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Super Sydney Snapper!


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Hi everyone,

Geez, its been a long while since i've put a post let alone a report up!!

I've been checking the site and all you Raider's are getting great catches!! Well done to everyone :thumbup: (Collective pat on the back! Hehe).

Me......well, been super busy at work but, lately I've had the chance to get out and chase the elusive Sydney Red.

What a blast we've been having! Catching good Reds close to shore in shallow reefy areas and light gear really gets the heart pumping!!

Been averaging quite a few fish every session and some nice sized ones thrown in (to around 80cm). They are out there!!! :thumbup:

Plastics in shallow water in the mornings.....then cube session in deeper water in the afternoons.

Fish coming on both techniques.

Some fish let go........some kept for the table! :thumbup:

Heres a few random pics from recent sessions..........

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i havnt caught a decent snapper for a while now and seeing all these reports coming through of quality snapper being nailed is so frustrating (dam work commitments :ranting2: ) , just hope there still around when i get the chance to get out there :1fishing1: ...some quality fish there wacko well done to you and the crew :thumbup:

cheers paul

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