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Broken bay 1/2/21


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Quick trip up to my favourite flathead drift , low tide when i arrived at 5.30 am , water@ 23c and bugger all wind .

The first fish went 61cm  caught on a dirty old prawn from the depths of my bait freezer and a lot of chopper tailor working the bait schools around the bay - they were everywhere !

More photos to come !


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Next fish went 48cm ,another couple  that went 41 and 37cm I only kept the 48and 41 as the 68cm and 37cm fish were outside my personal slot limit .

Didn’t get a photo of the 41 as I got sick of fumbling around with a phone and trying to dodge fish spikes !

This is the 48cm flattie.


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Things went quiet there so I moved west to the western side of flint and steel reef as I had caught an 84cm flathead there a couple of years back and it usually produces something.

I had now run out of the prawns , whitebait didn’t get a touch and Pillies fared no better but hiding in the bottom of the mystery bait bag was an arrow squid - probably 250mm ( 6 in in real measurements ) so I sewed this onto a 4/0 and sent it to the bottom .

I was thinking maybe a mulloway might take pity on me and eat it but I wasn’t feeling confident ! I don’t know how but for some insane reason fish seem to know when I’m stuffing my face or putting sunscreen on etc as they always seem to hit my bait right in the middle of what I’m doing !

Well the squid got smashed and my initial thoughts were of it being a mulloway - not a big one but the way it fought was different to what I usually expect from a flathead ! 
Peering over the side of the boat the shape of a good flathead emerged all 68cm of her !

20210201_104845 copy.jpeg

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After that I only got one more flathead - undersize so back it went !

I decided to have a play with my new Garmin sounder so spent probably an hour or so chugging around peering at the screen and I ended up over the deep hole at the mouth of mullet creek when out of the corner of my eye i spotter something swimming towards the shore next to the northern end of the rail bridge - a snake !
Don”t know what type it is and I wasn’t getting close enough to ask it 😂

Don’t know why but the photo won’t upload 

anyhow it was a small olive coloured snake about 3ft long 

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Good reports XD351. Sounds like you had a lot of worthwhile experiences during your session. Plenty of fish, some learning from your sounder, spotting a snake swimming and the bite which always comes when you're least prepared. Thanks for sharing with us, bn

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Thanks everyone!

Dave you gotta get out there - now is the time !

Rebel ,

The newish Samsung takes great photos but it automatically converts them to some weird format that email doesn’t like , I have now turned this off in the phone settings ! It was a real Pia just getting those pics over to my iPad so I can post on here I can tell you !


i have seen heaps of them swimming in the rivers out near Bathurst but never the lower Hawkesbury , I think it may have come across from Dangar island .

Big Neil ,

i always see something amazing up the Hawkesbury - I just love the place ! It was  a bit of a learning curve with the sounder , my last one was circa 2003 lcd furuno but it died . 

Gordo ,

I have a personal slot limit of 38 to 50 but if I can keep a couple between 38 and 45 I am a very happy fisho ! Guess what’s on the menu tonight 🤤

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