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Arvo session on the whiting


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Headed out in the Hacking on Wednesday afternoon after work. Pumped some nippers and snuck up onto the flats wading and waiting for the tide to start flowing in. The easterly was puffing about 12-15 knots so had to fish with it at my back. Bit slow to start but as soon as there was enough water over the flats the whiting came on.  Landed well over a dozen in all but released 5-6 just undersized models and took home a nice feed with a few in the 30s. Glad I got out mid-week as the weekend isn't looking too pleasant:)

Whiting November 17 2021.jpg

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Nice catch mate ! 
A bit of wind is a good thing , glassed out conditions are usually less productive as the fish become timid and as you could fish with it at your back it should have helped with casting distance .

Have you tried lures at the same spot ? I know of a guy up the north coast who fishes sugapen lures with assist hooks for whiting that are up on the flats .

I could certainly massacre a feed of those right now !

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Whiting fishing is one of my favourite forms of fishing, relatively simple, light gear, great fun and great eating, I get a few during summer on sand flats, but I fish mostly off the beach for them, still the same though, good fun, good fish and a few minutes clean up when you get home.

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10 minutes ago, Yowie said:

Very nice Rob, will be a good feed of fillets. I am eating whiting fillets tonight from my Thursday catch. Daughter and S.I.L. calling around.   :wine::gathering:

I don’t think anyone in their right mind would knock back whiting fillets….enjoy!

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