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Botany Bay Blackfish


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My first fishing report and hopefully 1st of many. Today decided to take a sickie in the great aussie tradition. Well it was actually an RDO that was owed to me but I always get called during these so bit the bullet and called it a sickie and turned my phone off.

As it happened the best laid plans are nearly always ruined by events outside your control. In my case it was the missus having a real RDO. So got to spend most of the day with her trying to decide which sofa to buy :mad3:

By the time I got back it was late in the day so quickly grabed my gear and went down to the rocks at Captain Cook. My gear of choice these days is a Snyder Glas mag bream matched with an alvey blackfish reel. I normally fish very light with 8lb mainline and 6lb fluoro leader.

Anyway today it got really dark quite quckly and i nearly tossed the whole session in. But I stayed and after working out my depth baited up with some green weed (it was actually still black from all the mud and other debri as I had literally no time to wash it) and cast.

Ten minutes in nothing but the float was not behaving right so I adjusted the stopper and cast again. Drift was quite slow as it was right on the ebb and sun was gone a while now. It was getting hard to see the float as I retrived and cast again further out then brought it in close to start the drift.

Bang down it went. Nothing timid just a solid down. It dived for the weed bed but I slowly coaxed it out and landed a nice blackfish of around 32cm.

And then my next three casts were the same with a down and fish each time and the evening progressively becoming night.

The lights of the bridge were on and I could not even see my float in the water. I cast it anyway and watched my line instead (like you do when fishing soft plastics).

Sure enough I noticed the line lose its slack and so lifted my rod to set the hook and incredibly had another fish on. This one felt bigger as it was fighting alot more aggressively than the others and you could actually feel the beats of its powerfull tail thumping the water. After around 2 minutes of fighting it, alas, I lost this one in the weed beds along with my rig and float.

Decided to pack it in after an amazing session and brought a good feed of fish home to the family.


I appologise in advance for the photo as it was so dark I just bled them the quickest way and took them home for this photo.

And the sunset was pretty special too. I actually started fishing when the sunset photo was taken.



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Yeah sorry about the sunset photo. For the life of me I could not get it to rotate 180 degrees. And I am from an IT background!!

In the end I just wanted to post the report so left it.

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Yeah sorry about the sunset photo. For the life of me I could not get it to rotate 180 degrees. And I am from an IT background!!

In the end I just wanted to post the report so left it.

Its great to see so many people out fishing for blackfish. Well done.


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