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Sydney Harbour Kayak Fishing Report 9th April 2020


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What started out as a below average session turned out to be a great day on the yak.

We were on the water by 6:30am, with a forecast of moderate winds and some rain. Luckily no rain, but it was windy every now and then which settled to a breeze by the arvo. We located the wreck but we all struggled to catch any live bait, all day! I suspect the rain we received yesterday chased all the bait away or maybe its just the full moon, who knows! Even with burley I couldn't catch any livies, but I did manage pinkies, leather jackets, bream and a legal trevally all on the sabiki rig with tiny bits of squid as bait. One of my friends managed to catch one yakka which eventually got converted into a rat.
Towards the afternoon things were not looking any better so we relocated to a deeper spot. Whilst trying to catch squid I sounded some fish in the channel approx 27m deep. 1st drop resulted in a 67cm jewfish on a strip of squid. Not long after that another jewfish 60cm. Then my mate manages a 72cm jewfish on slowjig. Eager to catch a keeper,I kept a close eye on the sounder and I managed to locate the school again, quickly dropped my line and hooked up straight away. 3rd time lucky this one measured 71cm. Happy days, finally a keeper. Not long after that, another fishing buddy of mine hooks a 79cm jewie. We were back at the boat ramp by 4:30pm, it was a long day on the yak, but much needed exercise after spending the past 3 weeks working from home and snacking on everything in the cupboard.





Edited by whiskey299
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