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Keith Is A Dual World Champion!


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Hi all

Yaaaaay!!!!! Keith competed last Wed in the Aquathlon and won his age group - had to run the 'hopeful winner' down in the finish shute to beat him by about 5 secs!!!!

Exiting the swim after the first run, about to do the 2nd run


This pic shows it all - Keith is in green & yellow on the left, the bloke that came 2nd is in green & yellow on the right & they are running down the finish shute!! The Blue Banner is the finish line!


Then on Sat he competed in the BIG ONE!

Before the Race ....


The Olympic Distance World Champs & Keith was 2nd out of the water (behind the bloke who nearly beat him in the Aquathlon)


Unfortunately, he then got a puncture at some roadworks about 2k up the road, & lost about 10 mins changing the tube! :1badmood: Most would have just given up at this point in time, as with short races, such as this, you just lose too much time doing the repair. He was thinking "NO! NO! Not again" He thought it was a case of 'deja vu' ..... he had had to pull out of the World Champs in NZ a few years back after a bike puncture and even the bike techs couldn't remove the tube from the rim (tubless tyre that was glued on!) Keith doesn't use these now! By the time they gave him a replacement wheel, he'd lost over 30 mins in that race & had to pull out! However, this time, a guy on the sideline told him to just settle down, relax & do what he had to do ....... and that calmed him down & he was back on the road soon!

At this point I was thinking ..... hmmmm, 2nd is good ....... then on the first lap of the run, I was looking for the other bloke as a 'marker' when who should come towards me, but KEITH!!!! :yahoo::thumbup:

He was on his own from then!!! He finished in 2hr 47min.


It's official!!


He was awarded his medal last night in front of 5,000 athletes and their families & friends!!!!


Cheerio for now


Edited by Roberta
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Hi Roberta....Congratulations to you both... Keith's achievement in winning the aqua event and then coming fro behind to win the world marathon championship is quiet an outstanding effort... :thumbup: when Shirley, Syd and I met Keith, sails and yourself over dinner up at Forster that time everyone remarked how extremely fit Keith looked for his age then, and that was almost two years ago now.....

Best wishes to both of you and do have a nice relax in Narrabri and I hope that you have enough time on your hands to do some freshwater fishing while you're up there......


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Congratulations once again Roberta and Keith....

I met Keith a few days before he started racing and he's one amazingly fit guy, as if you can't tell from the results. He cost me a lot of money though... I had to take Roberta to a sports store to get Keith some de-foggger for his swim goggles and the store had a good fishing section. Keith's de-fogger cost me about $400 :074:

Awesome performance, Keith. :thumbup:

Cheers, Slinky

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Many thanks guys - the smile is still on his dial! Found out today that there is a half Marathon on up here tomorrow (we are at Mooloolaba now ....... I am doing a yak fishing comp on Sun! Must be a glutton for punishment!)

hahaha that was a classic, Slinky!! Many thanks for taking me there tho ..... and the fishing trip, too - he would have been in a panic if we hadn't found that stuff for his goggles! The fishing gear was a bonus!! :) Here I was, thinking it would just be a swimming shop!



Off to Narrabri next week & home at the end of the month!

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Thanks guys

Would love to see the pics, Glenn - if possible, any chance of keeping the paper for us? Back in about 10 days or so.

Hey Rob - maybe it did ..... after the yak comp yesterday (up at 5am) Toni & I hit the water after the comp & fished on til 5pm!! I was knackered at the end of it tho, went out for dins & was asleep by 8.30pm!



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