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heading out of Port Hacking for kingfish

Big Yella

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hello everyone, I am hoping for a little bit of advice here on chasing kings and bonito outside of Port Hacking.

I am hoping to head out of Port Hacking early Monday morning (weather permitting) and will be fishing between Wattamolla and Bate Bay. Target species will be Kingfish and Bonito. I have tried trolling a few different lures along here in the past with no luck.Has anyone caught these fish here before? if so, how did you catch them? and whereabouts?

Also if this fails, does anyone know of a decent drift around here for flathead or a snapper spot thats not too far out? (its only a small boat).

Any help at all will be greatly appreciated.


Edited by Big Yella
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I have caught bonito trolling lures through washes at ANY headland along the way down south. Get in nice and close to the headland (around 15m will do) if the conditions allow and you will be rewarded. Doing this will also get you a rat king here or there but i have lost lures to larger specimens too..... 

Ps: get out there nice and early, troll as the sun is coming up.


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Forgot to mention, the moat reliable flathead drift is approx due east of big marley beach, start in the 30m depth zone and if that doesent produce keep heading east till you hit the 40m zone etc. Again, the earlier you are out there, the better.

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When I lived in Cronulla one of my favourites was pulling small cd repalas  20 to 50 m off the rocks heading south of the hacking,  you may get a legal king but mostly rats.  Bonito and Mac tuna are easy and will also take a small Christmas tree.  If your fishing alone make sure you head out a little when you get a take and make sure you leave your engine running,  very easy to get washed into the rocks quickly. 


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