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King Fish At North Head


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After much indecision, deliberation,talking amongst family members, I decided that I wouldnt visit the mother in law with my Wife, and take my eldest daughter Jess,Roosterman, and myself for an overnighter down near the spit for a stab at a few Jews, and then a Sat morning after Kingies.

The rain was a bit of a worry but if you dont give it a shot, you tend to miss all the fun!. And besides, my alternative was far worse.

Sooooooooo, Rooster met us down at Roseville, and soon we were downrigging all these hidden reefs for the much anticipated kingy! Now, if we all know our Roosterman, like most Raiders do, he tends to be a league tragic and barricks for the Roosters! Well, we had about as much luck finding kings as the bloody Roosters have of getting a finals berth!

Soooooooo, we arrive at the Spit Bridge just on dusk and with no one on the water at all, we sort of set up camp under the bridge to dry off a bit and catch some livies. Now, the big thrill here was that I am not a great finder of squid and Jess was as keen as mustard to land her first, so Rooster helped her out whilst I watched for other boats and kept mine steady! Finally, Rooster got his first and then Jess expertly wheeled her first ever squid into the boat. Yeah!


Well, that was it for the squid so we started working yakkas and slimeys which ended up being flamin chopper after chopper! So with not much to boast about on board, we decided to head to our jew spot for the night and ride out the bad weather .............and hopefully catch a big one. Actually, a very nice man from the Waterways suggested that we move on to our next spot as he was concerned about our wonderfully dry camping spot under the bridge........near this fishing sign! ( Mind you, he gave us another half hour to try and gather a few more livies!)

post-2682-1200810471_thumb.jpg No you goose Rooster, It says NO FISHING

post-2682-1200810638_thumb.jpg Rooster and Jess, half an hour the man said!

Soooooo, heading over to another spot flamin X's of Rooster's, we found a lovely mooring that said "Police only" and set up camp for the night! Around 3.00am, one of Roosters rods gave a decent thump, sitting back in his chair, Rooster calmly stated that it was most likely a squid having a go, then ZZZzzzzz, off went the reel and Rooster. Then.......... nothing, spat the bait and all was still. (Fastest squid I've ever seen Rooster :mad3: )

Well, that was the end to a wonderful jew night, except the one that wrapt itself around the Police mooring and busted us off, but who cares :1badmood: )

Sooooooooo, 4.30 am today we headed off to the spit for more squid, then Balmoral for a few Yakkas. Then, with the sun threatening to shine, we headed over to North Head near the cliffs to get out of the swell and thump some Kings.After downrigging our prized squid and getting absolutely smoked by some thumpers, all went quiet and we ended up bottom bashing with few boats. It seemed that as we watched, King after King was being pulled in by all the other boats in rather frequent periods, when all of a sudden my rod went for a sream and in came a great 60cm model! Yeah! Dad got his , now for Jessicas first.


Its wonderful how a ciggie break always ends up as a strike!

Within 5 minutes of my beauty of a fish going back to fight another day, Rooster was on ! Yeah, at last we were firing up!

post-2682-1200811988_thumb.jpg Nice fish Rooster! Mine was bigger! hehehe

Remembering the fight I had just had with my fish, and the fact that my family jewels were a tad sore from the butt of the rod, I figured that if Jess was to land one, she would need the help of a gimble so she could concentrate on the lifting of the rod and forget a solid rod butt digging into her. I strapped one onto her and threw out a live yakka and we waited, and waited, and waited. The wind by this stage had picked up and we were rolling a fair bit so I suggested to Jess to check the condition of the livey. She threw the rod under her shoulder and cranked a few times only to recieve her first King fishing lecture. "Jess, put the rod into the gimble and pratice winding in as I have taught you, that livey may still be on and you may still get hit by a king on the retrieve"

Wow, did I have a vision or what? Jess only just put the rod in the gimble when ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Off peels the braid and shes on! So, with me yelling "keep the pressure on, keep winding, dont let him get into the reef" , all 27 boats now fishing the spot, watched on eagerly to see the fight! After a few tense moments, 1 x 65cm kingy gets netted by Rooster (I think) , and my daughter finally joins the kingy club! To top the day off, Rooster kept pulling kingies in and Jess got her first bust off! hehehe


To finish of a wonderful day, I showed Jess how to bleed the fish, and then proudly smeared the blood across her shirt and down the centre of her forehead! This, I told her was to induct her into the exclusive fraternity of King Fishers!

(The funny thing was, she brought it !................. boy, is Mrs Stumpy going to shoot me when she goes to wash that shirt! hehehehe)


Thanks for a great day out Jess and Roosterman! That was the perfect start to the new year!


Stumpy! :thumbup:


Just reel the flamin fish in you show-off!


All, a bit too much for our newest King Fisher :biggrin2:

Edited by stumpy
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stumpy well mate what can i say,your a real wordsmith mate...

a big :thumbup: for the ride and i had a great time as i think we all did...

the leaky good ship day release was... well ... alittle drier than what my runabout woulda been..

i bet you planned that leaky bimini to sabastage my expertease fishing skills so i wouldnt outfish ya :074:

unfortunately the jews were not behaving and that one that hit the fresh butterfly taylor around 4.30am and quickly wrapped me around the mooring for me to eventually bring back bait with huge chomp outa it :1badmood: ..

.... as for that sign ...... well it shows a fish on the end of line so technically we were ok i think as we couldnt catch a cold at that point in time :1prop: ...

the hilight of the day was seeing your new kingy master show us old boys how to hook and land a huuuuuge king... it was even better than when we got smoked downrigging by big hoods.....

was very strange how the yakkas were outfishing the squid by far.... all in all it was a great time out and many thanks again.... steve......

Edited by roosterman
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Well done Stumpy nice report too :thumbup: I always say kingfish can be caught on a loaded cigarette butt when they get excited.

Looks like your mentor Steve Roosterman thought he was having a pupil free day trying to pass on the art of kingfishing to you, ay Stumpy :D.

It was nice to see your daughter Jess catch her first kingfish and most certainly you all had a good time with the friendly and obliging Roosterman.

Cheers Stumpy, Jess and Roosterman :thumbup:

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Edited by jewgaffer
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Wow what a day that was and dad you preety much told the day as it was. One thing i did notice was that u said " Rooster got his first and then Jess expertly wheeled her first ever squid into the boat. Yeah!" well I actually caught the first and ONLY squid for that night and you and Rooster caught yours in the morning while i was happily trying to sleep!

After all the bait fishing i couldnt wait to get out and catch some real fish and expecially my first kingie. All i could think in my head while watching other boats bring them in was ' If i catch one today i am sure in for it as it is taking them a little while to bring them in maybe it will take me all day or ill loose it in the reef ' but besides that i couldnt wait to give it a shot and try and land my first Kingie. So after about and hour of waiting and both my dad and Rooster both had landed theres already but both being under size i finally got onto one of my own and what a fight it was but something i want to get back out and do straight away. :yahoo::yahoo:

So the day soon ended and i had learnt alot about how a Kingie can just decide its hungry when you are reeling you line in, i really enjoyed the day and cant wait to get back out and do it all again.

Thanks Rooster for all the advice and tips on squiding and being a great help and dad if u didnt put the gimble on me i think i would have gone in for a swim!

One quick thing Dad if u let me fish under the split... what else can i get away with that is illegal ???? :1prop:


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Great job stumpy and a fine read. Too bad Roosterman couldn't talk some sense into you on matters rugby league. Great to see young Jess having a whale of a time.

I tried squidding at the spit on friday night for a big 0. I figure with all the tailor there, the squid are in hiding somewhere. OK if you can snag a 30cm + tailor though. They make great jewie baits. :biggrin2:

Edited by humesy
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Well what a day you both had whilst mummy was stuck in bed after a car accident. Not :thumbdown: that I couldn't join you both. :05:

As we can all see Stumpy has a great talent for a yarn but the best part about it is Jess was there to stop the "wopper stopper" being bought out into the size factor.

How exciting it was to see a photo of Jess just after her first king fish, sent via the phone. What a thrill Jess it was for me.

By the way Stumpy, Jess does her own washing now :biggrin2: , so I don't have to do the shirt. LOL

Great day guys can't wait to eat the catch. Love MUM :wife:

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Sounds like you da man Stumpy, I'll be coming to see you when I get to Sydney so you can show me how to catch 'em. Or is it Jess I should be seeking Kingy advice from :1prop:

Well done to you all.

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Hey paint stripper. Are you saying a wee over the side has the same effect on kingfish as durries have on me and stumpy :lol: If so my defence is that my durries don't get filtered via the kidneys. I can't speak for Murray though. :D


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Top report! Sounds like a fun session was had by all. I was super keen on getting out this morning too but was totally shagged after watching the entire Hewitt v Baghdatis battle. Watching tennis till 4:35am is plain wrong and had me questioning my sanity many times :074:

Jess, congrats on your first kingie :thumbup: May there be many more.



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Hahaha yes, i always seem to get a fish when im just teeing up for a wee. If its getting quiet, ill force one out just for good luck. Kinda like Murphy's law, but with a positive spin!

Hey paint stripper. Are you saying a wee over the side has the same effect on kingfish as durries have on me and stumpy :lol: If so my defence is that my durries don't get filtered via the kidneys.

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One quick thing Dad if u let me fish under the split... what else can i get away with that is illegal ???? :1prop:


My darling daughter, it would have only been illegal to tie up to the spit bridge and fish there if Roosterman had of read that sign properly.And besides, they do bend the rules when it is raining-I am sure. Therefore, stay on the right side of the law(that would be me) and you may continue to recieve mobile phone fringe benefits............otherwise, start collecting firewood to send smoke signals to your boyfriends instead :mad3:

P.S Mummy said you were washing your shirt................. dont bother, we will frame it! :biggrin2:



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Great all nighter on the good ship Day Release guys and gal.

Well done to Jess on your first kingie and your Dad is right..Frame the shirt...should look

(and smell) great hanging on the wall :074:

Love the warpaint pic too...

That No Fishing sign reads to me "I.O.Fishing" as part of the "N" has rubbed off...maybe they mean

I owe fishing...as we all do with what we spend on gear.

Great and well written report as usual Murray.



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I dont smoke but i find that a wee over the side of the boat has the same effect :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

So is this the new form of burley.

My darling daughter, it would have only been illegal to tie up to the spit bridge and fish there if Roosterman had of read that sign properly.And besides, they do bend the rules when it is raining-I am sure. Therefore, stay on the right side of the law(that would be me) and you may continue to recieve mobile phone fringe benefits............otherwise, start collecting firewood to send smoke signals to your boyfriends instead :mad3:

P.S Mummy said you were washing your shirt................. dont bother, we will frame it! :biggrin2:



You may frame the shirt but it is not hanging in my room. As much as I love fishing I don't like the smell.

Love Mum :wife:

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