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Tough day on the harbour - only one Kingie landed.


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It’s great to spend time with ex- students (now young adults) on the water and even better when the fish are biting, but that was not to be on Wednesday. Although the conditions were a little better than “average”, Nick and Fishraider “Greg”, I set out to fill up with livies. The first spot produced 2 arrow squid then to the Yakkas grounds to get a few dozen “lollipop” sized Yakkas that the Kingies love. 3 more spots and 5 more squid, so things were looking good.

We picked up bream, snapper leatherjacket and flathead, but landed only 1 Kingie (57cm).HOWEVER, I was smoked twice by BIG Kingies and was almost spooled (before being cut off on the bottom). The sounder was showing Kingies at every spot we dropped livies over, but they just didn’t want to bite. The tide and moon were perfect (2 days off new moon, so small tides), but We only hooked 3 kings all morning and landed only 1.

Nick got a big fan tailed jacket (me modelling his capture)


Edited by Pickles
Editforgot to mention a crew member
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Hard to swallow when the results fail to reach the expectations eh Bob? Especially when you know they're there but not interested in what's on offer. I always think "each bad day brings me nearer to a good day on the water". Anglers and farmers must be the most optimistic people around. Nice sized Fantail... Cheers, Neil.

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Hi Gordo, I was fishing light (for kings) 35lb braid and 30lb fluro, but they wouldn’t look at my normal 65lb braid and 50 or 80lb leader, so not surprising I got done. Interestingly, Ihave landed 90cm and meter ki gs on 20lb, but these guys were not stopping till they got to Woollongong 

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Great to see that you a good relationship with former students.  I have caught up with some, who are now married and have children of their own.  They go out of their to say hello.  Oh and the fish, well as they say" That is why it is called fishing, not catching." 

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