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Airlie Beach day 3 out on the boat


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Good evening raiders! 

Simply had to pop up another report today. So so many species caught today. We hired a tinnie for the day for a cool $250. Did some trawling with no success though every spot we decided to anchor in was full of non stop action. We probably landed a total of about 30-40 fish. Absolutely insane. If anyone wants to go on an awesome fishing trip, this place should definitely be up there on your list. We stuck along the coast when fishing and the variety of fish we caught was just incredible. Please find attached images of some very happy ladies! 



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1 minute ago, notoriousTASH said:

Last pic for the day guys. On a side note, does anyone know how to cure these after boat wobbles I'm feeling?! I feel like I'm still on the boat!! 


Still got your sea legs, eh? ? I sometimes still have my sea legs for quite a while after being out on a boat. When I spent 4 days game fishing at Lord Howe Island, I still had them after 2 days. When I went on a 14 night South Pacific cruise, I had them for a whole week after. I think it’s a good thing... I think it means you’re comfortable and balanced on a boat - your legs go with the flow! ?

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4 minutes ago, Blackfish said:


Cure for the wobbles  ........ more fishing from a boat.:D

We were actually pretty keen to get out on the boat again tomorrow but with the way I'm feeling, not sure it's gonna happen... I had no idea such an ailment existed!! I was so worried about being sea sick that I took tablets and everything... nothing could have prepared me for this ? 

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Buggar ..... sorry to hear. See how you feel in the morning.

I've been lucky and never suffered like this.

Mind you I've felt like that but I believe alcohol may have been involved.

Edited by Blackfish
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12 hours ago, rickmarlin62 said:

You got a mixed bag today .nice work..mackerel..grassy.cod.spanish flag  some nice catches there tash..wish i was up there  enjoy your holiday mate..rick

Mackerel was definitely an exciting catch even though it was small. Any idea on the ID of the Shark? 

12 hours ago, big Neil said:

Well, you gals sure got a variety of species whilst on your boat trip. Shame that you got a bit ill but great result anyway. bn

Definitely a shame I'm ill right now.. spewing! (Pardon the pun ? couldn't help myself)

Edited by notoriousTASH
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