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Flatty on plastics!


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G'day Raiders

Headed out in the old canoe to the sand flats to get some poddy mullet.

while the trap was in the water i figured id do a little drift in the deeper water to see whats around.

put on a 4 inch nuke chicken minnow with a 1/8 jig head, 20pnd braid 10 pnd leader. and let the wind drift me along, just slowly raising the lure and letting it drop.

about 2 mins later i felt the hit then there was a big weight on the end of the line. i thought, "im in trouble here" as the drag peeled of my line zzzzzzzzzzzzz

still drifting and slowly gaining back line i got her to the side of the boat, a clumsy fumble with the net banging it on the side and she took off again ZZZzzzzzzz after seeing the size of it the adrenalin kicked in and my hands were shaking already :1yikes:

about 5 mins later (felt much longer) i got her back to the side of the boat, i can see her rolling around and im thinking dont you dare saw through my leader.

My poor net outmatched for the job at hand dove into the water and with some bending landed this beautiful fish. :thumbup:

with it in the boat i paddled my arse off to get to some sand and grab some pics so i could release ASAP

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I measured my net against the photo and reckon she went between 100cm and 110. not sure how much she weighed but i thought about 6 kilo???

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Never crossed my mind to keep her , watching her swim off was reward enough. now time for a :beersmile:

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That's a beast mate, well doneee !

That's as good as it gets ! well done on returning her, it will be good karma and hopefully the fish gods will be sending many more trophy fish your way. :thumbup:

Edited by cut_loose
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Congratulations or a great fish.

Just shows what is in the water.

The front half of the body is big, the tail section normal so yes an easy 6kg.

Back in the old days we use to eat them that size, now we release the big girls.

Welcome to the metre club.


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Mate that is an awsome croc. Are you saying you went in the grabbed her?! :1yikes: I did that once on a big jew and it was dark off the beach. Hadn't seen it before I went in :wacko: . I'd say she'd go better than 7.5kg. Great fish.


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What can I say? That is the finest flathead I have ever seen in the 6 years I have been chasing them. Congratulations on the capture and the healthy release. It makes me even keener to crack the magic mark myself. By the way my biggest is 97cm and estimated 6.5kg, I reckon yours would have gone 7.5kgs at least if it was roed up. My hat goes off to you man!!! :1yikes:

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