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Fished The Harbour With Roosterman & Blackie


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Hi all

I had to go to Sydney last week & was supposed to head home on Saturday morning .... however, an SMS from Steve to go fishing with him at 6am Sun morning for some blackies ...... proved too great, so I changed my departure time till later Sun morning, after fishing! :1prop:

I was up nice & early & down to the water, got a great parking spot & was ready & waiting for Steve & Paul's arrival. Sadly, I'd not eaten breakfast & neglected to get anything on the way to Spot X, so was really, really happy when Paul said that he had brought some hot coffee & Banana Bread for us to eat!!! YUM!! Many thanks, Paul!


Steve started burleying up & we had our floats out at different depths, trying to work out where the fish were. It was a small tide, so very little movement in the water.

I was busy showing Paul & Steve how 'not to cast' as I was using my little Black Queen rod, rather than my normal long rod. THe line kept twisting around the tip of the rod & I was busy untangling knots more than fishing!!

No sooner had I turned around, chatting to Steve, then Paul shouted "Your float is down!!" Sure enough, I turn back to the water & NO FLOAT! I lifted the rod & felt a nice fish pulling away. I really should have 'set it' first! Just as I got it over the kelp, the mongrel got off! :mad3:

There was a lot of water between fish ...... then suddenly, Steve was on & netted his fish! Whilst he was netting, I got one on ..... but Steve was now wrestling with the net - the hook & line was all caught up in it! I poled mine in & added it to the 'keeper bag', cast out & was on again! :biggrin2: He was also added to the keeper bag.

Shortly after, Paul hooks a nice fish & whilst bringing it to the keeper bag ...... it flexed its way out of his hand & fell between the rocks! :ranting2: Hard as he tried, he could not see it & it was lost! :mad3:

No more bites after that, but a good time was had by all - I now have another 'harbour spot' to add to my list for next time I am in Sydney!! :) I even managed to locate some nice weed & cabbage whilst down there, plus Steve brought some large hanks of his favourite weed for me to try too! Thanks for that Steve!

Thanks guys for a terrific morning on the water - must do it again next time I am down!!

I tried the breakwall here today, to no avail! Once again, I could see the fish but they were not biting! I had heard of some good catches of bronzies last week whilst I was away! :wacko:

Cheerio for now


Hmmmm - high tide first thing in the morning ..... methinks I may go out in the yak!! Brickman dropped off a pair of Yak Wheels he wants me to trial for him! Good opportunity to try them out! :)

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was good to catch up for a fish again Roberta,

thx for the company..

how good was the weather that morning,who cares when the fish are lean with good mates and a backdrop like that eh :thumbup: ..

the 3 fish were all bang on 30cm and bugger all in there gut..

was a little bit of dark slimy crap and there gullet had some burly..

one male was not showing any signs of spawning and the other male and female had the slightest signs that happy families will happen in short time..

they are running later that pitty ones and on my harbour sojourn with my little clan last w/e i saw plenty of good schools congregating so this w/e tide should hopefully see them going nuts..

big thx to paul once again for the beaut coffee and banana bread..

heres a couple pics...

how goods the view eh..






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Fantastic report Roberta (and Steve and Paul). A great read. :thumbup:

What a great way to spend a Saturday morning! Great backdrop, good company, and even a few fish.

Good luck if you head out in the yak today Roberta.



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What a nice day it turned out to be to have a blackfish session in Sydney for a change of pace ay Roberta and in pretty good company too... Stevie Roosterman often drives up to my place in Campbelltown for a chat and what a top fishing mate Stevie would be to have as a next door neighbour ay... :fisher:

By the way Roberta, this is a top photo of the rooster with some young chic ay :thumbup:



jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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how good was the weather that morning,who cares when the fish are lean with good mates and a backdrop like that eh :thumbup: ..


Great sentiment, Steve. Good to see you all got together and had a fine old time chasing the blackies. You can't blame them for not turning up ... look at the quality of the anglers chasing them! :biggrin2: Well done, gang



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Thanks Roberta & Roosterman For a great morning Fishin !!

It was great to meet Roberta for the first time and i do hope to meet up with you some day in Foster to fish

your home turf. I just hope my arms might grow a little longer so that i can reach any dropped fish between

the rocks :biggrin2: , :05: .Thanks Roosterman for the invite its always a pleasure to fish with you. As you

know, if we don't catch any fish you can at least rely on me for Great Coffee and Fresh Banana Bread.Apart

from fishing it is my specialty !! All the best !!

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Nice one folks,

fished there many times as a lad with Dad but off the wharf in the days when you were allowed, great run out spot in the day remember two old guns used to kellick a boat out from the wharf every 2nd week to coincide with the run out and get the drift into the wharf and arounfd the piles they got some fish!

Go at em and get more I say!

Good one as always Roberta nice report!

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