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PB Flatty


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Last night after a good flathead dinner, I checked the tides to see where a before-work session was feasible. After realising a few things about the tides, currents and eddies, I formulated a theory about where some fish might be and resolved to give it a go in the morning. This was at Meadowbank again, but in a spot I have never actually fished before. It's interesting how cognitive biases can cause you to walk past spots that you really should have given a go. I've been making a conscious effort to dispense with my biases of late.

Woke up at about sunrise and after a bit of bumbling around, got out the door. Arrived on the water about 5:50am and started casting.

About five casts in, the lure gets walloped and the drag starts singing. I knew straight away it was a good fish. About a minute later, a good flatty surfaces, and I knew it might be a PB.

There were a few nervous moments netting the fish - I was fishing 6lb braid and leader, and my telescopic net had not been extended yet - but eventually I got the fish up for a measure. It went 58cm, which bests my previous PB by 5cm. Had a bit of weight to it. It's a long way from a metrey, but I was plenty happy with this fish, and it also gave me an appreciation of how massive a flatty approaching 1m would be. Quick happy snap and back in the water it went.


It came from a bit more than 1m of water near the mangrove edges, on a Berkley 3-inch watermelon bass minnow, rigged on a 1/12 jighead.

The rest of the session was uneventful, with just another undersize flatty caught and released. I called it just before 7am.

All in all, not a bad session.

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10 hours ago, Larkin said:

Nice catch mate. 👍 

Flick out some bigger lures - and see if you can land a monster - they’re out there sitting in the drop offs as the tide runs off the flats.

I was doing exactly that this morning! Alas, the crocs didn't come out to play. Did release an undersize flatty though. And it was a run-in tide, as opposed to a run-out.

Some schools of mullet were holed up hard against the point yesterday. I've seen them there a couple of times previous. I wondered if they were hiding from something, but they weren't there this morning. Probably tide dependent - will need to observe for a bit longer I suspect.

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A very nice fish to land on 6lb line LF. More importantly (to me) is the fact that you actively determined the HOW, WHEN and WHY to come up with the WHAT. That's an important step on the path to catching more fish.

Thanks for the report mate, job well done. bn

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