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Slim Beauty knot

Guest Guest123456789

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Guest Guest123456789

Hi Raiders,

I saw this knot on ifish and I'm thinking of using it. Currently I use the FG knot or Uni to uni for light braid. The FG's are great but do take me a good 5 minutes to tie properly.

What do people think of this knot? Is it strong enough? Can I use it when spinning? Will it run through the bail arm? Should I double the braid?

I was just going to use the method shown on net knots.

Thanks for your help.

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I use the slim beauty knot on most of my lines, 50lb fluorocarbon has trouble going through the bail guide but anything under is fine with mine, it has never failed me. Converted a couple of friends as well. I do a lot of spinning and never had trouble with it going through the guides with the lighter lines 40lb under. Mine are very slim and beautiful.

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I agree about the FG knot, slimmest and strongest knot around. Sort of knot although technically easy to tie can be a pain when on the water, just got to practice and find the best method of tying it.


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Agree with the Bobbin knot tool, but they are KNOT cheap... The shout one is around $300. im KNOT sure if there are any cheaper ones around?

EDIT; just googled it, there are some much cheaper ones now! Anyone advise on the quality of these or do any site sponsors sell them?

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