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One day, 2 trip, 3 fisherman, 4 fish. Zanders and Pikes.


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One day, 2 trip, 3 fisherman, 4 fish.  Zanders and Pikes.

@mrsswordfisherman  i du edit and put video link to here, i dont know is it work but maby you can check? I put this link allso to last message on this topic. https://streamable.com/y96yhh?fbclid=IwAR2g6s4n1RrhEsR5UGfXStdn_tV0_Nsc9rhXA2cQc3Hxrm6rtIzGYQWsRAI


My Dutch/Finnish friend, Fishraider forum member:  Shappo00,  come from Holland for 4 weeks in my home village. So we had first fishing session together yestarday. Plan was fishing with softplastic and with bait. Weather was challenging: rain, no rain, sunshine. So i put rainclothesd (what i bought from Australia). I was sweated, and feel cold same time.

First we did try near bridge, Shappo00`s spot, where he catch many zanders couple of days a go. Nobody home there. So we did move other side bridge. Shappo00 fishing baitfish, i casting with softplastic, and get couple of bites and lost one hook for pike. Shappo00 catch some roachs for bait, but it was quiet spot.

So we did drive to ”tweed place” try for pikes and redfinn perch´s, but it was allso empty spot. So back other side bridge to new spot. There we get some bites but no more, not even with baitfish. Again rain and not rain and rain and sunshine. We trolling slowly to new spot, there again some bites but not more. Then try new redfinn spot, but nobody home. So rain, no rain, windy, calm water, i feel cold and sweating, strange weather.

Oh!!, did i told that rain, no rain ext ext..


We move new spot to me, locket i pilot, put bait with sink, 3.5m deeb and quite heavy sream. So we both put baits and casting with other rod by softplastic. I think that i have fish on, on bait rod, but no, there is not enyone. Casts after casts, but not even bite. I told Shappo00 that move next spot and stard wind in bait rod. ”FISH ON” there, and fight start. I tought that it is fish, but it is allso on stone or something, but then reel start keep noice. ”Oh yeah” nice fish, should to be, maby big pike. Shappo00 put net ready, and i try keep line faraway  from engine. Fish pull, i pull and sweating. Slowly fish come to closer. ” Zander, it is not pike, it is zander”. I sweating more, but then it is happen, we get fish on net and in boat. It really is my pb zander, 71cm and 3.5kg. I forget that i am finnis guy and hug Shappo00, what a shame, but i can live with that, becouse finally i cach over 2kg zander. And ofcource this is my PB zander.

We took pictures ext. and i ”collected my self”, allso fixed gears and start casting with softplastic. 2-3 cast and fish on, Shappo00 use net and we had 1.9kg, 65cm pike on boat. Weather was nice, no cold, no sweating. So we took a break. We did drive to harbour wait my older son Vili, becouse he was come to with us after he visit birthday parties. So we drive to harbour, clean fishes, and i bring fishs to my home fridge. Shappo00 stay looking boat in harbour. I did  eat  fast, made some sandwichs for Shappo and drive back to boat.

Vili was there allready waiting, so we start boat and drive same spot where we get that fishes before. I sayd to Vili, that i not fishing anymore, and we put one baitfish rod for him, and he can fishing same time with softplastic. So we arrived on spot, there is old rusty sign. So put front motor i pilot on, and drop bait to bottom. Vili start casting and Shappo00 start casting. Maby 15 minutes later i start move bait rod closer to boat, but it was stuck on bottom. No it was not, there was fish on line. Quick shange rod to Vili and fight start. Vili was allmoste too exited take a rod first, but after that quite calm and done nice and easy, "pull, wind, pull, wind..". We was allready practice last week how fight with fish, pull slowly, and wind in, pull, wind, and he made it good. Only problem was engine, becouse fish try go around motor, and rod was quite bend. But then fish start to tired and come closer. ”Pike, big pike”. I did give camera to Shappo and tuck net ready. We get pike on net, but it jump back to open water, but (huh) still on line, i was allready sure that i screwed up. Vili pumping it closer and finally we get it in net and in boat. But still it want escape and try jymp out from boat, so use priest fast, then fish calm forever. Huh what a fight, i was so happy and Vili was so exciting, Pike 93cm and 5.110kg.

We take rest with Vili, fixed gears and talk about that fight with fish, but same time Shappo say ”fish on”. Allmoste same spot that Vili´s pike, only 2-3 meters from that. Bait rod again, we whatching Shappo and fish fight, fish coming closer slowly. I Use net, and we had new zander on boat, 3.3kg. Soon after that we drive back to harbour.

Ofcourse took time fixed boat, and drive back to home. Saija and Veikka was still wake up, and they made ready some hot shandwich´s. We ate, and took dessert´s really nice coocies from Holland what Shappo00 give us. Have to say, that that coocies is yammy, we wait every year summer, when he come and bring it.

Then was time fillet fishs, lot fillet for pot and for fishcake


Good day, only 4 fihs, but my pb zander and Vili pb fish ever, that 5.110kg pike, bigger fish what i have ever catch in Finland. And top of the cake, Shappo cach big zander allso. Weather was strange, but nice, and we saw allso one ospray.

Now is 1:30 am, and i end this story. Put on he forum tomorrow. Swordie heve been sayd to me allready years, that : "put your zanders to fishraider record topic". And i have allready says on years that "No, not before i catch least 2 kg zander". So now i can do it.









Edited by JaniFIN
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Fight with Pike start, if you look closely, you can see how bend rod is on last picture. Shappo00 took video allso, but i haven seen it even my self yet, and i dont know do i can attach to here.





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Fantastic reports Jani and gang. Some very nice sized fish there, Pike and Zander. It is always exciting to catch up with other anglers, especially when they get in on the action too. Great reports. Cheers, bn

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Love the pics Jani!

Vili is growing up very fast. How did you cook the fillets?

You need to keep the fishraider hats Jani as there are no more sadly. 
Nice to see Shappo visiting again.

I see one pic of you and Vili with almost an “Aussie smile” 

You now have the fishraider Zander record - congrats @JaniFIN


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32 minutes ago, JaniFIN said:

Here is link to video to Vili vs Pike https://streamable.com/y96yhh?fbclid=IwAR2g6s4n1RrhEsR5UGfXStdn_tV0_Nsc9rhXA2cQc3Hxrm6rtIzGYQWsRAI


@mrsswordfisherman , i get idea, we made some fish and chips later.

Fantastic ViliFIN (he needs his own raider name now Jani)

We laughed when you mentioned the priest. Remember when we went and caught all the Mahi Mahi out with Ross Hunter @JaniFIN

Great work and I bet he was tired after that. Give him a hug from us.

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