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No fish in Port Stephens


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My football away trip was to Port Stephens this year, and I took the rods on the off chance of

having a go. I managed to contact Garfield and Scratchie to see if they wanted to meet up for a cold

one or maybe a fish. Garfield was suffering from having to go to work and weekend sports, but Scratchie

had Friday off, so we were able to meet up for a 5:30 start. We went to a secret spot, but Scratchie said

it was no good, so we went to the breakwall and saw a heap of Bream, some were very big, but we couldn't

tempt any of them to take a bit of Pilchard. I saw, the next day that they have a public feeding session at

11am so these big fish were probably not very hungry.


Next stop was a go a flicking some soft plastics from a very nice beach that Scratchie said he had some

success in the passed. I didn't get a touch, but Scratchie had a flatty chase his lure but didn't bother

eating it. In the end, ended up with nothing and went back to the camp site for a bacon sambo.


It was a top morning, in very good company, looking at some new spots I'd not seen. The water

was absolutely crystal clear and very nice to wade in. thanks Scratchie for the top tour, great to meet you,

and sorry you had work on Garfield, another time for a beer and a fish.






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Cheers mate. Without a doubt you are a banana! Lol. I couldn't even get a fish at one of my favourite beaches to flick a lure at. It was a nice morning though! The water clairity was amazing. And it was great to meet you and at least wet a line! 

See you next time!

cheers scratchie!!! 

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If it makes you feel better, I went out this morning in 25kt plus winds because my mate wanted to check out his new motor! (Boat ramp a nightmare) anyway, we found a somewhat protected area and cast lures for about an hour and a half for one bream :( 

tide was massive and water was filthy! 

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3 hours ago, Scratchie said:

If it makes you feel better, I went out this morning in 25kt plus winds because my mate wanted to check out his new motor! (Boat ramp a nightmare) anyway, we found a somewhat protected area and cast lures for about an hour and a half for one bream :( 

tide was massive and water was filthy! 

The wind's dropped now. I'm just tossing up whether or not to put the boat in. Do you reckon it would be better further up the Port or down here near Shoal?

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45 minutes ago, Berleyguts said:

The wind's dropped now. I'm just tossing up whether or not to put the boat in. Do you reckon it would be better further up the Port or down here near Shoal?

Definately better up towards soldiers! Especially the area where I showed you before. Protected a bit more from the westerly. Good luck! 

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I am back from port Stephens as I can vouch it's been tough fishing there last week. Morning sessions were really very very lean, the afternoon sessions were slightly better.

i also saw prob the same large bream at the breakwall, they didn't want any of my prawns or burley. All I caught there was lots of sweep and bulleyes.

think November has gotta be the toughest season for land based fishing 

also a big thanks scratchie for recommending some fishing spots. 

Edited by whiskey299
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On 14/11/2016 at 2:38 PM, Scratchie said:

Definately better up towards soldiers! Especially the area where I showed you before. Protected a bit more from the westerly. Good luck! 

Thanks Jeff!

i ended up fishing the wreck for 1 squid and some tiddlers, then headed down to the marina breakwall and drifted back to Bagnalls. Only managed small whiting, reddies and a couple of shovel nose. Haven't had much luck on those drifts up in Salamander Bay/Wanda yet. The wind did pick up again on Monday afternoon too!

I fished Fingal Beach last night for 3 whiting, so at least I have small feed.

Looks like a gardening day today and a trip to the vet - my son's 15 year old staffy is having surgery.

Hey! We took a scenic drive on Sunday and my wife said, "Isn't that your friend's boat, Scratchie?!" Man, you're in a nice spot there!

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