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fishing sydney harbour from tuesday to sat


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hi guys.a long post.

spent from tuesday to sat fishing the harbour and outside with only break off the water thursday night to change deckies..

on tuesday i got distracted in arvo chasing those small bonnies around and my mate had a ball... they seemed to be everywhere on surface from about 5pm or so each arvo.

had a go for an hr or so at nth head to have our couple squid monstered by big bonnies then nothing else on yakkas :ranting2:

went for a cruise in city that night and darling harbour then had cookup and rest at balmoral..

at about 5am wed headed out to colors and d/r everywhere but only had yakkas as squid were not found that night and throughout the whole trip were hard going.trolled down the coast and back but was not our day and rat kings were even being fussy with yakkas squashed/damaged and having to break bands with green rats thrashing around is not fun,tried in the harbour wed arvo and bonnies again..

with rain and wind expected i went up spit for the night filled tank with yakkas super quick time had feed put big baits out and had 3 hrs kip.

thursday we went out and it seemed like someone was telling us it was just not meant to be as we came around balmoral the wind/swell was up and it looked very messy slop, got to quarantine then pulled pin on outside,later had mate tell me it was very uncomfortable out there so was good decision..

tried to d/r harbour markers but the wind was a pain and fatigue was setting in so pulled the pin early to take mate home.

picked another mate up lunchtime friday and put in at rose bay again for second half of trip. first up we nailed some squid but they were still a bit hard ,arvo bonnies were playing again and with better lure selection this trip were a little easier but they were fussy little buggers still..

at nth head our handfull of squid didnt last long between the huge bonnies and the yummy samson fish.

went chasing jew but just after the tide change things went pear shaped as wind picked up and we were pushed off the mark so went into watsons bay for feed stock up on water and livies..

got to see Dan and the boys before leaving up nth with Ambition then chased squid again...

no squid but a real good sized cuttle that we got over half dozen kings from..

cloros was alot busier this time as expected with weekend and i straight away marked fish..

they were not as fussy this time but the squid and cuttle strips outfished the yakkas by 6 to 1..

left for middle harbour around 930 we came across a huge school of surface feeding kings,moving around alot but was great sight.. all was good till someone cuts straight in front of them and they never surfaced again...

ended up at clontarf where i needed to swim to refresh myself and boy was it a ripper hot day that water was unreal...

met up with Andy and got a real beaut swim aid called "Head Start trolling rig"

was very funny as we had lots of trouble stopping the big garries from spinning and my mate was telling me about this exact device from elsewheres..

trolled middle harbour but was dead with nothing sounding so cooked up a feed of samson fishburgers then back out to colors again..

the fish were very thin out there now but we did get one.. yes another throwback...

headed back to rose bay and had this knob hold up everyone for about 20 min or so on ramp..

so to summerise the trip we had fun,got eaten by mozzies caught some fish,found a great new livey spot with tiny bite size yakkas galore.

got to bring 2 just legal kings home to keep mrs and kids happy and a couple bonnies for bait..

hard fishing at times and went through 160ltres chasing them first session but fishing syd harbour is unreal when its not a w/e and sharing with million others...

highlight of trip was my mate at the tripod giving it to a big fish to come up with a really good anchor and chain someone lost...

heres a couple pics ...

cargo ship carrying boats

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me hooked up to bonnies on 6lb gear

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fresh fishburgers yummo

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my mates catch of the day

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Edited by roosterman
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sounds like a fun few days steve at least you got a few legal kings and a free pickand chain thanks for the heads up regarding outside we stayed in close for far to many rats

cheers gary

yeh the rats were entertaining but no real fun on heavy gear and was not going to try light stuff as there is some real monsters out there,ya just gotta get through the rats.

that anchor is little light for my rig unfortunately but was near new..cant believe someone couldnt pull it up but my mate reels it in :074:

Well done steve, great report..... i am jelous...so many days fishing continous. Great efford to get a couple legal kingies.....i landed so many on sunday which i lost count outside and they were all rats....not one was on size. You mentioned you went for a swim at clontaft, I know a couple spots there to get ocy bait for snapper and jew, and by the way did you set up a jew rig and sent it out there with alarm bells when you guys were having a nap late at night. There is the odd fish being caught but it has been a slow week steve, i myself pumped out so much burley one arvo and could not get the fish to eat including bait fish, i checked the borometer at it was steady all day with no changes. How did you go for battery on the mobiles. Cheers cg.

hi george,i was thinking of you when we were struggling for squid and how you got all those big southerns..

when at clontarf it was only quick dip to refresh as it was bloody hot and very tired..

we pulled a spare bouy near spit one night but big fresh butterflied taylor and bonnie strips got picked over the couple hrs we were there.

we had alot of trouble one day even raising yakkas to re stock tank...

was a great trip but very tiring,.even byron would be impressed with this effort as we know he loves loooooong sessions......


Edited by roosterman
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Bonnie for bait !! They are better eating than kingies IMO

yep i agree to a point...

kingy is better but bonnies are not only a bait fish like some think..

treated just like a tuna are nice sushimi..

bled and ice slurry imediately on capture..yummo...

smoked and pan fried are nice also..

george.. the phones were charged when we had motor going using the ciggy lighter and adapters..

ash thats pretty rocky terain there and yrs would be one amongst many also over quarantine is a anchor graveyard....

evertime i think of my mate seriously hooking in to his anchor fish i have a big chuckly..lol....

thx for the replies guys...


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