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Posts posted by James

  1. Headed out early saturday morning to try n get myself a jew spent most of the morning travelling from spot to spot when finally i picked her up on a live mullet.

    she was caught at roughly 10.30am and what a releif as the last couple of trips were pretty quiet. it went 13 kg gutted.

    ps does anyone know of any places to pick up ultra fresh squid the bloke i get it from has been out of it lately

    whats going on with my pic its so small

  2. hey champ was just wondering where you picked up the yellowtail, and slimies. west head has been causing me greif of late and so has little box. any chance of letting me in on where you picked them up. as i am looking for alternative lbg. thanks

    nice catch to

  3. coba point in close to the houses on berowra side before you go round the bend. very deep water from the shore line. caught bream flathead and jews there. use several baits and your surely bound to pull some nice fish in :1fishing1:

  4. newcomer or addicted know difference still members. i read this forum everynight have been for at least two years and have seen it transform to one of the best forums in australia. yet i ve only posted 30 odd post. does that make me a non worthy member with restrictions on what im alowwed to say.

  5. i have to agree with nick here if you soley base your fishing on information you receive from other people or forums that is pathetic, and to call this guy jew knob is rediculous so what does that make you netic the jewknobfollower.

    fare suck of the tomatoe sauce bottle

  6. millions of soapies which is a good sign and all back healthy.

    god bless mr X fishing charters. top bloke he is.

    don t waste time with livies if there at the spots i will use them. otherwise the only bait fresh squid. at 25 a kg its worth it but it becomes quite costly when 95%of the bait goes to stuff half the size of your baits.

    2 got filleted and the other two got cut into cutlets.

    just ate deep fried jewfish in beer batter.

  7. hey guys had one of my best jew sessions today in years on the river the morning started awesomely with two jews landed within 5 minutes.

    things quieted for an hour until my 6500 screamed like it never screamed before. running 60lb braid as my main line with a 80lb trace on almost full drag i couldn t stop this monster braking one of my rold holders in the process of trying to pull it out. this was definately a jew and it put a bitter sweet touch to the day. busting me into rocks.

    we moved on from there as my dream jew was gone, we ended the day at a pitt st like spot and got a couple more.

    4 jew fish were kept miggest going 10.5 gutted whilst the smallest being 5.3. we must have a caught a thousand soapies in between decent bites and a few sharks. all in all it was a great day.

    an the last of the 4 jews

  8. hey fella s just wondering what you guys use as an alternative for a sea anchor. i ve yet to purchase one and i just use a large bucket tied to the boat. it works rather well but can t withstand larger gusts.

    are there any other options?

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