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Yakking report


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Hi all,

Long time member, well long enough, but never made a report before. But here goes haha....

As I may have made obvious with my endless questions, Ive got myself a kayak. Really loving the fishing it offers. So I took the kayak down to port kembla today and in the water on first light. Straight out to the end of the wall and got a dozen yakka for bait. Decided that would do me for the day, so put one out on the heavier set up and it wasnt long until it met its untimely demise. The circle hook did its job and we were off. After a good tow aroung the place I knew this fish was a bit more than your standard rat. Got him up and kept him for dinner, he went 81cm and 4.5kg so needless to say the pb put a big grin on my face. FYI bleeding and dispatching a fish of that size in a kayak is interesting.... to say the least.


Anyway after much tetris to get him into the esky, the next livie was out and smacked in no time. After a nice breif fight the rat king was in the yak. Normally id say a king was a king, but after the previous fight he was deffinately not as much king as he could be. The next 20 min saw me land two more leagals, ~70cm and ~75cm. Decided to tear myself away from the bight to try for a jew on the tide change. The next hour saw soft plastics result in a lost mystery fish. Odd one in that it had no fight till it got to the surface, like a flatie, took off like a train, like a jew/king, then wore through the leader, like a flatie. All i can say is if that was a flatie it was a bloody brilliant one. Either way, new plastic on and in no time id found a solid fish. I was calling kingie all the way until it surfaced. I was stoked, 69cm jew (4th ever, 2nd in two trips, im getting the hang of it). Another pb. After that the world slowed down. Managed a squid on my sp, unfortunately he became bait for a 40ish cm samsonfish/amberjack something or other. Lost it trying to net it. What version of these fish has a red/brown blotch pattern? I dont know if im honest.


All in all a damn good day. Back at the ramp at 12.30 as the wind was picking up. Hopefully my report has been not horrible.

Cheers all,

Thanks for the read.

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