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Botany Bay


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Hi everyone,

I took my 2 boys and the neighbours 2 sons fishing in the bay yesterday, we started around

1pm, We trolled a couple of lures around for a while for no fish. Anchored up near Moll pt

and set up a berley trail only to find sweep swimming around under the boat. We set off for

spot x (if you recognize the spot in the pics pls keep it to yourself) :074:

We got the berley happening and the kids all had a ball catching fish for the next couple

of hours. We had all sorts of fish in our trail including some Kings that liked eating bread.

No big ones would take a bait at all, the boys all managed to land a few undersize Kings,

plus get bitten off regularly by Tailor. We returned a heap of fish back to the

water once we had plenty for a feed.

Heres a few pics.









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G'day Penguin,

Great to see the kids had a ball. Those kingies would have tested their patience at such a young age and on such light tackle.

The smile on their dials says it all.

It's certainly a good spot but once you get a boat or two buzzing around, the fish stop biting.

The water is clean and clear in the cooler months and with a fairly shallow depth, the fish are very skittish.

Other boats are always driving circles around me there making it impossible to catch a fish.

These people are nice enough, always saying G'day, but they don'trealize they are spoiling the fishing, and they are equally entitled to fish there....

Nothing you can do really but to smile, return the greeting and keep that rod tip low when you get a hookup in front of them !

I'll only fish it when the weather is a bit rough so as to minimise boat traffic, but cold and windy is not a very appealing scenario, even if the rods are bending....

I can handle the cold but the windchop on top of that is pushing it a bit....jeez I must be getting old or something....

Bring on summer !

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Hi Penguin

Your reports are always enjoyable to read, this one is no exception. Love the pics, and your kids mustve been happy with the results.

You got me thinking now that everytime i make a trip out of the bay that im going past some good fish that i could be catching.

i might have to organise a day in the bay this week... and dont worry ill keep spot x a secret :biggrin2:

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Guest Scotty Lyons

Well done I fished spot x on Saturday morning early on first light and never lost a bait only a few small Reddies so again top effort and I bet the Kids will be talking about that trip for sometime.

Regards Scotty Lyons

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