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Bate Bay


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fish.jpeg.102.pngDecided to try Bate Bay this morning for something different. Trolled around Jibbon and the Bombie until sunrise - not a touch on the lure, no birds working near me.

Headed a bit further out and bottom bashed. It was a bit slow at first, then I found some blue spots. They were scattered but I only did 2 long drifts. some just undersized amongst them. I caught my bag limit of 10 before 9am and headed home.

Not big fish at all, all female and some with fat roe. Biggest at 42cm. Not complaining as flattie fillets are good eating at most sizes,

Edited by Yowie
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13 minutes ago, Scratchie said:

Not the usual mixed bag there yowie! But a feed of flathead are better imo anyway! Well done :) 

cheers scratchie!!! 

Yes Scratchie, no mixed bag this morning. A feed of flatties rates near the top for me. I like the blue spots (and tigers) a little bit more than duskies.

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29 minutes ago, Yowie said:

Yes Scratchie, no mixed bag this morning. A feed of flatties rates near the top for me. I like the blue spots (and tigers) a little bit more than duskies.

They all taste like flathead to me ?

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Yowie...I was going to do exactly the same as you and head out to Bate Bay early this morning. Anyhow plans got changed.....we stayed inside the Hacking (don't ask me why..such good conditions to be out in the bay). Total fish caught, probably 30 or 40.....keepers = 1 flounder. Not happy after seeing your post today Yowie but I should no better!


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Great feed of bluespots Yowie, still rate the marbles.the best of all. All our fish were full of roe as well, probably why they are all in close. My grandfather loved flatty roe, would leave it in a gutted fish, place on a barbie topside down then finish it off on the belly. Would also roll them in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and fry. Can also do the later for tuna hearts deeelicious.

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2 hours ago, finin said:

Great feed of bluespots Yowie, still rate the marbles.the best of all. All our fish were full of roe as well, probably why they are all in close. My grandfather loved flatty roe, would leave it in a gutted fish, place on a barbie topside down then finish it off on the belly. Would also roll them in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and fry. Can also do the later for tuna hearts deeelicious.

Do not catch many marbles at all, 1 every few years. I don't fish too deep, maybe 30 to 40 metres or so (don't head out too far with a 15 H.P. motor and tinny) but far enough to find some fish. Sometimes pick up a few tigers in spring.

Last year some of the blue spots had rather large roe, so I kept them, bread crumbed and pan fried, Very nice, but I think the fillets were a bit better eating. The roe are very nutricious food though -  the seagulls eat the roe in preference to most other scraps.

I did not think that the blue spots would be breeding now, thought spring was the best time.

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6 hours ago, Scratchie said:

They all taste like flathead to me ?

Have been catching and eating fish since about 5 years old, now on the wrong side of 60.

I am happy to have fish without too many additives during cooking as I can taste the differences. The wife likes many additives, as it all tastes pretty much the same to her. (she is happy to eat battered fish/shark/whatever turns up in the batter :wacko:)

Duskies are a little bit firmer, and maybe a touch drier, than blue spots and tigers.

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9 hours ago, Fab1 said:

Great result and feed as usual mate.Well done!

Thank you. Had to go out before the swell picks up. Won't be pleasant over the next few days outside, will be rather lumpy.

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Love my flaty fishing and eating, and yes blue spots are better eating imo...Especially in the 40-50cm range.  

Not a fan of the Argentinian flathead being imported over here, most pre packed/crumbed flathead for clubs pubs restaurants are being sold now , hense why they are my favourite fish to target, at $45 per kilo , I only Eat flathead when caught now. Good report as usual yowie. 


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7 hours ago, Ribs said:

Love my flaty fishing and eating, and yes blue spots are better eating imo...Especially in the 40-50cm range.  

Not a fan of the Argentinian flathead being imported over here, most pre packed/crumbed flathead for clubs pubs restaurants are being sold now , hense why they are my favourite fish to target, at $45 per kilo , I only Eat flathead when caught now. Good report as usual yowie. 


Thanks Ribs. I have seen flathead fillets in fish shops that were nothing like the shape or colour of our flattie fillets.

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