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My First Report

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Hello everyone,

Well, I finally managed to get out on the water with Hodgey and Dene for an eagerly awaited fishing session. The weather was terrific this morning so we decided to look for flatties in the lake. Twenty minutes into the day and I landed an undersized flatty. Nothing much else happened for a while, so we drifted along another corner of the lake.

The two fellas had a bit of fun catching bream, pike, trevally and tailor, whereas I didn't catch a thing :mad3: Dene took us to another side of the lake, and then the fun began. Hodgey started us off by dropping a VERY good flatty, which was lost after a brief struggle. Then, 'Bingo!', I land myself a nice 49cm model (which turned out to be the biggest fish of the day! :1prop: ). We had a lot of fun using mainly Gulp 3" and 4" minnows in lime tiger and smelt.

Our total catch for the day was 1 bream, 2 tailor, 1 pike, 1 trevally, and 16 flathead. We bought home 11 flathead. Looks like Nan and Pa are in for a good feed!!! Thanks to Dad and Dene for the best plastic session I can remember for a long time. It was educational AND entertaining!!!





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Well done, Christie (and Hodgey & Dene!) What a fantastic day on the water!!! those fish look in terrific condition, too. And Hodgey was lamenting the lack of flatties just the other week! :1yikes:

Particularly well done, on getting them on those small plastics!! Flatties are so good at busting off on lighter line & if you were targetting bream & catching flatties, you'd be using pretty light gear!

Shame he dropped the big one! :( We had a lovely day up here today, too, trying for those elusive blighters ...... those blackies!! :) But that is another story!! :)

Cheerio & Well done - enjoy your holiday!



The whole family will enjoy that feed! :yahoo::thumbup:

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That's a top flathead catch hodgey jnr, Hodgey and Dene !! You've got some very good teachers there who are prepared to move around and find out where they are best on the day :thumbup: It's good to study their habits and find out where they are likely to nest up at night, when others might say there's not many flathead around at night until they fish in their territory on the night by accident which doesn't happen often.

I've seen my friend Jimmy Bowers of Ballina, when all the night fishermen fished off the other end for a no result, pull fifteen flathead on sp/s out off the "wrong" side of a Bridge in Ballina in about an hour and a half around 10pm one night, after he looked at a few other spots. Sadly on the same sp's there seemed to be too much of a gap between my line and the sp even with a duplicate rod, and keeping a straight face I couldn't get a looker even though I tried carefully immitating a serious soft plastics fisherman's boofhead impersonation who had no other bait :lol:

Well done as usual Hodgey, Dene and a good effort by young Christie.

Cheers :beersmile:

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Well done - Karen isn't it?? Ooops, no , it's Christie!! :tease:

Obviously a chip off the old block - just much better looking!! :yahoo:

Enjoy your holiday in that piscatorial paradise! Very jealous I'm not there with you guys - but some of us have to work....or something!! :ranting2:

Take care, keep up the good work giving your dad a run for his money!!


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Great fishing Christie,

Nice to see all those yummy fillets ready to go. It's about time Hodgey had someone to show him how to really fish!

Next thing you need to do is go and catch a 50cm Estuary Perch... just make sure we get a photo of Hodgy's face as well as one of your fish.

Keep the posts coming.

Cheers, Slinky

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Well done mate. A great effort from a young lady who only fishes twice a year! :thumbup:

Squiz/Slinky ... you buggers will 'keep' :074::074:

Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement and comments. I know Christie is thrilled at the responses she has received, and the friendly banter amongst the members!!!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Excellent Session, Sis.

Well Done. :biggrinthumb:

See you soon.

Can't wait till I get down to Tuross and catch something for myself!


:1welcomeani: Hodgey.son,

You've got some big shoes to fill with Hodgey and Hodgey Junior already proving that no fish is safe from them. Hope to see lots of posts with all your great fish soon.

Cheers, Slinky

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:1welcomeani: Hodgey.son,

You've got some big shoes to fill with Hodgey and Hodgey Junior already proving that no fish is safe from them. Hope to see lots of posts with all your great fish soon.

Cheers, Slinky


When I'm re-incarnated, I will definately not come back as a Flathead on the Sth Coast of NSW. :biggrin2:

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