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Echo point beach (Roseville) topwater fun!!


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Hi all

A bit of a prelude to my report. I spent Saturday morning with @DerekDlearining and practicing some topwater techniques around Drummoyne. As some homework I watched the articles from @Niall in topwater bream fishing which was awesome. We went through walk the dog techniques with the sugapen, the mmd slash prawn and the bent minnow. Whist I didn’t land a fish I had some awesome follows and hits, the appeal of topwater fishing is bloody exciting and I can definitely see it becoming highly addictive.

Anyway on to the report, my kids love to fish and we had planned to fish in the Arvo. We picked out echo point as previously it’s pretty easy for the kids to drop a line in (they were on Hawkesbury prawns)

I wanted to spend the time practising with each of the above lures and getting that technique a bit better, in between bating up, untangling and unsnagging kids lines. To the left of the beach is a lot of structure and oysters set up and I figured that would be a good area to target as it filled up on the incoming tide.

‘First up was the mmd splash prawn, a few flicks and retrieves with some bubbles of interest and little hits but no hook ups. Then 5 th cast in I get a solid hit and reel in a juvenile long Tom .

After rerigging a kids line I decide to switch to the sugapen now I really didn’t have this technique nailed for this lure and wanted to improve so that was the task I didn’t care if I caught a fish but wants that little lure dancing left and right. Well 2 casts in I get hit by tailor then next cast another tailor. I noticed that there is a big rock structure mid way out to the left of me and I cast over it and retrieve back and get hooked up with a small bream. It’s at this time the kids are getting a little restless and I beg the missus for 15 more minutes the gods are smiling and she approves.

I switch up to the bent minnow and really want to cast over that rock structure as I figure it’s big enough to hide a few other fish. 3rd cast out and reel in bang I see a massive splash and the minnow is gone and my line is peeling off, this must be something solid as the bend in my rod is telling me it’s got some fight . Gotta be a solid Bream! After a brief fight where the bugger tried to wrap me off around the rock I pull in this nice 31 cm black bream. We kept him for dinner!

just a word to the new people(that’s me) into lures and soft plastics, you don’t have to spend the world to get started. But my advice would be suck in the knowledge here and if you can get a session with someone who knows their stuff then take them up you’ll learn more in person than on a forum.


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Well done Benny!

@DerekD is a great teacher. I did hear you were out on Sat but unfortunately it is the one morning that I normally don't fish!

I did find the patch of sand across from the marina to be rather good when I last fished up that way. Not a lot of water, but it holds a lot of fish!

26 minutes ago, Bennyg78 said:

just a word to the new people(that’s me) into lures and soft plastics, you don’t have to spend the world to get started. But my advice would be suck in the knowledge here and if you can get a session with someone who knows their stuff then take them up you’ll learn more in person than on a forum.

Good to hear you've discovered that earlier rather than later. I find the more experienced I get, the less I end up carrying with me.

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Another success story from Derek's Fishraider tutorials. No doubt about it, he's helped heaps of anglers improve their enjoyment of the sport. Great that you had success practising what he taught you Bennyg. Keep on keeping on. bn

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