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Everything posted by Jewdreamer

  1. Lovely Crocodile you got there Great work! Chris
  2. Fantastic, Its great to hear that you guys are already getting results from Gianni's tutoring! Keep it up mate! Chris
  3. No problems mate! I had a ball teaching everyone. They were great students. AND a great BIG thanks to Trevor for the help.
  4. Hi Stu, I am bringing the boat and a can bring a couple of spare suitable outfits, if you need a coach or helper. Know the moons to picnic point very well. Chris
  5. Yes, that creek looks fishy as hell. Fished it back in sept, for no result.....but it sure looked the goods. Now the prawns are out ... Good work buddy Chris
  6. Tortue is great on an alvey, 20 years as a rockhopper on 600s, 650s and 700 alveys in the 80s and 90s...nothing better! 2.5KG breambo on 6lb, on an MT4144/600A, 8Kg Tailor on 15lb Mt7144/650C/ Love the tortue supercontrol, wouldnot spool an alvey with anything else for rock fishing Cheers Chris
  7. Wow, now thats the catch of the month!
  8. Smiths Creek theres a hole up there that held heaps of schoolies last time I was there. Or you could take you wifer to the Riverside tavern for lunch and whilst she is sipping her post lunch Champers, wander down to marine rescue wharf. Walk about 20 M east and chuck some plackies on heavy Jig heads and bag out on flatties....if you really feel the need.... Or you could just stay with the wife...might get lucky
  9. Great fish mate! Pipped my Oyster bay PB by 1CM Great to see the old girl swim away.
  10. Nice one Daniel, hope you stayed dry!
  11. I used to use an FSU4120 which had been cut at tip and but to 8ft, all Silicon carbide runners and a roller tip. Had a Penn Senator 116, whole thing was uinbreakable and a bit of a crowbar. Still got spooled a couple of times - with smoke coming out of the reel...must have been a submarine..
  12. Some one got a 150Kg shovelnose in the georges 4 or 5 years ago...towed their kayak like a waterski for a few KM
  13. You could always come over to the light side and start using plastics and HBs, Have not had to worry about bait for many years!'
  14. Just get out there and do it! Keep it SLOW and you have a good chance mate!
  15. The Georges can be a great fishery! a while back someone got a 150Kg Shovelnose Plenty of Jewies and Big flathead Swordy slays them on the EPs There are lots of luderick around Lugarno Bream a plenty...Just gotta figure it out!
  16. Macca, what a great day with the boy, I wonder how long it will take him to get a new PB bream above 43cm! Great work! Chris
  17. Hey guys, talking of heavy casting, when we were ottom bashing off the rocks back in the 80s, we would use a 4 oz lead on a 15lb breakaway running paternoster, with a 20lb main line. you could cast for miles with an 8 wrap MT8144 and a tritonmag or similar overhead. So that means roughly a 4 to 1 ratio on the sinker line was adequate. Also a 15lb breakoff leader on the sinker meant you didn't break your back - or the rod when you got snagged... Cheers Chris
  18. The tackle you should use for grouper is a 12ft 9 wrap fast taper rod matched to a 700E series alvey.loaded with 15Kg Minimum line. Make sure you prepare well for the outing - maybe a month of doing 100 squats per day as you will need strong knees... Best of luck! Chris.
  19. Chexk the ful filter buddy or it may be an air leak in the fuel hose
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