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Kingfish Mecca


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G'day all

Went away for my Bucks weekend to Terrigal and spent Friday morning on a charter out of Terrigal for what can only be described as the best Kingfish action I have evry seen or heard of.

After waking to a windless morning, sun just peaking over the horizon, I knew I was in for a special day. Six of us boarded our charter at six am and headed west from Terrigal Haven!

At our first spot, we had been there for about 45 minutes, for one snapper and a couple of sweep. We were on our last bait before we were about to move when one of the boys rod is nearly pulled from his hands! Bingo, after five or so tentative minutes bringing the fish from 40-50 metre sof water, we get colour, it has another big run, before being netted. A solid start going just leagl at 66cm. Not huge, but a kingy all the sam and a cherry popped for the angler.

Well all rods went back in, baited with pillies and bottle squid. Then all hell broke loose as we had four to five boys at any one time hooked up to a kingy! The size also started to grow, and soon we were regularly pulling up 70+cm kingy's, one after the other.

You may think this is a bit fisy, but the photo below will show you just how thick they were. We lost over 60 sinkers for the day as some just pulled to hard too quick and were bricking us up. So we started jigging with knife jigs and also some Bozo soft plastics on big TT jig heads.

It took a couple of jigs and bang, we were on again. A mate, MAD MICK, using a red and white 300gm jig made the call that he was on big time. After a huge fight, I nearly fell over at what I was seeing, he had jagged not one, but two kingy's on teh one kinfe jig, one on teh top hook and one on the bottom hook!!!!!

Both went legal size and the skipper of the charter went and sat down for4 a while not believing what he had just seen.

Anyway, the biggest for the day went 76cm, we ran out of sinkers, live bait and basically my arms were now touching my toes from being pulled so hard.

The tally was 70-80 kingfish, kept two fish per angler and threw the rest back for me to chase again this weekend. Best start to a Bucks party ever, and my thanks to the skipper for putting us on to such a special patch of reef!!!!

Cheers Dodge





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Well done!! And all the best for your upcoming nuptuals!!!

Next time you go out, take a personal GPS with you & mark the spot! :) Then you know where to go next time!

Look forward to more fishing reports!



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Hi guys,

Thanks for the kind words!! One day in a lifetime!

Just quickly though Roberta, I do not think we should advocate taking GPS devices on charter boats. This skipper from the charter boat company works damm hard at making a living with his business and taking a gps would in my opinion and his be detrimental to his livelihood.



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Does this charter fisho have a name Dodge ? It would be nice to give him a wrap

I think the t-shirt and phone number is a dead giveaway :074::074::074: .

Congratulations, I will have to get the boat out off Terrigal now, ASAP. I have been promising myself I would for a while but have not got out yet. The weather & seas looked perfect too this weekend.

Awesome effort Dodge, bet there were a few sore arms. Congrats for the future, hope the missus doesn't mind you going fishing, you will have the bug now and it will take some to top that outing.

PS :mfr_lol: you would have had to go east from the Haven, west would take you inland

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AHhhhhhh Copafisher, you are too smart, west - east, what does it matter!

I can gaurantee you will catch fish when leaving from Terrigal with this man, have been probably 12 times before and ALWAYS come home with a good feed!

Good luck with it!

Cheers Dodge

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The charter is also run by one of the nicest guys in the business. We've got a booking for this Sunday, hope the fish is still around. We may have a spare spot (1) on board as one the guys has to back out. Anyone keen to fill the spot, please give me a PM and I can tell you the details.

Well done matey, cant wait for Sunday....

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Hi Dodge,

so you didnt tell us if it was an accident or natural causes that led to your early departure from here....

as that surely looks to me like heaven in those pics :074::074::074:

seriously though thats one great day you guys had and im sure the guy will get a few enquiries after people reading this....... thats one of those days to really treasure and to do it with great mates even better eh.....

good luck with the upcoming nuptials....

cheers... steve.......

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