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Newbie Greetings and planning 50th B'Day surprise trip to Oberon for hubby.


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Greetings Raiders,

Rather vague memories of a few spectacularly uninteresting failed fishing attempts as a young child exist somewhere in the deep recesses of my memories. Fast forward 40+ odd years later, and recently I discovered that fishing is actually awesome! Could have something to do with a rather dramatic change in mindset, but who can say. Years of work and family commitments has made hubby (who did a bit of fishing in his younger years) really keen. He's keen to fish too... 😉 In the last couple of months we have been fishing as often as we can, and loving every minute of it. Well, not so much the leftover bait accidentally left in a bucket in the garage, or that big wave that snuck up and drenched me the other night when I was already cold... (I know, I'm a wuss)

Given my general propensity to over-engineer the life out of any situation, recreational or otherwise, I stumbled across Fishraider. I'm just gonna come right out and say it... I ahhh, yeah, um, I've been lurking. 😳 I've been stalking and admiring your awesome catches, and thank you all so much, I've gleaned some great tips. I sharpened my hook! Seems a bit like the fishing version of "pulling your socks up..."

I'm surprised to have actually caught a number of fish to date. Happy joy! Numerous undersize fish that were released, albeit a couple that were a tad the worse for wear given the amount of time it took me to remove the hook, but I'm improving. Hubby has come to the rescue as required when they have swallowed the hook almost to their butt. Seems whiting have a love affair with worms even greater than my love affair with Chardonnay. The biggest whiting I have caught so far was a 35cm one, and not to be outdone, hubby caught a 38cm one the next time we went out. Talk about stealing my thunder. 😆 I caught a 28cm bream off the beach the other day. Clearly no record breaking sizes or bragging rights for this absolute amateur, but at this point I am especially chuffed to catch anything I can responsibly put on my plate. Heck, I'm even excited for catch and release.

Mostly we have been fishing in a saltwater lagoon and on the beaches north of Sydney (Northern Beaches). Also fished at Biggera Waters in January while on holidays there. Got some  whiting, sand flatheads and bream there, and two decent sized crabs in the pot we put out. One of them was a really, really cranky bugger. Hubby said it was the crankiest one he had ever encountered, and he's seen a fair few. Provided free entertainment for the kids watching hubby and I try to get it out of the crab pot. Shout out to the locals for making us feel so welcome. We had a blast and look forward to visiting again sometime down the track. 

Hubby turned 50 in September at the height of the Covid 😷 avoid thy neighbour, work colleague, friend, stranger, relative or any other random person mandate our esteemed government imposed. As such, the kids and I cooked up a mean bangers and mash dinner, and hubby got to 'enjoy' watching Hannah Montana or something with Miss 7. Ok, we may have done slightly better than that, but I have to admit, it was a tad underwhelming.

So, here we are, allowed out to mingle and play, and I am looking to set things straight, and give hubby a belated birthday celebration that's worthy of the Big Five-0. I may just have outdone myself. I have gone and booked a surprise weekend away at Oberon, where we will enjoy the spoils of the region, and throw a few bucks at the local economy. Seems I've got the luxury accommodation (tent camping at a local campground lol) and a couple of eating out meals booked, and a few things are happening about town that sound good. Now all I have to do is manage to contain myself, and not tell hubby all about it. It's hard to be me...

Of course it goes without saying that the highlight will be the opportunity to throw a line in the water somewhere. Neither of us have ever been fishing for trout or perch etc. I still have a week or so up my sleeve to do my homework. So far I've read about a couple of spots that may be alright. I plan on looking through fishraider, and also trolling the net for some info on what gear we will need, how to set it up, (what lures etc to purchase), and a crash course in this type of fishing. 

Any tips on websites etc to look at would be appreciated, and also if anyone is able to impart some advice on the best type of footwear and clothing for traversing a stream safely and comfortably that would be great. Without giving away secrets, any pearls of wisdom you are happy to share would be appreciated. 

We know not to trespass, and we respect the environment, the locals and others. I will be checking regulations etc. I would be ecstatic if hubby were able to enjoy self-caught fresh fish by the campfire on his surprise birthday getaway, but I'm not necessarily expecting that will happen, and we will have a good time regardless. Besides, if we don't catch any the first trip, it will be a great excuse to come back and try our luck again... 

If there are any raiders local to the Oberon area (novice or otherwise) that are feeling sociable, we'd be up for a meetup at a coffee shop, bar, campfire, lake or stream for a hello, or some fishing company. 😃

May the weather be fair and the fish be biting.



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Hi FL, what an interesting post. I'm very happy for you and your husband, that you have discovered the joys of fishing in all its nuances. I hope the "surprise" 50th trip to Oberon fulfils some of your desires. 

I live much further afield (Riverina) but know a lot about freshwater fishing. Oberon Dam has Trout and Redfin (I think). Both of these species love garden worms fished on a 1/0 hook with a running ball sinker to the hook. 6lb line is ideal. Another option is to use a paternoster rig with the same hook, sinker and bait.

Alternately you can cast soft plastics from the shoreline. The lighter (the better) jighead and a smallish soft plastic in natural colours should do the trick. I'm sure there would be specific reports here on Fishraider, just use the search facility for Oberon Dam, Trout fishing, Redfin fishing...

Long sleeved shirt, warm removable top, shorts or long trousers, waterproof footwear (not essential if fishing from the shore).

The above link should provide some basic info on your quest.
Good luck. Post a report on your experience.
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Fisherlady and Husbane. A very big warm welcome to the site, may you both spend many a happy time browsing and contributing to the site.

That would have to be the very best 1st post I have seen on here OR any other fishing related site.

It makes me want to do more that just reply to you.

I don't live anywhere near Oberon but have fished it many years ago, The Duckmoloy river was my favorite water hole which produced some very pleasing pan sized trout. For foot wear I suggest just plain old GUM BOOTS cheap and pretty comfortable and it really doesn't matter IF you don't use them again later on after the trip as they are cheap enough to throw away OR store for when needed.

I don't want you to spend a whole lot of money on items that may not be used much in the future so I am prepared to loan you both some rods reels and various types of Lures that would be suitable for fresh water. This way you can get used to using the gear and will know IF you want to go the way of purchasing such equipment. NO I'm not saying you need to buy My gear after you use it, it's Just to help you decide on the type of gear you want to buy.

Just PM me with your address and we can arrange a time to meet, just had a though !!, it may spoil the surprise for the hubby , so may be better to let him know a bit beforehand .

Cheers Frank

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:1welcomeani: @Fisherlady!

Some good advice here and @frankS as you will discover has helped a great many people on this community. If you take him up on his offer, I think including a chat with Frank could be part of the surprise for your husband :) 

If you want to go all-out, another suggestion would be to see if you could book a guide.

Looking forward to seeing the report!

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15 minutes ago, frankS said:

Fisherlady and Husbane. A very big warm welcome to the site, may you both spend many a happy time browsing and contributing to the site.

That would have to be the very best 1st post I have seen on here OR any other fishing related site.

It makes me want to do more that just reply to you.

I don't live anywhere near Oberon but have fished it many years ago, The Duckmoloy river was my favorite water hole which produced some very pleasing pan sized trout. For foot wear I suggest just plain old GUM BOOTS cheap and pretty comfortable and it really doesn't matter IF you don't use them again later on after the trip as they are cheap enough to throw away OR store for when needed.

I don't want you to spend a whole lot of money on items that may not be used much in the future so I am prepared to loan you both some rods reels and various types of Lures that would be suitable for fresh water. This way you can get used to using the gear and will know IF you want to go the way of purchasing such equipment. NO I'm not saying you need to buy My gear after you use it, it's Just to help you decide on the type of gear you want to buy.

Just PM me with your address and we can arrange a time to meet, just had a though !!, it may spoil the surprise for the hubby , so may be better to let him know a bit beforehand .

Cheers Frank

Generous as always Frank. I hope that FL takes you up on the offer or at least gets in touch for 1st hand info on the area. bn

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How to introduce yourself to a community wow! I am very excited to have another female on the forum. 

Your post sounds a lot like mine. I started as a newbie, FR member, moderator then site owner and Community Manager. 

You will find this to be a family friendly place that is full of like minded people who enjoy fishing and boating. All levels of anglers are here from the new fisho through to experts in all aspects of fishing and boating. 

Keep using the search engine here and you will find many answers and hours of reading to help you on your journey. No question is silly and members are keen to answer. 

Yell if you need any help - contact myself or any of our moderators on personal message. 


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Oh shucks guys. I'm deeply touched and downright blown away by the lovely welcome and generosity of spirit y'all have displayed. (I'm almost entitled to use "y'all". I spent a fantastic couple of years in South Carolina with the good southern folk around 2011-2012.

Neil: Thank you for your well wishes and advice. 🙂 Any time spent getting away with my sweet man will be great, so regardless of the outcome of fishing, I will be a happy camper. Literally. Unless it rains. Then I will be akin to that pitiful soaking wet puppy that shows up on your doorstep in the midst of a downpour. 

I read the article you provided the link for and gleaned some good information from that, including tips on locations to fish from, and regulations etc. Also started reading a couple of raider posts last night, and hopefully will have some more time in the coming days here and there to look some more.

We will be fishing from the shoreline for this trip, or trudging in a creek/river.

Forgive my absolute and utter lack of knowledge of fishing in general... I have a couple of questions about the advice you kindly gave... With the 1/0 hook, I'm guessing a regular hook not a long shank? We use a long shank in the surf. Second, what size sinker would be good? Third (now this question will really show how little I know...) "running ball sinker to the hook" does this mean that we do not use a swivel? Normally we have a swivel about 1 metre from the hook, and the sinker is above that so it doesn't get to the hook.

Frank: Wow Frank, right back at you. That would have to be the most amazing, mind-blowing welcome I've ever had to a forum. I think I need to hug you. Very kind of you to make such a generous offer. Having looked into it a bit, I am confident that our all-purpose rods and the line on them is suitable. They are both between 6-7ft and have light line on them. We just need some lures which I am guessing should not cost too much. (Likely best if you read "I don't have a clue what I am talking about...") 😅

Thank you for the advice about the footwear. I wasn't sure if gumboots would be safe. I know rocks can be very slippery. I do have a pair of diving boots that I picked up from a council cleanup (where many of my treasures come from). 🤫 They fit perfectly, and I was thinking they may be good. Hubby doesn't have anything like that, so I might look at picking up some gumboots for him from Bunnings if they are good for walking on the rocks.

I was thinking I will need to let hubby in on my sneaky little plans, so a little catch up may be possible if we all have some mutually suitable time that could work. I will send you a message.

Little Flatty: No doubt hubby would enjoy a chat with Frank. I'm sure I would too. 🙂 We have 5 kids aged between 7 and 15, so we tend to economise spending on ourselves where we can, so we can do more with the kids. As such, though it is a great idea, a guide won't be happening for now. I'll be sure to take some pictures for the debrief report. 

Mrs Swordfisherman: Thank you! I'm excited to be here. So nice to see such a friendly bunch of people with a common passion. I noticed your name in the group, and was happy to see that there is a woman in the mix of admin/mods. Someone's gotta keep the fellas in line... 😜 I have decided that if Keith (hubby) joins, he will have to be Mr Fisherlady. Tis only right given the site has a Mrs Swordfisherman that it has a Mr Someone or other... Now, how to break this to Keith...

Rebel: Thank you for the welcome. 🙂

So, I've been a busy little beaver scurrying around gathering supplies for our trip. I was lucky enough to be gifted two cast iron skillets. I have been busy cleaning them up, as they had a good bit of surface rust. They are coming up well. A store which I have just discovered is moderated out of being named... did pretty well out of me today. Think camping/outdoors store starting with A... We are planning to take the kids camping during the Easter holidays, (this is helping immensely in covering up my plans for the weekend prior...) so I picked up a double swag for $179 that is usually $499, and a double sleeping bag for us per hubby's request. He tells me it is so we can snuggle and he can keep each me warm. 🤔  🙉🙊🙈

So, changing the topic, we can use the swag for our little Oberon getaway, and then our eldest two can sleep in it over the Easter break. They are at the age where they are a bit too cool to camp in the same tent with Ma and Pa. 🙄 In other breaking news, we have just purchased a large second hand tent, and it would be very helpful if the monsoon would stop so we can set it up and check it out before arriving at a campsite with it and finding we are missing something. Pretty confident the fellow we purchased it from is upstanding, but I'd rather be 100% sure all is ok and we know how to set it up.

Well I best stop rambling and go read some more of your great posts already.

Calm seas and big fish to y'all.

FL/Jenn x

Edited by Fisherlady
Store name moderated out. Ooopsies
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1/0 standard Octopus hook, small sinker (just to hold bottom). If you fish the river and the water is running, you will need a slightly heavier sinker. Correct, no swivel...sinker free to run down to the hook. Take plenty of pics, this is a special moment in your lives, and have a great time. Hope the weather is kind to you. bn

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@Fisherlady I'm looking forward to seeing the report already, as well as hearing about subsequent adventures. Amongst us Raiders, we will be able to suggest you a few.

With 5 kids, you both must be very busy (two keep us on our toes as is)! I'm hoping a family fishing trip will go down well for them as well. It *can* be a cheap and easy form of family entertainment (note the asterisks around 'can' - if you get addicted, you'll soon discover why🤣). With a large family, there could be some opportunities to vary fishing techniques amongst yourselves and work things out really quickly. But leave that for when you get a bit more experience.

When your secret is out, you'll need to get Keith to join as 'Mr Fisherlady' 🤣

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1 hour ago, big Neil said:

small sinker (just to hold bottom).

Correct, no swivel...sinker free to run down to the hook. 

@big Neil Ok. So I've got the no swivel bit figured. Done. Except now my poor overtaxed brain is bugging out saying "your hook will just sit on the bottom and you won't catch any fish". Are we meant to cast out, then slowly reel in? Reel in a bit quicker than slowly? Scratching my head at how ridiculous that sounds.

Also, the the nerdy stickler for detail in me is repeating "What size is small?" Is it the size of a pea, an almond, a grape... What if the size sinker I think is small is not the same size as what Neil thinks is small. I will end up using a sinker too heavy or too light... Maybe there is a sinker conspiracy and it is a closely guarded secret that only those whose feet have begun to grow scales are allowed to know. 🤣

@Little_Flatty Five kids is nuts. Truly. I kid you not. I suspect my warped sense of humour is next in line after my coping strategy of Friday Chardonnay... We are a blended family. Three kids from hubby's first marriage, and two from mine. Spice that up a little with the addition of ADHD x 3 kids & one adult, (that would be me) 🙄 and a co-morbidity of Autism in one of the kids, and sometimes it's only the promise of that beloved Friday night bottle of Chardy that keeps things ticking along. Is it Friday yet? Otherwise I may just run screaming up the street like a possessed lunatic. But there is Chardy on Friday night... So I stay...

I'm not sure it makes much difference after two kids. Two kids in a room creates plenty of action, drama and noise. You know it, and I know it. The cat lady down the street knows it. (Apologies cat lovers) Any extras just seem to blur into the cacophony. Sometimes I think it is easier when there is more. Occasionally they manage to entertain themselves. Once every pancake day, one plays arbitrator/mediator for the others, and blow me down, every once in a while one of them actually sticks up for the parents and reasons on our behalf. True story. Almost think I should offer up a sip of my lovely Chardy when that happens. But I quickly come to my senses and realise I'ma keeping that all to myself.

I'm not sure how much fishing the kids will do. Our youngest two (Mr Fisherlady's two absolutely gorgeous girls, 7 & 9) have a go for a short while occasionally. My youngest fair haired lad has a go here and there. Collectively they are most likely to run amok, swim, kayak and try to light fires to turn perfectly delicious marshmallows into sticky sap oozing charcoal. I suspect my two contributions to the family equation would burn the whole forest down if it were not for the innate knowledge that their beloved PlayStations would disappear forever. Mr ADHD/Autism (my eldest) will stay with his Grandparents. At 15 he is the eldest, and there is no way he is coming camping with the family. He's far too cool for that nonsense. Heaven forbid one should face the ultimate embarrassment of being recognised in public with the family. Even far from home, this is an unfathomable risk one dare not take.

Gumtree is my friend in the cost reduction stakes. I can see that camping (or moreover glamping), boating and fishing can quickly become quite expensive. We will need to content ourselves with budget camping, our second hand kayaks and mostly land based activities for the time being. A tinny is a desire for down the track if one comes up for the right price. (ie as cheap as possible) 🙃

Gosh I'd love to have "Mr Fisherlady" join and contribute, but this may be a challenge. Mr Fisherlady works with computers and tends to avoid them in his downtime. He is stereotypically a fairly reserved kinda guy though he did surprise the heck outta me a few weeks ago when he strolled up to me butt naked on the beach while fishing. Granted it was around 3am on a dark night with not a soul in sight, but still, an impressively bold move that I would never have expected. I was impressed. 🤠 Still, despite this out of character behaviour, I may just have to go ahead and share his comments covertly. 😎


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2 minutes ago, Fisherlady said:

@big Neil Ok. So I've got the no swivel bit figured. Done. Except now my poor overtaxed brain is bugging out saying "your hook will just sit on the bottom and you won't catch any fish". Are we meant to cast out, then slowly reel in? Reel in a bit quicker than slowly? Scratching my head at how ridiculous that sounds.

Also, the the nerdy stickler for detail in me is repeating "What size is small?" Is it the size of a pea, an almond, a grape... What if the size sinker I think is small is not the same size as what Neil thinks is small. I will end up using a sinker too heavy or too light... Maybe there is a sinker conspiracy and it is a closely guarded secret that only those whose feet have begun to grow scales are allowed to know. 🤣

@Little_Flatty Five kids is nuts. Truly. I kid you not. I suspect my warped sense of humour is next in line after my coping strategy of Friday Chardonnay... We are a blended family. Three kids from hubby's first marriage, and two from mine. Spice that up a little with the addition of ADHD x 3 kids & one adult, (that would be me) 🙄 and a co-morbidity of Autism in one of the kids, and sometimes it's only the promise of that beloved Friday night bottle of Chardy that keeps things ticking along. Is it Friday yet? Otherwise I may just run screaming up the street like a possessed lunatic. But there is Chardy on Friday night... So I stay...

I'm not sure it makes much difference after two kids. Two kids in a room creates plenty of action, drama and noise. You know it, and I know it. The cat lady down the street knows it. (Apologies cat lovers) Any extras just seem to blur into the cacophony. Sometimes I think it is easier when there is more. Occasionally they manage to entertain themselves. Once every pancake day, one plays arbitrator/mediator for the others, and blow me down, every once in a while one of them actually sticks up for the parents and reasons on our behalf. True story. Almost think I should offer up a sip of my lovely Chardy when that happens. But I quickly come to my senses and realise I'ma keeping that all to myself.

I'm not sure how much fishing the kids will do. Our youngest two (Mr Fisherlady's two absolutely gorgeous girls, 7 & 9) have a go for a short while occasionally. My youngest fair haired lad has a go here and there. Collectively they are most likely to run amok, swim, kayak and try to light fires to turn perfectly delicious marshmallows into sticky sap oozing charcoal. I suspect my two contributions to the family equation would burn the whole forest down if it were not for the innate knowledge that their beloved PlayStations would disappear forever. Mr ADHD/Autism (my eldest) will stay with his Grandparents. At 15 he is the eldest, and there is no way he is coming camping with the family. He's far too cool for that nonsense. Heaven forbid one should face the ultimate embarrassment of being recognised in public with the family. Even far from home, this is an unfathomable risk one dare not take.

Gumtree is my friend in the cost reduction stakes. I can see that camping (or moreover glamping), boating and fishing can quickly become quite expensive. We will need to content ourselves with budget camping, our second hand kayaks and mostly land based activities for the time being. A tinny is a desire for down the track if one comes up for the right price. (ie as cheap as possible) 🙃

Gosh I'd love to have "Mr Fisherlady" join and contribute, but this may be a challenge. Mr Fisherlady works with computers and tends to avoid them in his downtime. He is stereotypically a fairly reserved kinda guy though he did surprise the heck outta me a few weeks ago when he strolled up to me butt naked on the beach while fishing. Granted it was around 3am on a dark night with not a soul in sight, but still, an impressively bold move that I would never have expected. I was impressed. 🤠 Still, despite this out of character behaviour, I may just have to go ahead and share his comments covertly. 😎


If you look at sinkers in a tackle shop you will see they are identified by either numbers or a weight value. A small sinker would be 0 and 1,2,3,4 are slightly bigger. For the lake (still water) size 1 is ideal whereas for a river you may need size 3. Remember that the fish are NOT likely to be wasting energy swimming against a strong current. Often the edges of rivers are the best option and therefore a smallish sinker will do. Further, if you had a dozen size 1 sinkers, you can put more than one on the line if the current necessitates such action. You are correct in assuming that you just cast in and leave it on the bottom because this set -up is for bait fishing. You can use worms as everything in these freshwater environments eats them. The other type of fishing is using soft plastics  and THESE need to be moved to attract the attention of the target species. Fishing with the lightest possible jig head is best when using soft plastics. NB Soft plastic fishing may be a bit adventurous if you have little fishing experience. Have you used soft plastics before? bn

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@Fisherlady thanks for the laugh! Sounds like some fishing time is just what you both need! Plus the mandatory chardonnay.

There's a number of us here that also have to deal with our childrens' foibles, so apart from enjoying fishing, you'll find plenty of kindred spirits on this community.

No excuses for Mr Fisherlady, there are lots of us who work with computers and are on here! Though I'm not sure he will make an appearance now that we've all heard his beach fishing story...that said, you can edit that out before he joins 🤣

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@big Neil Seems like a trip to the tackle shop to look at sizes of sinkers is in order. I was watching some You Tube video's on Friday night (replete with glass of Chardy in hand), that were talking of where the fish would, and would not be likely to be found, and where to cast your line. Eg in front of a rock so it moves around the rock to where the fish are using the rock for a reprieve from the current, and also the calmer waters on the edges. It also said to look for places where they have cover nearby to dart off to for protection, and to walk upstream.

I haven't fished with Soft or Hard plastics. I have used frozen prawns, self collected yabbies, purchased beach worms and ?pilchards, a fish hubby caught and said it was good bait fish that was cut into many pieces to put chunks of fish around a couple of cms or so on the hook - I think Tailor) So far I have done best with the beach worm catching Whiting. Yum. 

It may be a bit adventurous to try using lures, but I'm an adventurous kinda lass with not much to lose. I'll be enjoying the great outdoors with the sweetest man I have ever known so although it would be thrilling, catching a fish or two won't make or break the trip. Mostly I'd really love to see hubby catch a fish. That is possibly a bit more realistic than thinking I might do so.

For as long as we don't try it, we will remain sad individuals who have never had a go at lure fishing. I always encourage the kids to step outside their comfort zone and give things like this a crack; telling them it doesn't matter if they succeed or fail, so long as they give it their best shot. I explain that many things like this, we can persevere until we have a win. It would be remiss of me, and not a good example to shy away from taking my own advice. Practice what you preach Jenn. Oftentimes it is the preceding struggle and the failures that go with the territory that makes success all the sweeter if/when you finally achieve your objective. I would like to try both bait fishing and lure fishing on this trip. I'm open minded, but not necessarily expecting to be successful at either.  That said, I'll be jolly satisfied that we gave both a shot. I have other plans that will be revealed in the debrief, but hopefully we will get a couple of fishing sessions in. 

I haven't looked yet, but I figure that you do not use a sinker at all when using a soft plastic in this situation. (You have my blessing to ahead and laugh...) I'll likely look back on this one day and laugh myself silly at what a Fisherlady numpty I currently am. 🤣

@Little_Flatty Bahahahaha You are welcome. Laughter is good medicine. Sometimes I think we are all living some huge real life comedy. I'm sure I'm far from alone on that one. When Master 15 was a toddler, it occurred to me the absurdity that I was doing my best to mumble "Get your foot out of my mouth". A lightbulb moment for sure, and I knew then with somewhat of a sinking feeling that there was no choice but to buckle up and hang on for the ride. Add in the extra child I had subsequent to that time, (now Master 13) and Mr Fisherman's three children, and well, the ride has had plenty of twists and turns, thrills and spills. My knuckles have long since turned white. Would I change it? Depends on what moment you ask me. Mostly not. I'm sure many can relate. Raising children is not for the faint of heart. Love them dearly, but by gosh those grey hairs are fast adding up. 

Now, as for Mr Fisherlady... His story of fishing in all his glory will remain documented in these pages for posterity's sake. This thoroughly good man with a heart of gold deserves a place in history, even if it is just for getting his gear off. 😂 Besides, I didn't share the multitude of pictures I covertly took, and have done my due diligence in keeping them  hidden from the family album. No need to shock Great Aunt Beryl...


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Check out YouTube videos relating to soft plastic fishing for the types of fish you are likely to encounter at Oberon. Everything is different from the bait fishing experience. Whatever you decide to do with this fishing adventure will be a worthwhile learning experience, as the methods learned are readily transferable to saltwater fishing.


God luck, have fun.bn

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A few years back I did a number of trips in a row to Lake Oberon. It was just bait fishing from the bank.

I just drove to a public access spot and walked a kilometre or so around the foreshore from there. Early morn8ng or late evening preferred, but not essential.

My rig was:

spinning rod

6lb line

size 6 hook

worms and Berkeley Powerbait for bait.

sugar cubes for sinkers

The deal behind the sugar cubes is that you drill holes in them, thread 3 or so on your line, and cast out. The sugar promptly dissolves in the water giving you a completely weightless line - advantageous because the trout were wary and would typically drop the line as soon as they felt resistance. You still need some weight to cast, however, depending on lake level and where the fish were lying it could be quite a long cast.

So I would just cast out, put the rod down with the bail open, and get ready to respond when I see the line being stripped from the reel. 

It was successful but not exactly exciting fishing.

A friend used to do very well at Oberon by lure fishing off the bank. He used to go to a deeper spot on private property, and cast Tassie Devils. He would cast out, then count down as the lure sinks, then wind in. He would hit a different depth by counting a second or two longer each time until he had success, then he would stay fishing at that depth. Don’t be put off by private property - I’ve found that if you find the owner’s house and approach respectfully you rarely get denied permission to fish.



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6 minutes ago, Volitan said:

A few years back I did a number of trips in a row to Lake Oberon. It was just bait fishing from the bank.

I just drove to a public access spot and walked a kilometre or so around the foreshore from there. Early morn8ng or late evening preferred, but not essential.

My rig was:

spinning rod

6lb line

size 6 hook

worms and Berkeley Powerbait for bait.

sugar cubes for sinkers

The deal behind the sugar cubes is that you drill holes in them, thread 3 or so on your line, and cast out. The sugar promptly dissolves in the water giving you a completely weightless line - advantageous because the trout were wary and would typically drop the line as soon as they felt resistance. You still need some weight to cast, however, depending on lake level and where the fish were lying it could be quite a long cast.

So I would just cast out, put the rod down with the bail open, and get ready to respond when I see the line being stripped from the reel. 

It was successful but not exactly exciting fishing.

A friend used to do very well at Oberon by lure fishing off the bank. He used to go to a deeper spot on private property, and cast Tassie Devils. He would cast out, then count down as the lure sinks, then wind in. He would hit a different depth by counting a second or two longer each time until he had success, then he would stay fishing at that depth. Don’t be put off by private property - I’ve found that if you find the owner’s house and approach respectfully you rarely get denied permission to fish.



Thanks Volitan, that's very interesting.

I'm assuming your powerbait sinks? I think the stuff I've used in the past floats.

Thanks for the tip re private property. To be honest in a lot of freshwater locations, I'm confused as to what is private and what is public. So I'm kind of stuck before I even reach square one!

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2 minutes ago, Little_Flatty said:

Thanks Volitan, that's very interesting.

I'm assuming your powerbait sinks? I think the stuff I've used in the past floats.

Thanks for the tip re private property. To be honest in a lot of freshwater locations, I'm confused as to what is private and what is public. So I'm kind of stuck before I even reach square one!

Use the sinking stuff. That’s if it’s still available. Usually fluoro yellow or pink pellets - or the paste.

re private property - if uncertain just go to the nearest farmhouse and ask. Most farmers love a chat and will tell you who owns what. In the dozens of times I have asked for permission to fish here or in NZ I can only remember being refused twice (once was lambing, once was in a drought and didn’t want my car on his land for fire reasons).

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1 hour ago, motiondave said:


I give out worms for bait to work colleagues and I stash them in the work fridge :D


😂🤣😅🤣:risata:Love it!

@motiondave Thank you for reaching out.

Sounds like we would have a bit to talk about in relation to raising boys etc. It's good that you give your wife an opportunity for a reprieve. As much as we love our babies, it can become a bit much sometimes if there is no breaking up the everyday. (and that is putting it as diplomatically as I can...) It is helpful for everyone if Momma gets a break.

Ironically I had just been looking into figuring out where to get earthworms from, if my hopes of finding some in my garden failed tomorrow morning. I was thinking that after our camping trips are done, that I would look into setting up a worm farm. I've done compost worms before, but never regular worms. An opportunity to meet you would be much more interesting however, and I would like to take you up on your kind offer thank you.

I will send you a pm and we can go from there.



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One small tip I will give about earth worms.

When you get to your designated fishing area get a bucket full of local dirt and put the worms in it for at least 5 hours or so.

It may sound strange but fish bite better on local worms as the soil content changes from place to place.

Just as a SUB to this . Experts can tell where a gold nugget has been produced from different locations by soil content.

Believe it or not.


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A few years back I did a number of trips in a row to Lake Oberon. It was just bait fishing from the bank.

I just drove to a public access spot and walked a kilometre or so around the foreshore from there. Early morn8ng or late evening preferred, but not essential.

My rig was:

spinning rod

6lb line

size 6 hook

worms and Berkeley Powerbait for bait.

sugar cubes for sinkers

The deal behind the sugar cubes is that you drill holes in them, thread 3 or so on your line, and cast out. The sugar promptly dissolves in the water giving you a completely weightless line - advantageous because the trout were wary and would typically drop the line as soon as they felt resistance. You still need some weight to cast, however, depending on lake level and where the fish were lying it could be quite a long cast.



An interesting tip about the sugar cubes, thanks for sharing it Volitan.    bn

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Welcome aboard @Fisherlady, I’m at Tennyson (Kurrajong area)if you feel like a run down Bells rd, I’d love to catch-up and would be very happy to take you out on some saltwater species (Kingies, Jewies, Flatties etc) but also Hawkesbury species (Bass, perch, Flatties and bream). A bit of a hop step and a jump from Oberon, but I’m retired, so not weekends are quieter on the road as well as the water.

Send me a pm if you like.


Bob (Pickles)

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