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Quick 2hr Sesh


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Hello fellow Raiders,

Had 2 hours to kill so I just walked down to the rocks along the manly to Spit walk. Had my 9yo daughter with me so was hoping for a bit of excitement.

Ended up with 2 good size flatties of 37cm and 36cm and a 30cm Tailor which really make my daughter smile as it was on her line and pulling drag from her small bream outfit. The larger flattie was caught on a shallow diving lure and the other 2 on salted cubed pillies.

All in all a fun way to kill some time.20161222_115717.jpg20161222_111544.jpg20161222_120805.jpg20161222_123035.jpg

Happy holidays Guys and Gals.


PS sorry about the pics, don't know why they ended up this way.

Edited by NBFisho
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Looks like fun and deliciousness - good combo.

Re: the pics - this happens a lot, and sometimes because the phone (presuming here) has screen rotation locked. So the photo is taken in whatever orientation you hold the phone, but something in the jpg's metadata tags the resulting pic to display the way your screen was locked to orient itself. This is a stupid and very fixable problem with the phone's operating system or the photo app it runs, but I can't help with that as I don't work for Google or Apple!

If that's not it, then there may be a problem with the forum's backend (which I could perhaps help with). But seeing as lots of posts have pics in both portrait and landscape which display correctly, I think it might be my first guess that's correct.

Sorry, boring tech info

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