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Strange Fish.


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Hi me again. Couldnt get the photo down any lower in previouse post.I caught this numb fish and had no idea what it was, but i was very wary of it.a friend has a book on fish I.D.and there was a perfect replica of it.It delivers 200 volts and is found normaly on the barrier reef,what the hell it was doing at the Joey i dont know. :1yikes: Ben.

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Hi Gents,

Been a lurker on here for a while.

Numb rays are all over the flats of middle harbour... once caught one on a plastic probably the poorest fight of all time.... I've also seen them eating fortescues.....


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Wait till you try walking on the sandflats around pot hacking at low tide.....trust me..shuffle your feet. :ranting2: stinrays and numbrays. So far Ive stepped on a few small stingrays and they take off like a shot. I guess when I step on a numbray, I will be taking off like a shot instead...

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One Sunday last autumn, I was wading and chucking rubbers at clontarf between the baths and marina. Two show ponies were there trying out there brand new very expensive rods and overheads throwing barra style lures round. The whole beach could hear them telling me that they were practicing before their trip to northern territory. They remarked on my 3kg rod and reel in a somewhat patronising tone. As luck would have it, I hooked a decent lizard and casually waded back to the shore to un hook him. I felt pretty flash that I put the two to shame with my small gear. I was taking the last steps out of the water as the crowd started to gather to ooooh and aaaah at my fish when ZAP.

I stepped on a numb ray. My cool and casual behaviour rapidly changed to the look of someone who was fitting. Overreaction was an understatement. Jumping and cursing. I had to sit down for a while as the shock went straight up my leg and into my tool shed. Nobody saw the ray, I'm sure they all thought "just another nutter"

From now on I shuffle my feet or wear dunlop volleys.

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I think you will find those numb rays are found all round Sydney's waters.

I got my first one bout a foot long on a sqidgy fish in Botany. I had a good idea what it was so released it boatside. Got another last year round the spit, a biggun bout 50cm...... on a squid jig of all things????


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Bit like an electric fence

Don't talk to me about electric bloody fences !

I was out spotlighting foxes one night & after nailing one I went to pick it up. It was next to a fence & I thought oh well while I here I'll have a leak. Undid the greatcoat & started pissing & me mate on the truck called out " check the size of that feral dog" He had picked it up with the spotlight, I swung half around to have a look & ended up pissing on the electric wire :thumbdown::thumbdown:

It really was a shocking experience! Kept the old privates feeling nice & warm out in that sleet & snow though :thumbup: I can laugh now but I wasn't laughing at the time I promise :1prop::1prop::1prop:

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I think Cajun has stepped on one also in the Hacking.


Stepped on one at a Port Stephens boat ramp, and trolled one up on a Pink Manns stretch 5 in the hacking.

Had a mate scuba diving who was cutting up an urchin to feed a groper when he accidently stuck the knife into a hidden numby. I thought he was gunna drown.

They are pretty common in Sydney.



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