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Another day in Paradise...

big Neil

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Hello, fellow Raiders. Went out early today as the forecast was for a sunny day in the low 30s. Was on the water by 8am and a few others had the same idea. I was second to launch and saw that the guy ahead of me was headed downstream. He was taking his time, crawling along (maybe he didn't know the river?) so I scooted past him in the most courteous manner possible. Just as well really as he took ages getting to where I pulled up, at my new best spot. I tied up to a snag and put cheese on 1 rod and a juicy yabbie on the other rod. I cast in close to a good looking snag and set about arranging the landing net, lip grips and terminal tackle box. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw one rod move...a bite? There was quite a lot of shade where I was fishing and the water was a bit murky...and quite a bit lower than usual. I focussed on the two rods and sure enough, there was an enquiry on the yabbie. Now, this is a bit strange because I've had about 15 yabbies in the garage since the season started (Dec 1st), I've been out probably 30 times and this was the first interest in the yabbie bait. With no further warning, the rod doubled over and it was game on. I'd only been fishing for a few minutes and had a nice Cod in the net, half a cm undersize. I unhooked the fish and noticed that the yabbie had moved up the line and was very much alive. I repositioned it on the hook and lobbed in at the same spot. Within about 2 minutes I had another Cod of 52 cm in the net...on the same yabbie. Alas, it had gone and the Cod swam away, no worse for wear, probably wondering how the yabbie managed to pull it out of the water. LOL. So months of no interest whatsoever in yabbies...to 2 Cod caught on the one yabbie. Strange hobby this fishing, eh? Ended up with 10 Murray Cod and a small Trout Cod in 5 hours. Pretty good session and any time spent in paradise is a reward in itself. Here's a few pics of the day...till next time Cheers bn 


IMG_9385rs.jpg.6f61dcae14781fe7961eedfea5e041c6.jpgSmall Trout CodIMG_9382rs.jpg.e9cca9fb3f13a43e6314691884a78ef4.jpgIMG_9381rs.jpg.9999b655d474407b9aa7eee9ea43fae6.jpgIMG_9375rs.jpg.9857d0ac24dfcd38f2dcf1a3eaf7167c.jpgIMG_9374rs.jpg.9b9773b0c941cd9ebcbffc0bd81ab3c5.jpgIMG_9373rs.jpg.db2ea80fdd7c34a2097291570790cb4d.jpgIMG_9378rs.thumb.jpg.b89237df4fc64cbd59b718fb19b8dfb2.jpgThe "lucky yabbie" that scored 2 Cod...

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15 minutes ago, Omally said:

Those trout cod look cool big Neil... They grow big do they or? 

Can't wait till winter going to try and get some trout in the Abercrombie River 

Hi Omally. They can grow to 85cms and about 15 kg but are extremely rare at this size. They're not related to Trout at all and are often called Blue Nosed Cod. Very aggressive feeders, excellent to catch on lures. Hope you manage to get among the Trout. Cheers, bn

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9 hours ago, Hill373737 said:

Great photos, looks like a top spot


It sure is Steve. Lots of snags so you lose a bit of gear, but that's where the fish are. Seldom travel more than half a km from the boat ramp...there's fish everywhere if you know where to look. Glad you like the pics, I love taking pics while I wait for bites. Cheers, bn

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Love the report ! .... and congrats on the catch.  I rarely (never) fish fresh - just not set up for it - but seeing this makes me want to have a go!  ...

BTW, perhaps you should name that yabbie "Arnie" for pulling out the cod and staying whole !



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2 hours ago, swordfisherman said:

I love your posts Neil as I feel I am sitting beside you 

Thanks, Stewy, I get the same from reading your posts. I think it's nice to relate the FEELINGS we get when fishing. After all, that's why we go, eh? By the way, I think it's quite incredible catching so many crabs in a session...top job. Cheers and hi to Donna, bn

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6 hours ago, frankS said:

Great report big fella and wonderful photos, makes me want to jump in the car and do the trip down that way, oh well one day I will get there.

Keep them photos coming.


You're most welcome to scoot down here Frank and catch a few Cod. Actually, if any of the Sydney folk find the time, let me know. I'll be pleased to take you out to catch a few. Still hoping to catch up when I get to the big smoke Frank. Cheers mate, bn

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