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Botany bay 24/04/17


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Hi everyone,

My boys and I went out for another fish in the bay on Monday.  Our first stop was at the yakka grounds

at the end of the breakwall to gather some livies. There were a few small bust ups there and yakkas were

hard to come by. I threw an un-weighted pillie tail into one of the bust ups and was on. After a short fight

that ended up going around my anchor rope, I pulled in a 67cm King. Straight after this a couple of seals

turned up and the bust ups stopped. We decided to head over to the oil wharf and soak some baits. We

managed to catch some small trevs and small snapper, and a couple of nice flatties here. As the tide turned

we pulled up anchor and re positioned ourselves to the other side of the wharf. After putting the berley pot in

the water we hooked 3 bream, two were throw backs and the other went 30cm, another nice flattie also came

aboard. After this the trevs moved in and we caught lots of legal ones and turfed a heap back. We got bored of

trevs, so a move was made to Molli pt. More trevs were on offer here as well and frankly we were sick of catching

the same thing over and over. Luckily for us as the sun started to lower on the horizon, some nice size tailor

moved in and the trevs left. We had to change our rigs to gang hooks and whole pillies as we were getting bitten

off prior to doing this. On a few occasions when a tailor was bought jumping to the boat some big grey shape would

appear below it. No idea what it was but it happened on a few occasions. At one stage I got out my heavy rod with

stella 20sw, I tied on an 80lb leader and a large hook, then placed 3 pilchards hooked through the eyes and floated

them out. About 10 seconds later I was on to something very heavy and going like a steam train. I had him on for

about 5 seconds and then I was bitten clean off. I re-rigged and this time put a 40cm live tailor on the hook. He swam

straight down and then he came up toward the surface where the rod buckled over and I had another strong but short

run. This time I was bitten off as I was lifting the rod out of the rod holder. Again no idea what it was, maybe a shark. 

Anyway we probably caught around 20 or so tailor and let most go. They seemed to bite like crazy then go quiet for

5 mins, then bite like crazy again. This went on like this for awhile. We then left them on the chew as we went home.

We had a sizeable bag of fish and let a lot more free throughout the day. Our bag was shared amongst our family

and some senior citizens from the home next door that always ask me for fish when I'm going out.

Here's a few pics.








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6 minutes ago, Penguin said:

Hi everyone,

My boys and I went out for another fish in the bay on Monday.  Our first stop was at the yakka grounds

at the end of the breakwall to gather some livies. There were a few small bust ups there and yakkas were

hard to come by. I threw an un-weighted pillie tail into one of the bust ups and was on. After a short fight

that ended up going around my anchor rope, I pulled in a 67cm King. Straight after this a couple of seals

turned up and the bust ups stopped. We decided to head over to the oil wharf and soak some baits. We

managed to catch some small trevs and small snapper, and a couple of nice flatties here. As the tide turned

we pulled up anchor and re positioned ourselves to the other side of the wharf. After putting the berley pot in

the water we hooked 3 bream, two were throw backs and the other went 30cm, another nice flattie also came

aboard. After this the trevs moved in and we caught lots of legal ones and turfed a heap back. We got bored of

trevs, so a move was made to Molli pt. More trevs were on offer here as well and frankly we were sick of catching

the same thing over and over. Luckily for us as the sun started to lower on the horizon, some nice size tailor

moved in and the trevs left. We had to change our rigs to gang hooks and whole pillies as we were getting bitten

off prior to doing this. On a few occasions when a tailor was bought jumping to the boat some big grey shape would

appear below it. No idea what it was but it happened on a few occasions. At one stage I got out my heavy rod with

stella 20sw, I tied on an 80lb leader and a large hook, then placed 3 pilchards hooked through the eyes and floated

them out. About 10 seconds later I was on to something very heavy and going like a steam train. I had him on for

about 5 seconds and then I was bitten clean off. I re-rigged and this time put a 40cm live tailor on the hook. He swam

straight down and then he came up toward the surface where the rod buckled over and I had another strong but short

run. This time I was bitten off as I was lifting the rod out of the rod holder. Again no idea what it was, maybe a shark. 

Anyway we probably caught around 20 or so tailor and let most go. They seemed to bite like crazy then go quiet for

5 mins, then bite like crazy again. This went on like this for awhile. We then left them on the chew as we went home.

We had a sizeable bag of fish and let a lot more free throughout the day. Our bag was shared amongst our family

and some senior citizens from the home next door that always ask me for fish when I'm going out.

Here's a few pics.








Well done,great read.You could set up your own fish shop with all that.

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