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Parra River Blackfishing


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G'day Raiders

Over the last week or so armed with a nice looking bag of weed I hit the Parra for the first time this Blackfish season. They were very hungry and easy to hook with floats there one second, gone the NEXT!

Done 3x 2hr sessions and each we have scored some nice bags. This afternoons trip I hit a little spot that usually holds big numbers of fish but you have to fish threw the smaller ones to catch the bigger ones.

On arrival I threw out 2 handfuls of burley that consisted of sand and chopped up weed that I was using for bait. The ratio I use is 1 part weed, 3 parts sand. I mix it together usually at home and then when I get to the spot I add some water(to heavy otherwise) that I can ball the sand up into golfball size balls and able to lob it out and when it hits the water it's pretty much in a ball still.


Rigged up, first cast and just as the float settles it rockets down!

The next hour and a half we must have scored thirty fish and a keeper bag of only the fist half of the session. I just couldn't be bothered lifting the thing up the wall every time! 2 out of 3 were keepers so it wasn't to bad but hell, even the little ones go hard!

They must have been very thick as at the end of one and a half hours I only used 5 handfuls of burley plus the ones on arrival. Heres a couple of pix of the first 10 into the bag.



At the end of the session, after a couple of pix back the bag went back in. What a great way to spend a couple of hours on a nice calm afternoon ribbing the hell out of your fishing partner looking at floats!


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Hey Greg,

Long time no post or speak!

Good to see your still getting into some fish, although not the yellowfin i know your absolutely hanging to catch on NEXT, still a great way to kill time.

So have you been out fot the fin yet..

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Hey Greg,

Long time no post or speak!

Good to see your still getting into some fish, although not the yellowfin i know your absolutely hanging to catch on NEXT, still a great way to kill time.

So have you been out fot the fin yet..

Hey mate. Been out cubing twice about 2 months ago, no fin yet....

Snappers and kings kept me busy last week, blackfish this week :thumbup:

Next is going in for a detail and some extra goodies installed :biggrin2:

Getting radar installed for the night runs home from the fin, some underwater lights, slimmie tubes and 6x rod holders around the bow area to make it easier for electric reel fishing whilst cubing ;)

What you been up to?


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Well done Greg, what a great way to spend a few hours! :thumbup:

Good to see that the Parra is firing just as hard as the Georges at the moment....do you even keep any for the table from up there?



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Another Raider scoring heaps of Blackfish , there must be thousands of the things around at the moment.

Good onya Greg that's is a great haul.. :thumbup:


Hey Ray,

I go snorkelling at my local spot X. It's a great way to see fish in their own habitat and how they act. You're right mate.... there are tons of them... and not too many small ones either! :biggrin2:

Well done boys.

Edited by hooklineanddrinker
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Thanks guys, it was a great time had!

Smitty, Every now and then I'll knock a couple on the head for a feed. Usually I'm to lazy to clean them.

Beach angler, Not sure if they will take the bread as the bream and all the little fish will get to the bait first!

I know this because I fish for gars in the same place and I don't catch blackfishon gar rigs.

Tiger Cam, At least blackfish don't eat jigs and lures like jackets do!

5ky, find a point that you can get to that has current going past it with a bit of water depth. There with be blackfish down there! Just fish in the eddie that forms on the down current side of the point.


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