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Posts posted by James

  1. was just wondering what peoples ideas are on burleying.

    i mainly target jewfish but on the odd chance i go for other species i tend to use the same method and thats not to burley.(exluding cubing for reds)

    i find when burleying you attract every bit of trash in the water and the species you target tend to become a bye catch.

    i noticed lately people have been stressing the fact to use burley. is that due to the season being winter where the fish are not as active or is it something that goes on year round

  2. mate before i had my boat barrenjoey boat shed was the only place i would hire. its located behind palm beach next to the golf coarse you are limited to west head and the western side of barrenjoey so you got the whole pittwater to discover.

    the hire rate would be close to the cheapest in sydney

  3. hey mate i reckon if you invested more time in searching for fresh baits or catching yourself some live bait you may increase your chances of getting a better catch.

    the gold old prawn is good to a certain extent, but if your willing to pay the dollars to hire a boat you may as well find yourself a bait that would put you in with a better chance.

    i spend 90% of my fishing time in the hawkesbury and im forever seeking the best baits in the area as they will get you the best fish.

    know offence mate just trying to help :1fishing1:

  4. just noticed that the water temp just hit 20C off north head and its in the middle of winter nice current, wonder if that will bring on some better catches.

    will be interesting to see some reports.

    that might explain those bonito being caught. might be a few kings round to.

  5. mate know need to wait. there are still plenty around on the inshore reefs, and if you are keen head out a bit further for some deep water jigging. this is when the big fellas come out to play.

    a few weeks ago my self and my fishing partner pulled a few in on pillie cubes at east reef whilst targeting snapper.

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