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Botany bay capsize


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Fished offshore from Botany today and toured the Peak to 12 Mile with another Fishraider onboard. Didn't turn a reel. You get that..... There was a big south swell running all day and the water was green and cool. We called it a day about 1.30 and headed back in. 

As we passed Bare Island we noticed a boat capsized on the bommie with 2 people in the water clinging to the hull. We moved in to them and managed to get 1 of them onto my boat. The other guy got picked up by a jetski. They were at least wearing lifejackets but for gods sake its time some people learnt some common sense. The swell was pumping, and solid 6 foot waves were breaking regularly on the bommie. The white water was obvious even between waves. Anyone with the most basic boating skills would not go near that bommie in a big south swell. These 2 had NO SKILLS WHATSOEVER. What were you doing out there guys???? Cmon. You will be on the news tonight but at least you will be able to watch it.

Im sorry but it makes me mad that some people are so stupid. I have to applaud the rescue services at this time too. I called it in on VHF and within 10 minutes 2 Police launches and a helicopter were onsite. It must piss them off too having to deal with such stupidity from people with no business being on serious water.

Safe boating everyone.

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Call themselves lucky, unfortunately these days every man and his dog can own a boat. Go to maratime get your license and away you go. Size of boat doesnt matter.                                                 Short story,  friend Quantas pilot bought a boat close to 1hungy G.  Done heaps of charter fishing here there and everywhere, been out on m8s boats etc etc. Time to buy me own boat... Rolls it off Ben Buckler. Two blokes in the water ,Makes Bondi Rescue, nearly dies. Luckily both ok , mentally up the creek without a paddle. And hes a pilot with no idea of the sea.                                                        It is more evident offshore now, no radio respect, no courtesy at sea and blokes venturing to browns and wider with no idea. I had to do over 3500hrs to gain a masters only to contend with boat license gooses who still dont know what side of the harbour they ahould be on. I feel your frustration every day my friend. Well done on helping.

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Not to mention the guy we picked up was a total ungrateful d**khead. Worse yet, he was holding the rope of his capsized sinking boat and initially refusing to get on board! I assume the genius thought he would save that piece of crap by holding onto it. He didn't know what a bommie was and it was a bommie that f**ked them up.

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10 minutes ago, finin said:

Call themselves lucky, unfortunately these days every man and his dog can own a boat. Go to maratime get your license and away you go. Size of boat doesnt matter.                                                 Short story,  friend Quantas pilot bought a boat close to 1hungy G.  Done heaps of charter fishing here there and everywhere, been out on m8s boats etc etc. Time to buy me own boat... Rolls it off Ben Buckler. Two blokes in the water ,Makes Bondi Rescue, nearly dies. Luckily both ok , mentally up the creek without a paddle. And hes a pilot with no idea of the sea.                                           With the influx of immigrants, and westies with good paying jobs whose idea of the sea is penrith water park, is it a wonder people have no idea?                   It is more evident offshore now, no radio respect, no courtesy at sea and blokes venturing to browns and wider with no idea. I had to do over 3500hrs to gain a masters only to contend with boat license gooses who still dont know what side of the harbour they ahould be on. I feel your frustration every day my friend. Well done on helping.

I feel your frustration and agree there is alot of idiots out there but i just want to point out that those idiots are not only confined to "immigrants and westies".

Idiots come from all areas and denominations. 


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Well done you (issue) for doing the right thing. I have to say that getting a boat license is (often) too easy or irrelevant. I had no practical content to my test and 95% of the questions were relevant to driving my boat at night on Sydney Harbour, something I've never done or am likely to do either. The test should at least ensure a few relevant things. Ability to launch, steer a course in current, moor and retrieve the vessel. It should also cover some knowledge of the likely hazards which may be encountered in various locations...offshore, busy waterways, shallow water, etc. BN

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46 minutes ago, GoingFishing said:

I feel your frustration and agree there is alot of idiots out there but i just want to point out that those idiots are not only confined to "immigrants and westies".

Idiots come from all areas and denominations. 


I agree. 

I can understand everyone's frustration but lets not single out any demographic! 

Well done issue for helping out and probably saving the life of an ungrateful individual. Hopefully he has learnt his lesson. 

Regards scratchie mod team


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Good on you for helping out mate, we cant do much about the twits that get them selves in to trouble out there, last week I was chucking poppers out off the end of the spit at Maianbar and watched this 50 footer with to old blokes at the helm drive inside the channel markers and on to the rapidly emptying flats...... full stink forward /reverse/forward, sand ,weed going everywhere till the muppet dug a trench somehow back into the channel....  the twits are out there in many different shapes,colours etc..... but at the end of the the day its always good to help out and give advice to try... lol, and keep the water safe for us all.

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Westies and immigrants probably a negligent term. I agree with whats said in tetms of knowledge and experience. I know and surely your not that stupid that where you live and where you come from have zero to do with it. Everyone makes mistakes not only isolated to the incident but also your comments. Keep those life jackets on and help others where you can. 

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congrats on helping the muppets ..its hard to drive past and ignore them..i poked my nose out the heads at Swansea fri arvo..it was big and ugly and I only done a lap of the island and came back in..it was too rough to be out there but as I came back in the bar two muppets were goin out in a 4.0 mtr rear steer tinnie..im in a vsea and have thousands of hrs sea time under my belt and I pulled the pin these guys were asking for trouble..i havnt heard anything on the news so hopefully they came back in straight away...idiots in boats are everywhere..there is no education for them.i saved an elderly lady and her grandsons from washing up on moon isl Swansea a few yrs ago she spun her seat around and knocked the pigtail off her ignition..nearly died in 8ft seas on the bommie that's how easy it is her motor wouldn't start and she didn't know why..unfortunately we cant teach people basic education on water and ocean basics...im not bagging any race or culture but a lot of people hit the water with no experience,, some cant swim and most have never dealt with water that moves or has current..the saddest part is we cant save the majority of them because they don't want to aknowledge that they have no idea what they are doin so sadly these muppets will keep drowning and killing other people they take with them who are also oblivious to the dangers of the ocean...just makes you feel helpless sometimes...rick

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Well done issue. 

I was out there too. It must have happened about an hour before we went past the bommie. I have a suspicious feeling that he didn't have a chartplotter and didn't see the bommie and as it was fairly rough out there, there was only one outcome. It's amazing how many people go out there in crappy dinghies with no proper equipment. The bigger problem is  the morons that absolutely push the limits of speed in rough seas too.....seriously, why put you and your crew at risk? To show off?

Also, when we got to Foreshore Drive boat ramp and were ready to launch, we waited for these 4 blokes who couldn't get their boat onto the trailer for 45mins. One of the blokes was on the boat and was standing on one side therefore making the boat tilt to one side. They were there wondering why the boat wasn't goIng onto the trailer in a level position. So, after not being able to figure it out, they decided whilst one was on the winch, 2 of them would get two tubular posts (looked like it was their gaffes) and push the boat on one side to tilt the other way so that they could get it level. It was going ok until the one on the boat came over to have a look on one side if it was going onto the trailer level and made it tilt again...lol. My mate and I just looked at each other and shook our heads in amazement that dills like this are on the water.

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10 hours ago, Sigma said:

Also, when we got to Foreshore Drive boat ramp and were ready to launch, we waited for these 4 blokes who couldn't get their boat onto the trailer for 45mins. One of the blokes was on the boat and was standing on one side therefore making the boat tilt to one side. They were there wondering why the boat wasn't goIng onto the trailer in a level position. So, after not being able to figure it out, they decided whilst one was on the winch, 2 of them would get two tubular posts (looked like it was their gaffes) and push the boat on one side to tilt the other way so that they could get it level. It was going ok until the one on the boat came over to have a look on one side if it was going onto the trailer level and made it tilt again...lol. My mate and I just looked at each other and shook our heads in amazement that dills like this are on the water.

HAHAHAHA I was there waiting for these guys too.

They had the trailer WAAYYY too deep, they were trying to float it onto a roller trailer. In the end the security guard told them to drive around and if it wasn't right, line up and try again.

after 45 minutes they still had it on crooked.

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16 hours ago, finin said:

Call themselves lucky, unfortunately these days every man and his dog can own a boat. Go to maratime get your license and away you go. Size of boat doesnt matter.                                                 Short story,  friend Quantas pilot bought a boat close to 1hungy G.  Done heaps of charter fishing here there and everywhere, been out on m8s boats etc etc. Time to buy me own boat... Rolls it off Ben Buckler. Two blokes in the water ,Makes Bondi Rescue, nearly dies. Luckily both ok , mentally up the creek without a paddle. And hes a pilot with no idea of the sea.                                           With the influx of immigrants, and westies with good paying jobs whose idea of the sea is penrith water park, is it a wonder people have no idea?                   It is more evident offshore now, no radio respect, no courtesy at sea and blokes venturing to browns and wider with no idea. I had to do over 3500hrs to gain a masters only to contend with boat license gooses who still dont know what side of the harbour they ahould be on. I feel your frustration every day my friend. Well done on helping.

Have to agree with most of what you say, however your comment re 'westies' is not really called for. There are a lot of trailer boaters who live 'out west' and are excelent skipers.

To support your general coments, I would add that if anyone wants a good laugh head down to the Roseville boat ramp on a busy Sunday, watching people putting in or retreiving their boats can be hillarious. Absolutly clueless....

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18 hours ago, AI fella said:

Good on you for helping out mate, we cant do much about the twits that get them selves in to trouble out there, last week I was chucking poppers out off the end of the spit at Maianbar and watched this 50 footer with to old blokes at the helm drive inside the channel markers and on to the rapidly emptying flats...... full stink forward /reverse/forward, sand ,weed going everywhere till the muppet dug a trench somehow back into the channel....  the twits are out there in many different shapes,colours etc..... but at the end of the the day its always good to help out and give advice to try... lol, and keep the water safe for us all.

Keep watching that spot at Mainbar, the silting up seems to have made them change the channel course, Everyone comes flying into that area up and down the main channel and with the tight dog leg they have now put in I'll put good money down that there will be a collision there at some point over the next summer or two, Quite possibly this Thursday at a guess...

Well done issue on helping those clowns out, I'm sure it was a costly mistake for them to make.




Edited by Mr Squidy
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It appears i have hurt some peoples feelings...Firstly i would like to apologize to anybody that lives out west and to any new australians for my harsh words.

  I am a waxhead and i too have done stupid things,  So there you go we are all guilty t times no matter where you are and come from!

 Please lets get this rogue wave thing right. They are called sets and generally the last is the biggest. Anybody who surfs knows what a set is, love em.

Edited by swordfisherman
poorly worded
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There is a real need for training on most of these matters and with so many boats and trailers on our roads and waterways it pays to help out sometimes instead of just laughing at the poor people who are in trouble.

This will now be closed as it serves no purpose to speak about anyone who has had a very sever accident and could have lost their lives if not for the brave few who went to their rescue.


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