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Jigging, Bottom Bash And Cube


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Hi All,

Just a quick thankyou to Dave and Team Offtap for taking me out Jigging yesterday for the most enjoyable day on the water with Joe, Caige and Dave.

We got to rose bay ramp early morning where we met up with Dominica III and crew before heading out to round up bait.

With bait tanks full we headed to a reef outside and began to sound around for some kings, it didnt take long and our jigs were smashed by hungry kings of a variety of different sizes.

Joe and i both got our first kings on jigs and boy were they good kings, joes went around 88cm and mine 87cm, needless to say we both smashed our previous PB's too. Whilst all the mayhem on our boat the crew on dominica were smashing the kings too and managed an absolue beast which was at the 10kg mark and what a beauty it was.

From there Dave and Caige landed a few not to mention how many got away due to bustoffs and leather jackets in which caige managed to land on a jig bigger than the jacket itself. With the bag limit nearing completion we decided we had enough kings for a feed and headed to browns on the troll with keepin tabs. We managed one stripie on the way and upon arrival to browns begain bottom bashing.

We ended up with 5 gemmies in about 6 or so drops and all of good size. Mind you that was another first for me.

From there we set up a cube trail and within 10mins we had landed one albacore and lost another and were thinking too ourselves the in will be on for sure, unfortunatley we didnt manage a YFT but did get another stripie on the cube.

Headed back around 5:30 - 6m from the shelf knowing we had a great variety of fish for a great feed.

Top day with top company and good fish too, what more could we ask for really.

Sorry about the ugly mug in the photos guys.

final tally

12 kings

5 gemmies

1 albacore

1 leather jacket

2 stripeys





Edited by Kingies till i die
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well done. sounds perfect to me! hopefully signs of a great season to come

Great report guys

just like to know what reef are u getting the Kingies off

I have a few marks north of the heads but northing south can u give me some tips


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