a small boat

    as for your sounder the auto settings on the HDS units are pretty much fool proof if its not showing you fish chances are there are no fish where you are

  4. very lucky mate

    not a very good idea to go fishing outside the heads any near cliff faces when testing out a 2nd hand motor

    could of ended very badly if the swell had picked up

    when i got my boat i didn't venture outside for a few weeks until i have full confidence in both boat and motor

    good to hear you got back ok and got a feed

  5. not bad

    the round back is pretty crap as it would wobble if you rest it on a table and need to type on it

    and earphone jack on the side is a bad location

    at least they got one thing right and thats having it run android

    there are already a few phones on the market that blow the iphone away

    and with the release of the windows 7 phones around the corner things start to get interesting

  6. Gday

    a downrigger isn't needed to fish live squid it just makes it easier as you can cover more ground

    if you do end up catching some live squid its probably a good idea not to burley as your just going to attract rubbish fish that will come and eat your squid

    my advise would be to try and get some livies from around west head (fine to burley here) and keep a eye out for the salmon and bonito schools that will be working around the area you can spend all day looking for kings and come up with donuts shouldn't have a issue finding the salmon and bonito no sounder required

  7. nice work mate

    i was out there for a few hrs yesterday and got stuck into some nice salmon and bonito

    great fun on 4lb gear average fish was around 50cm

    fish went deep once the sun went down but we still hooked up

    i made some recordings with my HDS ill post them later gotta love a blacked out sounder

  8. the thicker the leader the better then chances you have of boating the fish you catch

    but because of the thicker leader your going to miss out on ALOT of fish

    pittwater is pretty shallow with alot of the good spots in under 15mtrs of water

    the fish can easily spot a 100lb leader in that depth

    i drop down to 30lb in some cases and i use a max of 80lb in any of my kingy fishing

    fishing pittwater i use 30-50lb leader depending on if i am downrigging or bait fishing

  9. yeah its not going to happen ha

    these rods are for squid they are made to run ultralight line the guides are tiny and the largest leader you would be able to use would be 20lb

    if you do connect to a king and it doesn't snap your rod its going to be a long drawn out fight which isnt going to end well for the king

  10. Hi Matt,

    I have just recently purchased a Baitmate baitboard and only fiited and plumbed it up last week. It's a PM640 which has a 40 litre live bait tank, a tray beneath and of course the chopping board on top. I can highly recommend the product in terms of looks, quality of craftmanship and cost.




    post-9344-015174500 1285220973_thumb.jpg

    post-9344-032387200 1285221020_thumb.jpg

    verrry nice reminds me its another thing i still need to add to my shopping list

    i want the same setup as your but maybe a slightly larger tank

    can you please PM me the price you paid for that


  11. nice work mate

    did you actually boat any kings?

    if your fishing where i think your fishing you should be using 50lb as a min to stop them quick

    and be careful with your burley as well as those areas hold good numbers of jackets

    ill hopefully be out there this weekend braining a few

  12. Just an added note in regards to lever drags, its also important to give the added protection to it while on the boat. When trolling or travelling with them in your boats rear rod holders they can cop a fair bit of spray from the wake. I have pulled apart one of my avets after a long day on the water to find a fair amount of water sitting in the gear box. Some reels have drainage points in the bottom of the gear box(jigging master for instance) but either way water has still come into contact with the internals. Unless trolling remove LD reels from the rear holders or cover with neoprene covers. After a long days fishing I like to pull apart my LD's to make sure nothing has gotten inside. IMO lever drag reels are by far the easiest to strip down, and at the end of the day id rather spend 20mins stripping one down then spending dollars in new parts. I also have since drilled a small hole in the lower part of the gear box of all my LD reels to allow drainage. (Note: don't drill the hole when the reel is together! You don't need a hole in the gear also!)

    you could also just lock the drag up so water cant enter into the reel

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