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Getting Smell Of Your Hands


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Hi all

after i go fishing and use bait etc. I get the fish smell on my hands,okay i am fine with it.

But it stays for 3 days.And it does get bad when working etc.Yes i do use soap and clean my hands.

Don,t start me on not using bait and start using soft plastics they smell as bad.

Do any raiders have any tips ? or ideas for me

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Hi Johnno,

one of the best things i have found is lemon..

either fresh or bottle stuff....

rub well into hands then wash off with soap etc...

stings with the little cuts etc that go with fishing but works a treat.....

hope this helps..


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Hi all

after i go fishing and use bait etc. I get the fish smell on my hands,okay i am fine with it.

But it stays for 3 days.And it does get bad when working etc.Yes i do use soap and clean my hands.

Don,t start me on not using bait and start using soft plastics they smell as bad.

Do any raiders have any tips ? or ideas for me

Shower more often Johnno you grub

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Hi Johnno, The lemon Steve mentioned is what chinese cooks use on their hands and it works very well.

Some of the restaurants also supply hot towels and half a lemon to their customers as well.

It's a good idea to use surgical gloves for handling bait with a pair of the standard yellow fish handling gloves over them. You can cut about an inch off the fingers for fine rigging work etc and the material is rubberised or similiar and doesn't fray at all. Wearing the full surgical gloves throughout the session keeps your fingers protected from the cold winter air as well.

Hope this is of some help to you.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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thanks Steve for the great tip

see you tomorrow night

Shower more often Johnno you grub

I also have bought the ainseed soap but every time i buy it i lose the small cake :mad3:

i have bought 3-4 cakes now never tried it

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Go to your local chemist and ask for some instant hand sanitiser or any waterless anti-bacterial hand wash. They come in small bottles and will get rid of all the crap and smell from your hands instantly!

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Just scrub really really hard.

I have found a couple of soaps that work really well though.

One is the anti bacterial Dettol one, the other is from the brand Soft As Soft and the mixture was like jasmine and sandalwood:helps a fair bit.

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Go to your local chemist and ask for some instant hand sanitiser or any waterless anti-bacterial hand wash. They come in small bottles and will get rid of all the crap and smell from your hands instantly!

This stuff is spot on.

only a few dollars a bottle and lasts for ages as you only need a small blob of it.

Even gets the Gulp stench off your fingers.


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Thanks all for some great info as expected

last time i used cold power with preen and sunlight soap (everything i could see)

it only last 1/2hour until smell returned.

I have also tried solvol and that did work for me

anti bacterial hand wash from the chemist if that removes gulp smell well i think it is it for me

might try the dettol soap also.

the s/s soap might be a last resort

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Try Using Cusson's PURE Kitchen Hands Antibacterial Handwash. Works An absolute treat. Have heard thatwashing hands with hot water opens the pours in your skin and lets the smell penetrate and makes it harder to get rid of the smell.

All the best


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i use a combo of listerine and soap and give em a good scrub, has NEVER failed me in the past!!!!!

i use a nail brush and scrub all over my hands with it, but particulary under the nails.

thats right folks, mouthwash... similar effect to toothpaste i imagine, except the listerine has more alcohol in it

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TRY SOLVOL "its hard on dirt and kind on skin " its got moisterisers and citris oils .

and its smells nice to .


yesh Frantic 100% agree with you on using solvol!!!!!!!!!!!

works awsome and smells alright!

other wise just do what i do when theres no solvol use what ever there is in all those bottles in the shower :1prop: haha

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  • 2 weeks later...

belivev it or not the s/s soap actually works, some chef's use itto get rid of the strong onion/garlic smell on their hands. alternatley you can just rub your hands on the inside of the sink.

When I go fishing, I normally buy a loaf of bread to use as berley or bait for baitfish.

After I go fishing, I use a few slices of the bread and use it like soap on my hands... keep on rubbing it into your hands like it is soap for a minute or so.. afterwards your hands won't smell of bait.. it may smell of bread for a little while, but that goes away.. it works for me!

Sometimes, I wear latex gloves when I go fishing in winter.. keeps the hands warm as your hands don't get wet and so won't get chilled down by the wind.... It seems in winter, once your hands get cold, you can't do anything to warm them back up again.

I had a bad experience using latex gloves though... years ago I was fishing at Roseville. I noticed a car going around the carpark and then stopping next to where my car was parked...

So I grabbed my maglite and walked up to see what was going on..

Turns out the car going around the car park was a copper.. and he had stopped next to my car to do a rego check wondering what the hell my car was doing parked there in the middle of the night.

He saw me walking up with latex gloves and a maglite.....trouble!!!


back then there was that old abandoned building next to Roseville boat ramp.. they thought I had gone into that old abandoned building breaking glass and causing trouble...

Got my whole car searched by the cops! I had a rod in a rod bag inside the car, and they even asked to check that incase it was a gun or something!

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greetings fishraiders

personally I have a cloth tied to a bit of rope, each time i cut bait etc. it throw the cloth over into the

saltwater, wash my hands with it. takes seconds, then have a quick rinse of the hands (just cleaned)

in a bucket of fresh water to rinse the salt off them.

so easy.

however if you cant be bothered doing that, just dip your hands in a bucket of fresh moist chicken

manure at the end of the day, that will certainly override and fishy smells.

regards ilk

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Having a small sheet of sponge out of the way in the circulating live bait tank water is another way to clean off you hands and you can catch your baitfish with it as well, and you can dry off your hands with a dry cloth before casting. Doing that each time gets rid of most of the smell before it sets in.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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