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Posted (edited)

G'day Raiders

Got up real early to chase the old TEEHJ ( The ever elusive Hawkesbury Jewfish )

He was not so elusive this morning!!!

Was lucky enough to pick up this big fellow on the run-in tide this morning on a yakka cut bait.


I am a very very happy and satisfied fisherman...


A BIG Thank you to those who helped me along this journey - ya know who you are!!!



Edited by inhlanzi

G'day Raiders

Got up real early to chase the old TEEHJ ( The ever elusive Hawkesbury Jewfish )

He was not so elusive this morning!!!

Was lucky enough to pick up this big fellow on the run tide this morning on a yakka cut bait.


I am a very very happy and satisfied fisherman...


A BIG Thank you to those who helped me along this journey - ya know who you are!!!



Well done mate on the monster!! Must have felt great to bring him in!


Posted (edited)

Well done :thumbup::thumbup:

They are one beautiful fish.


And also was that a run out or in tide, didnt undertsand what you wrote.


Edited by frankp

:1clap: Mike great fish mate :thumbup: It just had to happen for you in those spots. You were rewarded by what you put in to it.

Very happy Mike wish I was with you this time just to be there with the gaff and my lines in the water

Mate when you get one that size you've done everything right. What a day for you.

Shirley said congratulations. I know when I caught my first big jew how the feeling was at my place my mum and dad invited my aunts and uncles around as they know the importance of a catch like that to a jew fishermen. It felt like my acceptance among the Greek side of my family, a birthday party and the Greek Easter celebration at the same time.

A fabulous feeling for you and the family !!!!!!

Mike got your pm tried to ring your phone's running hot. I am so happy for you I keep thinking it's the media . Mate I've just gulped down a port and I don't even drink. Yipppyyyyyyyyyyy

Cheers Mike unforgettable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jewgaffer :thumbup::yahoo: { :1happybday::D } :1clap: !!

Posted (edited)

:1yikes: congrats inhlanzi on such a memorable catch...

that jew is sure trophy size.....

you should get the invitation to the jew hall of fame :biggrin2: ...

any more on the catching side of it,no need for spot x just before daylight how long to pull in,how heavy etc....

anyhows well done again on the great jew....

cheers.... steve.....

Edited by roosterman

great fish mate!

Seeing a big fat well conditioned fish like that really keeps the rest of us mugs believing that we can all acheive that dream fish if you put in the work and pay your dues.

well done!


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