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The Blackfisherman

Ross Hunter

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What a thrill it is when you have worked hard all your life to eventually have earned the right to spoil yourself with a little of ones’ favourite pastime.

In my case I have no feeling of guilt, no worrying about what else I should be doing , knowing that my chores are up to date and it is time to head for the river, just my dog and me.

Having founded the Marlin Broadbill boat company in ’74 I can remember never having a day off, working for years seven days a week for 15 years.

I then started chartering on Broadbill in ’87 and still work hard, long 11 hours days standing at the wheel with one thought to bring back happy anglers …smiles on dials. There is a certain amount of pressure to perform that task and get it right.

However as I walk down the track to the Georges river I have no one to answer to, no pressure, just me emersed in my favourite pastime blackfishing.

A magpie calls from the timber above, a white bellied sea eagle flies above being pestered by a couple of magpie larks, the river is a sea of reflections as I watch my float with apprehension…my 14 year old staffy “Nara” by my side.

I watch the world go by without qualm and feel nothing but contentment.

I fished with Raider Mark Night yesterday and we worked hard in windy conditions

and loved every minute of it




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The pictures, especially the one of you and Nara says it all Ross.

The wildlife, bush and the river, and your acknowledgement of the peacefulness are summed up beautifully by you in one word … “contentment”. Fishing is more than just the final result; it’s about appreciating everything around you, the whole experience.

Your reports are eloquently written Ross, whether it’s chasing yellowfin, snapper or blackfish. You seem to know what life and fishing is all about. Thank you.



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Very inspirational Ross!

makes me want to just take time off work and enjoy the things i want to do (........fishing) even though i am only about half your age. I have spent the last 10 years after finishing uni, slaving away 6-7 days a week.

Life is tough these days with housing affordability and the cost of living just keeps rocketing higher.

Oh well, such is life and i should feel fortunate that i live in this beautiful country of ours.

For those that think that they have it tough, take another look at third world countries.

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The great thing about Fishraider, Ross, is that everyone reading your report knows exactly what you mean.

Well, maybe not the lifetime of hard work - but definitely the peace of walking down to your favourite fishing hole.

Thanks for a great read.

:dito: with Mondo and a great day fishing, Roscoe.

It would be hard work for most fishermen to go and catch blackfish as regularly as that.

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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great post ross,

looks like you had a real good time there and some good sized blackfish also....

ive fished for lots of species and found the humble ol blackies to be the most relaxing,especially if the surroundings are as tranquil as that.... and the adrenaline buzz when your float goes down.. :biggrin2: ......

wish i wasnt so busy with #1 sons party this w/e so i could go luderick fishing...oh well next best thing is this great site and beaut stories like yours.... cheers....steve.....

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Very inspirational Ross!

makes me want to just take time off work and enjoy the things i want to do (........fishing) even though i am only about half your age. I have spent the last 10 years after finishing uni, slaving away 6-7 days a week.

Life is tough these days with housing affordability and the cost of living just keeps rocketing higher.

Oh well, such is life and i should feel fortunate that i live in this beautiful country of ours.

For those that think that they have it tough, take another look at third world countries.

Totally agree with you!!

Sometimes I just want to retire, and im only 26!

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That was 1 of the most enjoyable reports I have read

You really do know how to paint the perfect picture

and congrats on some beautiful looking blackies

Thanks ElwoodBlues.

I did not think such a simple report would mean so much to so many of you.

I think in the end it comes down to our passion of fishing and the pursuit of it.

It is the unknown factor, the thought that one day that fish of a lifetime will be there and sometimes , even after a lifetime of this challenge it comes back to the simpler things...like standing on the bank watching a float with my dog by my side.

That's a perfect circle as far as I'm concerned.

Thanks all for your nice comments.

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Hi Ross

You've put it in a nutshell!! Sometimes I am so busy watching the sea eagles cruising the thermals, looking for a shallow swimming 'victim' or just looking thru the water below the float, instead of watching the float ..... that I miss the downs - but it doesn't always upset me! It is just the experience of being out there, in your own 'church', absorbing the atmosphere, communing with nature at its best! Catching a fish is not compulsory - tho it is fun!! I give at least 50% of my fish to other people or put them back, because, I just love fishing!

Nothing quite like being 'off with the fairies' and WHACK a fish jumps onto your hook & you are galvanised into action!

Apologies for my late reply - I've been off the air since first thing yesterday morning. When I finally got to my Mum's, for some reason, I couldn't get onto the net & I tried a few times, I can tell you! .... but today, it fired up first time! :1prop: Computers never fail to confuse me!

TIght lines - I have already started my day with a smile on my dial ...


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