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Posts posted by James

  1. mate beleive it or not ive tried fishing there on my boat literally 20 metres from the the shore and never got a bite dont know if the boat spooked them or not.

    just casting from the shore will get you in range but don t forget very heavy gear

  2. mate well done on your trip to bad about your tackle debacle. you don t want to be worrying about your drag failing or your line fraying on broken eyelets.

    dude invest a couple of dollars on some decent gear that will get you trevors sambos and rats which won t break your budget but put you in with a good chance of picking up a good fish and put your mind at ease whilst bringing it in.

    if you want to look at a couple blokes catching top fish from a little trailor boat there is great DVD out at the moment called xxxxxxxxxx.

    Mondo i reckon adjusting your drag whilst in a fight is not the right thing to be doing, but in shallow water or around reef or structure fighting a big king as a last reort you may have to tighten the drag if it puts you with a better chance of bringing him in

  3. 500m of 50lb braid on 6500 baitrunner i serioiusly doubt that, i can hardly get 300 on mine.

    anyway forget that take the line straight off because its definately faulty see if you can get your money back. i doubt that it was a cobia or a kingie at best you were looking at a shark, but still you think your trace would have given way before the braid blew up.

    mate to be honest i think you had a big beautiful sting ray.

    anyway well done mate on what you did catch seems like a productive night

  4. ok well i did start it but im not to sure how to keep it going so Martin thanks for putting your hand up with giving a hand because i think ill need some help.

    i reckon the longer we prolong it the better the fishing will be. i stated earlier late september to early october, but im very flexible so i guess if i can get some input on it whatever comes up as the most popular weekend ill be happy to go along with it.

    keep in mind the hawkesbury classic is on the weekend of the 10th 11th 12th of november so i think we should keep clear of that weekend.

    my preferable weekend would probably be that of OCTOBER 6-7-8 the 6th being a friday the friday after is 13th so we may have to keep clear of that date.



  5. congratulations mate on the new aquisition hope the quini treats you well and many fish to be caught, may see you on the river "sea had"

  6. Taken on a 6 inch camo sandworm! :074:


    Just for the record this isn't just our cause!

    Recreational anglers have a RIGHT to their fair share of this resource!!!

    yeah i understand that and fished that beautiful island last december its going to be sad if they do turn it into a sanctuary as its so accessable to recreational trailor boat fisherman so i ll take back what i said and good luck to our cause

  7. Hey mate, like you i am a massive tigers fan, have been al my life, but i think it is going to be very difficult for us to make the semi's this year, even after yesterdays performance.

    Storm and eels are looking beter and better each week, they are going to be hard to stop

    Understand what your saying Netic but after last year im never going to write of the tigers again. Ive been a tiger all my life to but if they were to fail i would be cheering on those bloody suffering eels to finally achieve something

    go the mighty tigers

  8. mate beleive it or not they get big jews down there its an awesome land based spot.

    was loading my boat up one night there and noticed some of my mates down there fishing. i hadn t caught much that evening on my boat so had big doubts about them catching anything. until i here one of the boys reels screaming what came up shocked the hell out of me a jew weighing 17kg.

    we spent the next 3 nights in row there catching another 2 jews and 1 bull shark.

    you need very big gear there as we lost a few on moorings poles, its also very good place for getting live mullet and if your lucky can get a couple of squid.

  9. hey mate many years ago i use to fish the bridges from time to time land based but didn t find it to productive. never landing anything of reasonable size, the odd soapie, bream flattie or jew.

    my two land based spots which i would recommend would be :

    1 the area between the berowera ferry and the moorings on the boat ramp side.

    2 if your up for a stroll you can walk down the trail to flint n steel point it can be productive at times fished correctly. not on the reef but adjacent to it depending on the tide.

  10. yeah this is sounding good

    was wondering if someone can change the posts heading to jewie social or something along those lines just might help with numbers as "just a thought" does not give people much idea


  11. mate from this weeks performances i have know doubt in my mind brisbane, manly, st george, and cronulla are spent forces and may limp into the finals knowing there days are numbered.

    Teams to bet i believe are going to be the storm, bulldogs, and unfortunately the eels.

    never write off the mighty tigers though they are going to turn the corner and with 3 byes(souths and canberra) and another easy game against the saints, we will have 28 points and if we can get lucky do the storm it will be a good stepping stone for our defence en the year on 30 points.


  12. was fishing at gunya one time and pulled in 3 anchors on my one so there must be some artificial reefs out there soley constructed by anchors and there ropes.

    wasn t actually to concerned about losing the anchor as i have a few spare at home it was just upsetting that due to my ignorance and leaving it on the bow it fell off. :mad3:

    definately won t happen again

  13. at least the trevs kept you busy mate to bad about the dolphins scaring the salmon off

    although leatherjackets can be a pain at times there dam nice on the plate so im sure your going to have a nice feed tonight

  14. G`day Fellas ,

    If you think its rare to see dolphins between the bridges , then you will not be surprized to learn that I almost Jumped out of our Boat with shock , when a Juvenile Dolphin leapt high into the air from the water 6 feet from our Boat anchored at a Jewie Spot at Spencer .

    I think from memory , Spencer Is about 14 kilms from the bridges , so that was a bit odd.


    a bit odd dolphins at spencer my goodness, would have deffinately fightened me as you really don t expect to see them there,

    on the other hand they source the same food as sharks and the river is full of em.

  15. after a few minor troubles launching due to motor not co operating headed off to 1 of 3 spots which we had planned for the day.

    after 10 minutes on the water pull up tight on what i thought was something unusual and to my amazment it was a hairtail, never caught one before and technically still havn t as i dropped it a couple of metres from netting. although i had lost him i was still over the moon and had high hopes for the day. (butterflied yellowtial)

    a couple of hours then went by and we were contemplating a shift to our seond spot just as the sun was coming up and my partner gets a little run expecting a fish of at least 10kg but ends up bringing a schoolie of about 4to 5 kg. drag wasn t set correctly which mad me think it was bigger than it was. (squid)

    once the sun came up decided we would fish the last few of hours of the run it our second spot that never eventuated lost our anchor over the side of the boat absolute nightmare as we had know spare.

    spent the next few hours drifting and spinning some plastics were we added one tailor thanks to a plastic and a nice bream of 35-40cm taken on squid

    all in just loved being on the water despite the let down :05:

  16. mate i have to agree to disagree here i believe you have done the fish a service and left them once you captured enough for yourself,

    but mate i truly believe its not all about serching for food, where if i was in that situation i would have tried different things to help me in the future when times are tough?

    i also put a lot of preperation into my sessions and really enjoy my time on the water regardless of catching hope you don t take this the wrong way just my 2 cents worth. :1fishing1:

    Im now ready for my dig on the river let you boys know how things turn out tomorrow

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