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Little Brother Sets A New Pb


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G"day all

Hired a tinny for a couple of hours this morning, to try to improve my visitor's PB. First fish of the morning was a great table fish of 55cm. A couple of smaller models followed, but it was pretty hard going. Marc dropped a smaller model and was starting to get frustrated with his efforts. Another drift along the weed bed soon sorted that out. :biggrin2:

Marc puts a last cast along the weed bed before we move. "Ah Skip? I think I'm on!" What ensued was 35minutes of the most entertaining fishing I have enjoyed in quite a while. After losing a good fish recently, the drag was backed right off, and we chased that little lady round and round Tuross Lake. :074: Marc was using 4lb crystal, 10lb flurocarbon, and a 5" Jerk Shad in Camouflage on a 1/8oz jig head. Each time we got a look at her, all we could see was line disappearing into the fish's mouth ... no sign of the jighead :1yikes:

After a lot of manoeuvring, prayers and a little bit of luck, his new PB was laying safely in the net. :yahoo::yahoo:



77cm and in prime condition. Marc is still buzzing about his capture, which he released after a suitable amount of photography. :biggrin2: She is swimming out there for him to find again another day! :thumbup::thumbup:



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Well done Marc on a new PB!! Awesome flattie & real 'heart in the mouth stuff"!! I bet a few 'naughty words' were said as she came & went on her freedom busting way!! Don't you hate it when you see only line coming out of a big flattie's mouth!! Congrats on getting it in on such light gear!

On ya Hodgey for putting Marc onto such terrific fishing! He may never want to leave now!! :tease:

I think I may have to move down to Tuross! :1prop:



Edited by Roberta
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Thank you all for your kind comments. :thumbup:

Marc left 5:40am this morning and arrived home at 4pm: a little weary, but still excited about his recent trip (his first) to Tuross. He landed numerous fish while he was here and managed to finish his visit with this 68cm lady yesterday :biggrin2:


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