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Posts posted by Brooker435

  1. Nice job mate where do you get these units and how much cheers

    Thanks Coasty,

    I got the unit direct from the Importer up here in qld.

    Since your in NSW I would run it past Huey & Huett Marine (Site Sponsor) as they may be able to get them also.

    Mine Cost $1100 as its the heavy duty one rated up to 130hp

    you can get a smaller version PT-35 rated up to 35hp they are around the $800 mark.

    Hope this helps



  2. Raiders,

    Just thought I would share some information on my Power Tilt/Trim conversion hopefully it may be of use to someone.

    After owning my boat for close to 1 year now and being sick and tired of lifting up the old 50hp outboard decided that it was time to do something about it before I throw my back out or something along those lines.

    I tried the affordable way trying to source a second hand unit or salvage one off another outboard and convert it to fit.

    started to ring around the wreckers and was getting frustrated as they would only have part of what I needed and if they had what I needed were asking way too much for something 20 years old.

    Most of them just said to replace the outboard as that works out better in the long run and it probably does... but cut a long story short I made the decision to purchase a CMC unit as I have heard alot of good things about them and if I ever replaced the outboard I can keep the CMC unit as it just bolts to your transom and the outboard to it.

    The whole job took me about 1 day and a half to complete most of the time was spent thinking about how to lift the motor safely being a 50hp she has a bit of weight to her and I did not have a engine hoist so I ended up resting the outboard on a pallet, placed a trolley under the pallet and strapped the outboard to the trolley and pallet, Then I used a car jack to raise the front of the boat so all the weight of the motor was on the pallet and then I un-done the bolts and lowered the front of the boat hoping that the engine would stay on the trolley it worked like a charm so I was pretty pleased with myself :biggrin2:post-9366-084338400 1299241169_thumb.jpg

    I then had to mount the PT-130 to the Boat I made sure to clean off all the silicone from the old Bolts and re-do them and tighten it up as it never leaked before and I intend to keep it that way.

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    Next step was to mount the Outboard to the unit fairly simple just had to make sure I allowed for the height difference as the CMC sits a little bit higher so I had to move the Outboard down to accommodate this..

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    This is where the fun started because I had to re-connect the steering cable I knew that this would be tricky but did not know that the steering cable did not have much room for adjustment but I did as much as I could but it was still way to tight so the only way around it was to make up a bracket for the steering this is the part where the steering cables connect to the motor.

    It took me another Hour to make up the bracket actually 15 mins to make it and about 45 mins checking my measurements time and time again as the distance between the holes has to be spot on for the steering to work at its best.

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    Now that was all out of the way I then had to wire it all up I must say this Kit is awesome everything is ready to go out of the Box but of course in this instance my Boat was not ready!!!

    The wire kit is complete all the relays are connected all you have to do is mount the switch, run the wires and connect it up to the battery and then just plug it in!!!! :thumbup:

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    Then it was the moment of truth powered it up and it works like a charm just need to get out on the water :yahoo:

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    Here is a photo of the Kit out of the Box

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    Tight Lines & Screaming Drags!!!!!



  3. About 3 year's Ago I was fishing at the Rocks in Bellambi out near the Gong,

    Fished the whole afternoon in the Heat was burnt did not catch anything worth keeping and when I am walking back I hear the Sound of my Keys and splash lost the lot spent about 1 hour and a half trying to locate them without any luck ended up being the worst fishing experience I ever had!!!

    I am yet to loose a rod but I feel my keys qualifies as it put me in the red around $400 which is what you would pay for some decent gear!!!



  4. What a excellent report!!!

    Enjoyed reading it that's for sure,

    By the sounds of it you know what you are doing so all you need now is a little luck and that 10 Kilo Jew wont be too far away,

    as for changing hobbies mate Id honestly stick to fishing as you don't know it yet but the build up to the Big fish will always be something that you can look back on and once it does happen it will all be worth it...

    I was always after King's and Jew it took me almost 1 year to get them and since then I don't have as much time as I did before to go chasing them these day's I just enjoy Bream bashing and flicking plastics but I look back at the weeknight's chasing squid and going for the Jew and they were the best fishing days of my life I have to get back into it again!!!!!!

    Good luck with it and your persistence will pay off eventually,



  5. Anthony so glad you got out of it in one piece too bad about your equipment but it can all be replaced.

    Mother nature is full of surprises I hope this is a eye opener for many boaties myself included to take care and try to be two steps ahead but sometimes luck is just not on your side.

    I hope you get back on track in no time,



  6. Osman,

    If it worked before I don't think there is anything wrong with it.

    But why not try something different?

    I use a easy rig and I am pretty sure most raiders would do so also.

    All you have to do is feed the main line through the rig, tie a swivel to the main line after its fed through the Easy rig then tie your leader with your existing 2 hook set up to the swivel

    You can even add a lumo bead in-between the swivel and the easy rig but that is up to you.

    and you can attach your sinker and away you go!!!

    Good luck on your fishing adventures



    Here is a example of a Easy Rig

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  7. Well going to the Pub does not sound like such a bad idea very hot outside indeed.

    I know what its like with the Inconsiderate people I used to get upset but it happens way too often.

    Enjoy the Cricket and Coldies :beersmile: better then getting all hot and sweaty :thumbup:



  8. Get Well soon Rick my family has been through it and its not a nice time but we did manage to beat it thanks to the Good people upstairs.

    Everyone here have you and your family in their thought's and prayers.

    I hope that the good people upstairs and around you can give you the strength you need to get through this.



  9. Now That's a Mighty Fine Jew there Congratulations,

    Its always good to have someone there to mentor you well done Moe you will be remembered and appreciated for your efforts.

    Some great Reading there enjoyed it alot!!

    Keep up the great reports!!



  10. Thanks Everyone!!!

    I am down in Sydney till next week and I am hoping to get out for a Fish

    But we will have to see what happens with the weather..

    Once again thanks for your Birthday wishes fellow Raiders!!

    Regards Nathan

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